hard time getting motivated

Man, you hit the nail on the head! It took me almost as long to motivate myself to crawl under the Duster and start grinding away at the surface rust than it did to actually do it...and I would crawl out from under (then at age 55) and ask myself very blatantly "WTF do you think you're doing at this age?" The only way I got through it was motivating myself with resto threads here and thinking "If he can do it, so can I". It will only get harder as you get older. 'Baby steps' is what I used to tell myself...a little bit every night, and then I can quit...I finally got the entire underside cleaned and painted but it took the better part of two years laying on the concrete. Ugh.
I know what you all mean.
I'm almost 53 and have learned how to pace myself.
Sometimes, i just can't get the motivation to do even small things around the house or work on my cars. But, that only goes so far, and it all has to be done eventually.
I really have to push myself sometimes to get out of the house and get things done.
Then, after it's over, i'm happy that i pushed myself to do the task.
This website as well as a few friends, motivate me to go further.
I tend to try to break it down into little jobs rather than looking at it as one big project.
Working shift work and not getting enough sleep sometimes stalls me as well as my aches and pains/mobility........
But, at the end of the day, i do get things accomplished slowly but surely!
Rome wasn't built in a day........
At 56 I dread getting under there, but once I get under there and get going I just keep going until I'm done.
56 here too. My biggest problem IS getting under there, big belly gets in the way. Had to have somebody else tow the Dart to their shop, put it on the lift, and pull the tranny for me because I couldn't get it high enough off the ground to get my big arse under the tranny. Lol
I realize that this can't apply to everyone because each person has their own set of "circumstances". But this basically is how I try to make it through life. Gotta try do something you enjoy, even if it's not car related. Just know your limits and, if necessary, adjust accordingly.


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O K I got a solutuion! this winter when it cold out, and guys down south need help and motivation, i'll pack up and go spend a few weeks motivating and help wrenching! Fl , Tx La, I eat LOTS of shrimp and crawdads!! LOL

before I moved the s w Missour , I lived in N W Missouri (25 yrs). I had several good mopar buds that where always available to help on a project if needed. I don't have any body really close by here to do that. it really puts a damper on enthusiasm not having Mopar help close by!

I really think the key to all this, is having a car to drive and enjoy. for me it does not have to be finished, just safe to drive to a cruise-in, to work, whatever., a " work in progress" is fine with me........ I give rats *** what anyone else will think of it actually.... if it makes me feel good about my hobby, that's what counts for me....
O K I got a solutuion! this winter when it cold out, and guys down south need help and motivation, i'll pack up and go spend a few weeks motivating and help wrenching! Fl , Tx La, I eat LOTS of shrimp and crawdads!! LOL

before I moved the s w Missour , I lived in N W Missouri (25 yrs). I had several good mopar buds that where always available to help on a project if needed. I don't have any body really close by here to do that. it really puts a damper on enthusiasm not having Mopar help close by!

I really think the key to all this, is having a car to drive and enjoy. for me it does not have to be finished, just safe to drive to a cruise-in, to work, whatever., a " work in progress" is fine with me........ I give rats *** what anyone else will think of it actually.... if it makes me feel good about my hobby, that's what counts for me....

Amen Brother and since the Corporate Jets in the shop will a Greyhound voucher be ok to get you over here.
Amen Brother and since the Corporate Jets in the shop will a Greyhound voucher be ok to get you over here.

hey i'll just drive my truck down!!! remind me next WINTER! and I can put away a lot of shrimp!! LOL I road a GREYHOUD once years back, quite any experience I don't want again!!LOL
hey i'll just drive my truck down!!! remind me next WINTER! and I can put away a lot of shrimp!! LOL I road a GREYHOUD once years back, quite any experience I don't want again!!LOL

Awwwwww C'mon,
I've ridden em too but finest folks on the planet Go Greyhound.

Fugitives-----Illegals-----Terrorists-----and those fresh out of prison.
....you can save what energy you have for crawling under cars!

Shouldn't that read ....you can save what energy you have by crawling under cars?

You know, catch a power nap without worrying about sunburn? Also, there are no "honey do s" when she doesn't know where you are and can't see you. But if you snore, you're buzzard bait.

There's lots of helpful advice here using Mopar projects to help with what sounds like depression. Don't worry, not everyone needs treatment. A lot of the time people pop out of their funk and get on with things.

A fellow I worked for used to tell me, "Being old isn't so bad, but getting old is not for sissies."
We need an a body raffle for sale too AARP members (old darts) for a lift, installed!

