happy b day pettybludart

Happy Birthday Scott!!..............ROCK AND ROLL!!...........Have an EXCELLENT DAY!!..........Enjoy
A little late,Happy Birthday Scott.Sounds ya had a good one.:eek:ccasion::eek:ccasion::eek:ccasion:
Well, once again I leave for a few days and you all go and have a party!!! I feel like your parents here!!!LOL!!! Hope your birthday was the best Scott, and if you spent it with Haelee and the park, I'm sure it was!! Now, how can you be a moderator and go and have a party behind my back??? You're grounded until all the party fixin's are cleaned up...and by the looks of the party site, thats gonna be awhile!!! Geof
Happy Belated B'day :eek:ccasion: Hope it was great :eek:ccasion: