Hot Rod Mags all talk about banning our cars

Although it wouldn't surprise me that some dog **** POWER TRIP legislation would pass on a federal level , I also recognise just how FU*KING stupid it would be on the honky politicians' part to try to FU*K with the easily-targeted car folks AGAIN !!

Really , these bullshit environmental laws and regulations are nothing more than money-making ( e.g. , TAXES ) schemes . If these *** hats *actually* cared about pollution ( etc. ) , they would target the following :

1. Manufactures of electronic crap . These nerds keep pushing this new-but-outdated-by-the-time-you-can-buy-it iPods , et al. , only to have the crap wear-out in a scant few months to one year .
CHINA gets the "old" electronic garbage , and has a giant bonfire and burns all of those toxic chemicals , right into "our" atmosphere !!!

2. Driver's Licenses . STOP giving licenses to just anyone who has a pulse ( except in Hemet , Sun City and Miami ) , but isn't qualified to operate a popcorn machine !!!

Out here in Taxifornia , we pay at least 40 cents / gallon in taxes , and that's for gasoline (!!) The poor bastards that own diesel-powered vehicles pay even more , not to mention the "Road Tax" that every diesel-powered vehicle pays for regardless of its weight or intended use !!!
Back to the original point : at that much in god damned taxes , these fu*king roads should be smoother than a baby's *** ; not one single pot hole anywhere !!!

Sitting , idling , in stupid , gridlocked traffic does nothing more than unnecessarily burn hydrocarbons into the air ; wastes precious gas and diesel ; causes extraordinary wear and tear on the motors ; and inflames peoples' irritation levels , so that when traffic clears , they have to go 80+ mph to "make-up" for lost time !!!!


STOP FUC*ING WITH OUR HOBBY , you **** assed , honky , co*k-sucking , politicians !!!!

Come and take my car . I dare you . :thebirdm: !
You'll be met by one angry Blue Collar son-of-a-***** , whom WILL blow your god damned head off :thebirdm::thebirdm::thebirdm::thebirdm::thebirdm::thebirdm::thebirdm::thebirdm::thebirdm::thebirdm::thebirdm::thebirdm::thebirdm:


And a big one too!! Dang, Son you dont need a soapbox, you need a barge!
Joined , done & done .

Thanks much for the links !!

As far as my harangue : everything I stated therein is 110% heartfelt . I'm far from being a "true" ( e.g. , contemporary ) conservative , but am also far -- VERY far -- from being some **** assed liberal ; I'm more of a libertarian than anything : socially liberal , fiscally conservative .

Politics is nothing more than a power game , a power struggle ; and we , the enthusiasts , the working class ( esp. my Blue Collar Brothers ! ) , the realists , are getting screwed .

As has been said before by other members , as well as myself , we , as automotive enthusiasts MUST be considered as ONE , whether your choice of transportation is a Chevy , Ford , AMC , EMF , Renault , Fiat , et al. , we absolutely MUST band-together and fight the REAL enemies : honky pig politicians !

Now , as a side note : I throw the term "honky" around with much largesse ; I use it in contemporary terms : a "honky" is an out-of-touch , arrogant , materialistically-wealthy , piss-on-the-working-class , pig ... regardless of their ethnicity .
There are some older friends of mine whom are life-long Jazz musicians -- all of them of African-descent -- whom call me by the "N"-word .
They're using it in the capacity of " you're another working class mother f'er like us . A peon to society ... " .
They're right .

Gotta go now ... the topic's getting rail roaded by me at this point ... I apologise . This thread's original topic is a truly sore subject to me ( as well as my fellow car
enthusiasts ) .
Thanks all and I hope more of you support this action and get involved, it one takes a few minutes.

In WY we even got our Dem Governor to support hot Rodding and have special plates and exemptions.

it will work, but dont piss it off, take a few minutes for all our sakes.

Thanks Dave

PS I have been reading this crap for years, and in the past 4 months it has become a major major issues in the hot rod and mopar magazines.

It is not some BS it is for real, and if you love your cars please get involved, thanks again all :)
Well in years past it was some BS blog stuff, but there are actual bills and it is part of the Feds cap and trade(tax) bill.

I agree, I dont want this to be a politics, but it is what it is.

Guys when I lived in Cal for 40 years during the clinton years I paid this in taxes

39% fed
11% state
Local taxes
SS tax

Bottom line is after I grossed $128k, I saw $52,200 and change. Then you have local tax on everything, cars, gas sales tax etc.

Trash, phone. utils when is enough enough.

