getting screw on a part from fabo no-no

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Does some one have the ad where it represented the heads as freshly machined? I didn't see that part, unless it was removed.
This is the second time in the past couple weeks that I've read about a deal from one FABO member to another, where someone is getting screwed and the guy in the wrong has no intention of making it right. One recent transaction involves almost $2000.00 and people that know him are still chatty and friendly with him, as if he did nothing wrong. Makes me f'n sick...

We as a community need to stand up to bullsh!t like this, and hold them accountable. Call them out by forum name and RL name. If they don't make things right, then spread the word. Moparts, Yellow Bullet, Big Block Dart, FBBO, FEBO - anywhere this person might go to continue ripping people off.

If we allow this to go on, and look the other way, then what is this community really worth? Nothing.
Well.....we still only have one side. That's what worries me. The seller apparantly has no intent to try to make it right or even cares.
I would be pissed off if what was agreed on, was not delivered on 100% by both sides.

Misunderstandings often occur, its how you resolve them that defines you.

If you say 100% correct and it is not, then do the right thing and eat any resulting costs.

Seller, chime in so we can hear your side of the story.
the heads were represented as factory cast 2.02 j heads , I don't want a cut set these are for my buddies 68 dart. 100% what im looking for 2nd Dart 67 is the acused as we all know threw the thread , your abolustey right 451 this is rong we don't need scams in here THIS IS OUR FABO FAMILY . people these are the facts I have stated if 2nd Dart 67 would come and tell you his side I want to SEE HIM BACPEDAL OUT THIS. but you are the jury we need a verdidt by tomoroo weather I am wrong ,or rite .we need to establish this ruling or we have an open junk sale
and open to scams like this we have a lot of info here but I sure would like to here his side in the room FOR FABO TO SET A PRESEDENCE FOR BUISSNESS. this is the statement from WINSTON IN WISC . I have my granddaughter now so I am goin off for some true enjoyment . thanks FABO FAMILY let me know if I am outa place ,
our do you smell a scam by 2nd Dart 67. this is all I have for now , except our pms
wich I wish I new how to post. if we need them I will get posted .
There were lots of U and J castings with the same casting number. Same heads except for the letter difference.

If I bought matching J heads then I would expect to get matching J heads. Anything less would not be what I wanted.

the heads were represented as factory cast 2.02 j heads , I don't want a cut set these are for my buddies 68 dart. 100% what im looking for 2nd Dart 67 is the acused as we all know threw the thread , your abolustey right 451 this is rong we don't need scams in here THIS IS OUR FABO FAMILY . people these are the facts I have stated if 2nd Dart 67 would come and tell you his side I want to SEE HIM BACPEDAL OUT THIS. but you are the jury we need a verdidt by tomoroo weather I am wrong ,or rite .we need to establish this ruling or we have an open junk sale
and open to scams like this we have a lot of info here but I sure would like to here his side in the room FOR FABO TO SET A PRESEDENCE FOR BUISSNESS. this is the statement from WINSTON IN WISC . I have my granddaughter now so I am goin off for some true enjoyment . thanks FABO FAMILY let me know if I am outa place ,
our do you smell a scam by 2nd Dart 67. this is all I have for now , except our pms
wich I wish I new how to post. if we need them I will get posted .

I will post them if you want to forward them to me. I just sent you the information on how to forward them.
well I would like to just say that when you are dealing with people, there are always different opinions. What I think is good may not be acceptable to other people. visa versa. So I believe that when you are buying something or selling something, it is always best to ask for pics and ask questions. I have bought a lot of stuff here and sold a lot of stuff here and I have never gotten a bad deal nor I have never gave anyone anything other than what I described. at least to my knowledge. I would suggest that people who buy stuff, ask for pics. ask in detail what you are expecting. Then if it goes the other way, at least there is no room for error. I am in the process of buying a quarter window from Don. Even though he sent pics, I told him I do not want scratches in the glass and make sure the rubber is not shrunk up at the bottom. Guys............take the time to protect yourself. ask questions, get pics, tell them what you expect. my .02 worth.
Does some one have the ad where it represented the heads as freshly machined? I didn't see that part, unless it was removed.
It could be rob heres what it says at the bottom of the post Last edited by 2nd Dart 67; 04-18-2013 at 02:58 PM. Reason: parts sold
915 head is a 915 head, except for the T/A head with altered pushrod holes.

People call them J heads, that's what I call them regardless of letter. The J, O, U are all the same basic castings. They were installed on cars with any mix of letters during the 1970-72 model years.

I hope you get it resolved.
915 head is a 915 head, except for the T/A head with altered pushrod holes.

People call them J heads, that's what I call them regardless of letter. The J, O, U are all the same basic castings. They were installed on cars with any mix of letters during the 1970-72 model years.

I hope you get it resolved.

this is the day to cast your verdict 1 or a few or our pms should be put up for my closing statement,.sorry this has been so hard to read at points .I cannot make 2nd Dart 67, Mike Anderson come out and state his side so I will have parts of it printed for him ,the pictures have been submitted , my side has been told , Now it time for you to set a ruling on who should pay for parts sold to you ,that you were asked to ship back for a full refund ,. Who is responsible return shipping fees. SCEREWED IN FABO part I is in general discusions forum from fridat night and yestrerday so by tonight I would like you STAND UP FOR YOURSELVES, and make a decision , was I misrepresented in my parts he sold me,or am I wrong for this bull ****. if you get screwed who should be responsible for return shipping on junk parts and scams . or is this a e bay junk sale or a place for scammers to slip in . thanks all it will be interesting if nothing else . thanks Jon- winstoninwisc I may have opened a can of worms ,but this is the first time ive ever been screwed in FABO! if I ever screwed you state it ,we don't need it here !!! Please verdict by 7 pm west coast time please this should be posted in RULES!!
If I was to send a bad set :eek:ops: they do not match :wack: I would send all your cost I put you threw and so should he.... he knew what he did... and needed cash at the time.............. JMO and thought on this............. memike...
this is the second time in the past couple weeks that i've read about a deal from one fabo member to another, where someone is getting screwed and the guy in the wrong has no intention of making it right. One recent transaction involves almost $2000.00 and people that know him are still chatty and friendly with him, as if he did nothing wrong. Makes me f'n sick...

We as a community need to stand up to bullsh!t like this, and hold them accountable. Call them out by forum name and rl name. If they don't make things right, then spread the word. Moparts, yellow bullet, big block dart, fbbo, febo - anywhere this person might go to continue ripping people off.

If we allow this to go on, and look the other way, then what is this community really worth? Nothing.
x2.....3....and 4.
that dude needs to make this deal 100% right. they weren't what they were supposed to be and beat all to hell to boot.
You folks do realize that you are not supposed to be posting pm's........
He should make it right. But that's all. What are YOU after though? Do you want it just made right, or are you trying to hurt the guy? Seems to me you have more than justice on your mind. Seems like vengence. I mean I don't really give a damn about this enough to get PMs from you on it. It just seems like you're really trying to acheive more than simply getting your money back. You want your money back and give the guy a black eye. Believe me, he's done that part all on his own. You need to remember, what goes around comes around. All I would want is what I was out and not a damn thing more. You keep goin like you are and there won't be one son of a ***** on this site that'll do business with you for a thing because they'll not want this kind of treatment. I'm all for you getting everything you were out. It wasn't right. But you need to be careful. You may end up with more than you asked for.
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