enjoy each day while you can...

WOW! Driving slower in that kind of weather helps. May get there a little later but that is better than not getting there at all..........EVER.
When I was younger I did not let bad weather slow me down, still went the speed limit or higher at all times. Now, soon as soon as the road gets a bit slushy I slow down. Aint worth getting vaporized.....
The thing that Gets me is the filmer stops right in the road on a road that even the shoulders are unsafe. If 2 cars behind them are side by side then they're going to get hit for sure.
Highway harshness.I always go slow. A semi will hurt a any speed.
That is just beyond words. That second pickup? coming our way looks like he squeaked by, got swiped by the ban body on the way by. I'll bet there were a FEW people hyperventilating after that one.

Snow, ice, way way WAY too fast. When I had to commute to Spokane/ back, and even now on "thee news," on a slick morning/ evening, MOST of the "drive offs" into the ditch are FOUR WHEEL DRIVE SUV's
Being an adjuster I HATE having to work claims for this kind of thing...it's not easy.
Pretty sure everyone in that entire video was going 20 +mph TOO fast for conditions... I really have a hard time sympathizing with people who drive stupid and kill themselves and others. Call me callous I guess.