Here’s a block you don’t see everyday



FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Apr 20, 2016
Reaction score
Freeport, PA.
I’m kinda lucky that over the years people call me when they are buying or selling parts. I find some great deals and see things I didn’t even know were still out there floating around. I was offered this one earlier this week from a friend that knows a guy. It took a bad hit at the bottom of a couple of bores but was told it checked out ok. Still kinda neat to see. Supposed it still be a 318 bore size.
Morning, for us dummy’s , what makes it unusual?
I’m on my phone, small and blurry eyes looking. I can see it (barely) but the pan rails are filled. Yup! “X” block. That’s a keeper. Sonic check the thickness of the walls! Who knows how far you can go?!?!

Bushed lifter bores... BONUS!!!!
didn't they put a "X" on the front of the block? at least that's what I thought our old block had.'course, seeing as how the memory ain't what it used to be, I could be wrong.
those hits on the bottom of the bores will not hurt (unless a hugh stroke)
no x on the block?
wish the bushings were a little taller
Well he said 1200.00 so if I wait maybe it will drop a couple hundred. Anyone looking for some used parts.
It's hard to tell if the pan rails are filled or not. A photo of the front of the block would tell what It is.
It's hard to tell if the pan rails are filled or not. A photo of the front of the block would tell what It is.

If you look close, you can see the filled pan rail in the first picture.

Also, those are 1/2 bolts in the outer holes. If the pan rails weren't filled they would break right through.
Most folks dont want to know what it costs to bush lifter bores, let a lone add the extra bolts, then add the better block..

1,200 won't even get you in the door.

I'd buy it and be happy as a pig in ****.