"Getting bombed," a whole new meaning, LOL



Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2010
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Our National Guard got a little off course and "practice bombed" the parking lot of a Maryland tavern.........

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kbo-FUKyeNY"]MD. Military 'Practice' Bomb Lands In Bar Parking Lot - YouTube[/ame]
Monique is da bomb.
Yep . Monique can interview me anytime . But on the National Guard's behalf , S&%T happens .
Well the LEAST they could'ha done is hit the "target," LOL
"they avoided any densely populated areas"...

That's because they were trying to aviod getting into trouble.

Like when you did something wrong as a kid, you stayed out and played, not go home and wait to get in trouble....
What's wrong with that?
It was just a little bomb for crying out loud.
Well, that sure gave those customers something to talk about for the next 3 months while they're slumped over their beer!.....not to mention all the news media attention!
Here in NJ, our Air National Guard strafed an elementary school with its Gatling gun. Left holes all over the roof. Thank God it was a Sunday and no one was there.
good thing it didnt hit a person or car. those practice bombs are NOT light