Favorite 80' s rock and roll band, only good stuff..need apply.

I'm a little confused since I think I see some being named that, as far as I know, aren't from the 80s.
They predate it.
And copy clones don't count.
Cow punk was new, wasn't it?
And the question says "bands".

Now this, formed in 81, counts.

And this.


Adriver: Keeping it real since 1974
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Of coarse I have to mention
Yngwie J Malmsteen
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Slaughter was an awesome group to see live.....

Prince was in his infancy and the list could go on and on....

A one hit wonder Y&T with summer time girls
I saw Y&T a few years ago .
They rocked and were super cool and humble !
Signed autographs , and spent time with the audience after the show .
My favorite song they do is midnight in Tokyo.
ToTo, is good BUT Pink floyd is my favorite.
Pink Floyd
Listen how tight the music is on Child's Anthem, Really amazing IMO.
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Maiden will always hold the top spot for me in metal. Still, I liked Slaughter, Firehouse, always thought Winger was underrated, liked a lot of hair and glam stuff, but have always been into so many different styles and types of music.
I saw Y&T a few years ago .
They rocked and were super cool and humble !
Signed autographs , and spent time with the audience after the show .
My favorite song they do is midnight in Tokyo.

I saw Y&T back in the day and they were awesome. Ace Frehley opened for them!
I have an affinity for 3 man bands, and one of the best in that rhealm is Triumph! Rick Emmet is a tour de force when it comes to making his share of sound, just a great guitarist, and a great singer to boot! I will go on to say Rush as well, and of course, the main man of the 80's was Ronnie James Dio. His stage presence, and his spot on vocals were the stuff of legend!
Went to Tampa stadium and seen the Animals Tour back in the day, love me some Pink Floyd :thumbsup:

Yep, agreement there Mike. Saw them in three decades, and have seen many bands over the decades. The advantage of being old. LOL
I have an affinity for 3 man bands, and one of the best in that rhealm is Triumph! Rick Emmet is a tour de force when it comes to making his share of sound, just a great guitarist, and a great singer to boot! I will go on to say Rush as well, and of course, the main man of the 80's was Ronnie James Dio. His stage presence, and his spot on vocals were the stuff of legend!
And don't forget ELP.
The ONLY cool thing in music during the 80's

Wanna see a true professional switch out a guitar. ...watch the second video....2 minutes long...just watch.


Yeah, watched Stevie all three times he was on Austin City Limits. Been trying to find those DVD's of those shows...... Would snatch up in a heartbeat!