All proceeds go to the home for wayward A bodies.
ive had the duster up on jackstands for 3 weeks to pull tailshaft for a new bushing.at 54 im not to excited about rolling around on concrete,with two bad knees and a hip giving me problems,30 years of hvac has taken a toll on my body,anyone one else having a hard time getting motivated? i wish i would have put in a lift 25 years ago when i built my garage

Me too.
Lots of times I wish lots of things I had done 25 years ago.
But at the time I couldn't "afford" it.
back about 1990 when I was bout 42, I was having trouble having enough wind. went to doc, tells me I have pulmonary fibrosis, I will die. when? he can't say exactly. so I made my mind up ( even further), to do the things in life I want. so I did..... eventually I figure out his diagnosius was WRONG!! he moved his office, didn't remember his name... of well......

so I am glad I followed by dreams when I was young enough to do them. if I had been more "money, retirement" oriented, I would have more now to do things with. BUT, if I now had MORE parts money, would I have the strength to work hard enough to get them on!!???? LOL

I now at age 67 measure my car progress with less expectations!! LOL yes, it would be simplier to have just a car or two, but I never was one of those.
Man, if I were close I'd install the bushing for you. I turn 50 next Friday. Got a bad right knee, bad back, sore joints. Hurts like hell sometimes to get up and down underneath my Duster. I work on a fleet of cars and truck on my regular job, then come home and gotta work some more! Geez! I take the GNC joint pack for my sore joints and it works wonders! A little yoga and stretching helps. I hit the weights too. Not too heavy, just to keep the blood and circulation working. Anybody close to this guy that can help him?
I don't let the age thing beat me down. If you give in your dead. I'm 65 have had some pretty rough jobs and a back surgery . I don't get up as fast as I did ,point is I get up.
After I sold my Hemi from the Dart I repainted the engine bay. I don't have a shop so I work out of a 15x 25 car stall crap everywhere from the Dart. I have a 470 I bought setting about three feet from the Dart , most guys would be jumping up and down to put the two together , I 'm usually a pretty motivated person so I don't know what the deal is.
Think we need to form a new city and everybody move there so we can all help with each other's projects.

speaking of lifts, When I was building my "Car shop", just a area I built next to my 900 square foot wood shop, I ordered a lift, cant remember from whom, and part of the deal they were to install it. So, I get lift delivered, weeks go by, Finally they come out to install, "Sorry, the concrete pads are not thick enough! how the heck they knew that was beyond me!. The pads were poured per there plans. Well long story short, sent them packing and no lift now! Bummer. MT
...wrong side of 60 for me and decided to get rid of most of my parts.Took everything to the flea market this Spring and sold everything cheap except the hard to find parts that i wanted to keep...just put a hi price on those items.
Have all the hard pieces to find set aside for one more project but i doubt it will ever happen.
Never re-newed my flea market spot this year...interest is waining other than driving my cars.
..changing a centre section from a creeper is not easy anymore,hope to be down to one car by autumn
Moparmitch, There is a place in North Carolina that was being built in a retirement village style.For the life of me I can't remember the name BUT it was for car buffs and included a club house and a several bay shop with lifts and what not.My wife is trying to locate it on the web.At one time we really thought about it.

Found it ! Called Hawks Hill Collector Car Community. Don't know if it ever happened , that was around "06 .
Moparmitch, There is a place in North Carolina that was being built in a retirement village style.For the life of me I can't remember the name BUT it was for car buffs and included a club house and a several bay shop with lifts and what not.My wife is trying to locate it on the web.At one time we really thought about it.

Found it ! Called Hawks Hill Collector Car Community. Don't know if it ever happened , that was around "06 .

That's pretty cool !! I'm really surprised that that didn't happen sooner. Back in the 70's and 80's there was a place nearby me that had inside bays and tools and a lift or two for guys to rent.Had about 20 work spaces inside. It was called Auto U Fix It. It was $3 an hour to rent the space AND tools. It all went away though when Insurance regs got too high to make it profitable and rental prices went up.
That's pretty cool !! I'm really surprised that that didn't happen sooner. Back in the 70's and 80's there was a place nearby me that had inside bays and tools and a lift or two for guys to rent.Had about 20 work spaces inside. It was called Auto U Fix It. It was $3 an hour to rent the space AND tools. It all went away though when Insurance regs got too high to make it profitable and rental prices went up.

there is a business in springfield, mo. that has similar set up. there is a retired mechanic that runs it, you use the shop, lift, tools,, etc and he givers a advice and some help./ I just saw it on TV. they do charge a reasonable fee for all this, but sounds like a great idea.

I think the hardest part of getting "older" is just admitting I am not physically able to do all I used to do ands want to do now. if I had the disposable income, I would "farm out" some work on my cars, but it is all I can do to afford the high priced crap Chinese parts!
a month ago, a car rolled of the jack stand and hit me in the shoulder ( I was under it) . luckily all the tires were up or i'd be dead. yea, dirt floor, floor jack, and should have had it on more than one jack stand. it tore my should ligament, lot better now, then week ago my back went south, but I still go to my part time ) parts paying) job, and work on the cars as I can. I refuse to give up completely.

basically, for instance , if t takes me 3 days to droop an engine/trans in and get it all hooked up, instead of getting it done in a day as it USED to, I just figure O K, I pay myself by the HOUR!! LOL

I don't get that much done, and my enthusiasm goes up and down some, but
thanks for all the encouragement,ill get it done eventually.getting older sucks