I loved most the people and the state, but the politics made me a (native) leave to WY 11 years ago. I need to keep more of what I make and have more freedom. No smog BS laws here and no state tax either. :)

Just people need not look the other way anymore.

I for one am not, now that does not mean I am going to be depressed, obsessed or feel like I waste my life on the crap, but I am not going to say oh well and do nothing.

And if more of us did a little, like send all the jerks packing and make them ge a real job it is a start.

I am tired of making the idiots pay checks!

I want my life, car, family and most of what I earn so my wife and kids can have a decent live.
I think that is not asking a lot! :)

Thinks that's bad wait until ole Jerry B gets into office.
. Econo-boxes are great for MPG but what good is that when in ten years most are sitting at a local junk yard?

I love our old cars but I have to disagree with you. Back "in the day" a car with 100,000 miles was OLD. These days they still have 150,000 miles left in them. My wife drives a Corolla "**** box'. We bought it used with 40k on it. It now has 110k. It's needed brake pads/shoes, oil changes and gasoline... That's it.

Local laws such a "revving an engine", "excessive acceleration", equipment checks etc, are just that, local issues. They are brought on by nasty people with too much time on their hands. They see someone do something they don't like, and say to themselves, "There should be a law!" ,so they write their state legislator and get them to sponsor a bill.
I love our old cars but I have to disagree with you. Back "in the day" a car with 100,000 miles was OLD. These days they still have 150,000 miles left in them. My wife drives a Corolla "**** box'. We bought it used with 40k on it. It now has 110k. It's needed brake pads/shoes, oil changes and gasoline... That's it.

MOST, not all. I too have a corolla. Have you been to a junkyard lately? Fact is you walk in the place and half the yard is full of ten to twenty year old econo-boxes. Hardly a one there from a crash. Most everything started to fail and the owners got sick of having to repair them.
Where do you think all the old classics went? When I used to rummage through the boneyards in the '70s, they were filled with cars from the 60s. Most of the old Camaros, Firebirds, Dart's Chargers, etc have been crushed. That's just the way it is... People get sick of fixing up their cars and scrap them rather than throw more money at them...

In '78 my buddy bought a '67 Camaro convertible for $500, and no, $500 wasn't considered a lot of money for a used car at the time.

Cars depreciate so damn fast they aren't worth fixing after awhile. Why pay $2000 for a tranny job when you can buy another running car for the same $2000. To most a car is transportation, not something they fall in love with, like we do with our classics.
Around here I don't see any old CVC's, Pinto's, Chevettes, Cavaliers, or Escorts? But I do still see old slant six and 318 cars all the time. Most of the older muscle era cars I saw at the yards when I was a kid where wrecked, not blown engines? Hell I bought my '64 about 5 years ago with the original /6 and 904 well into the 200k range and when I pulled it in favor of a V8 it still ran fine. And look at the numbers most of these econo boxes sold! Far outnumbering muscle era cars and yet you hardly see any of them. But, you still have some of the old 60' and 70's cars still thumping along.
Another reason people get rid of older cars are the safety issues. Old cars were not designed with occupant protection in mind...

[ame=""]YouTube - Crash Test 1959 Chevrolet Bel Air VS. 2009 Chevrolet Malibu (Frontal Offset) IIHS 50th Anniversary[/ame]
And an Escort is any better?! Every time I see that video it looks like the '59 doesn't have a drivetrain in it? Maybe it does but I don't see any oil pan, exhaust or anything.
Tell you what, go get your escort and run it into my 3/4 ton old dodge truck, for that matter sit on the hood or lean on an old car, real steel.

Yes AB I see you point, but safety is not the issue here, it is the HOBBY and freedom.

If you want PURE SAFETY live in a bubble OK never go outside and drink KoolAide :)

Life is a risk no sure things...
Although it wouldn't surprise me that some dog **** POWER TRIP legislation would pass on a federal level , I also recognise just how FU*KING stupid it would be on the honky politicians' part to try to FU*K with the easily-targeted car folks AGAIN !!

Really , these bullshit environmental laws and regulations are nothing more than money-making ( e.g. , TAXES ) schemes . If these *** hats *actually* cared about pollution ( etc. ) , they would target the following :

1. Manufactures of electronic crap . These nerds keep pushing this new-but-outdated-by-the-time-you-can-buy-it iPods , et al. , only to have the crap wear-out in a scant few months to one year .
CHINA gets the "old" electronic garbage , and has a giant bonfire and burns all of those toxic chemicals , right into "our" atmosphere !!!

