Hasn't been a good year at all. Whats next?



Going left turning right
FABO Gold Member
Jan 8, 2009
Reaction score
Danielsville Pa. 18038
I went under the knife in Wednesday to remove a lump in my throat . Test came back today it's Cancer. Life has dealt me some very hard times and struggles that I have always overcome. Can't get any worse, Or can it?

losing my voice now really sucks. Bought a FXDL low rider. Riding takes my mind off of things. Next week I am going to buy a Road king to take the long ride and see the country. Just something I always wanted to do.

I probably won't be getting as much done here between treatments. Neck is really sore now the meds are wearing off and really hard to swallow. so its liquids only.

My daughter is a registered nurse and is going to start me on some natural cures she is aware of. I don't know if it will help but it keeps hope alive in every ones eyes.

Not much else to say except I'll fight this all I can. New technology maybe on my side. Or is it just a dream we are dealt in the game of life. Thanks for listening Steve
Damn. I've read some of your stuff I know you've worked hard all your life. Sucks, now, to not enjoy some of it. Hang in positive thoughts. Sounds to me like you have a great family.
Man sorry to read this. I know you were sick a few years back then wrecked your car, now this. Take it easy Steve, I pray for the best outcome for you.
Keep on fighting man, modern medicine can amazing sometimes and there's every chance you can beat this thing.

It's like an old rusty bolt that will only turn a 1/8 turn at a time with all your strength. As long as you keep making the effort and don't give up, you will overcome it and win.
Stand strong. A old friend has battled throat cancer twice bit has been cancer free for many years.
Kitty and sendin prayers. You know you are loved on here.
will send a prayer out for you ..i know a few people you have won the same battle.... be positive and continue to enjoy every day god bless
My best friend beat it, you can too. Lucky to have a family member to support and give help along with modern medicine. Where you headed on your ride?
Sorry to hear about the "C" diagnosis, enjoy the future as you've said you would and keep us in the loop!
You can do it Steve. One day at a time. It'll be awesome getting to ride all over this great country of ours.

Prayers going up for you.
Sorry to hear your trials !
I pray for healing and blessings
I hope you enjoy the bike and all the things you enjoy !
Life is short , this is not a dress rehearsal.
I hope your days are blessed .
Each day is a gift .
God Bless
Best wishes on a full recovery, and enjoy the long ride in the meantime!
prayers sent for a full recovery. please stay s trong and keep up the fight.

I thank God every day for another day and a beautiful day.
Never give up no matter what, have a great support system around you always. I can't at I know what you are going through but I know the feeling. I am dealing with needing a liver transplant, so I know the ups and downs of everyday living. I am so thankful to God every day I wake up and am also thankful for a wife that has such a positive attitude. It is an emotional rollercoaster every day. May God Bless You each and every day and live each day the best you can. Most of all please keep your faith, God does wonderful things. I wish you well, Brian (scampman)
Never give up no matter what, have a great support system around you always. I can't at I know what you are going through but I know the feeling. I am dealing with needing a liver transplant, so I know the ups and downs of everyday living. I am so thankful to God every day I wake up and am also thankful for a wife that has such a positive attitude. It is an emotional rollercoaster every day. May God Bless You each and every day and live each day the best you can. Most of all please keep your faith, God does wonderful things. I wish you well, Brian (scampman)
Hang in there Brian. My wife's brother had late stage liver cancer and was awaiting a liver transplant for the past 2 years. We have been his sole support and been through every up and down including an aborted transplant last year, a missed one this Spring (second on the list) and more.

Just when he decided it was probably never going to happen and began to face his end (MELD score through the roof)...a liver came available and he got it, 8 weeks ago.

The surgery was a success and despite the recovery pain (and ups and downs) we have finally arrived at the place where he is able to drive again and begin his life anew. Sure, he's always going to need to do things differently and carefully with the risks of infection, etc. But his life is his own again and the future is an unwritten slate...as it should be.

The only fate is what we make. Luck is simply opportunity meeting preparation. Faith and positive attitude is what keeps us on the path so that we may find those opportunities that meet our preparation...and make the most of them.