2. Driver's Licenses . STOP giving licenses to just anyone who has a pulse ( except in Hemet , Sun City and Miami ) , but isn't qualified to operate a popcorn machine !!!

Out here in Taxifornia , we pay at least 40 cents / gallon in taxes , and that's for gasoline (!!) The poor bastards that own diesel-powered vehicles pay even more , not to mention the "Road Tax" that every diesel-powered vehicle pays for regardless of its weight or intended use !!!
Back to the original point : at that much in god damned taxes , these fu*king roads should be smoother than a baby's *** ; not one single pot hole anywhere !!!

Sitting , idling , in stupid , gridlocked traffic does nothing more than unnecessarily burn hydrocarbons into the air ; wastes precious gas and diesel ; causes extraordinary wear and tear on the motors ; and inflames peoples' irritation levels , so that when traffic clears , they have to go 80+ mph to "make-up" for lost time !!!!


STOP FUC*ING WITH OUR HOBBY , you **** assed , honky , co*k-sucking , politicians !!!!

Come and take my car . I dare you . :thebirdm: !
You'll be met by one angry Blue Collar son-of-a-***** , whom WILL blow your god damned head off :thebirdm::thebirdm::thebirdm::thebirdm::thebirdm::thebirdm::thebirdm::thebirdm::thebirdm::thebirdm::thebirdm::thebirdm::thebirdm:

Tell you what, go get your escort and run it into my 3/4 ton old dodge truck, for that matter sit on the hood or lean on an old car, real steel.

Yes AB I see you point, but safety is not the issue here, it is the HOBBY and freedom.

If you want PURE SAFETY live in a bubble OK never go outside and drink KoolAide :)

Life is a risk no sure things...

Wow, you're something else. I never said anyone should sell their car, or trade it for something safer. I merely pointed out a FACT which is that many people DO trade in their vehicles because of safety issues. The FACT is MOST old cars end up in the crusher because people no longer want them, either because they have become to expensive to maintain, don't feel they're as safe as a newer vehicle, or they just want something new and different. Vehicles have been considered "disposable" for as long as I've been alive. That's the driving force behind the new car industry.
We are talking a hobbie not an old pile of crap car.

And people ge new cars like underwear they ge old and tired.

But collectors, enthusiast etc mod and restore as a righ of passion. And it is much cheaper to fix an old car than pay for a new one so that is bunk too!

Driving for for a new car is it is new like a TV PC etc right.

We just want our hobbie to stay in tact and not have the FED or states tell us it cost excess amounts to register or allow the cars on the highways OK :)
I have recently joined SEMA. Thanks for the link.

I have also written to several Ohio senators about the proposed HB 191 bill. To my surprise a few of them actually got back with me that they would approach it with caution and we don't need to solve a problem by creating more. It was supposed to go to the Senate in September, so far I have heard no updates wheather if it passed or not.
You know how many rich politicians have hot rods in thier garage's I dont see them passing a law that say's they cant use them anymore any time soon just my thought

Law makers are exempt from the laws that the make; or so I hear.
Yeah, every year about this time, in conjunction with their Las Vegas party, SEMA goes on a publicity binge with doom-and-gloom stories telling fibs about laws that might have passed but don't say or mean what SEMA claims they say or mean. It's SEMA's equivalent of those annual public-television fund drives: Join up, become a member, send us money. Every year it's another flavor of the same breathless hype about how the old-car/hot rod hobby is || ← that close to being legislated out of existence and joining SEMA is your only hope to save your car from the politicians and the cops, blah blahbitty blah blah. Been watching 'em do it for about 15 years now; I don't figure they're going to stop any time soon.

What you say makes alot of sense when it comes to marketing strategies.
Nonetheless we need to keep an eye on things.
The same thing was proposed back when I was in the Marine Corps in the early 90's. I got all my military buddies to sign a petition & sent it to my state senator to show support for our hobby. It didn't matter whether they had a car or not. I asked them to list their favorite. There's strength in numbers! Maybe we should do something like that. Talk is cheap without action.
I doubt somethingl ike that will be passed.

there is just to many people involved in the hotrodding hooby that **** would hit the fan if it came down to that.

plus with SEMA doing what they can to get everyone in the hobby involved to take action I think the government will know what they could do would potentially back fire on them.

theres no freaking way I would just stand by while they take my rights away to drive my hotrod.

luckily here in MI laws are not quite as over the top as they are in some other states.....but simple things that P!$$ me off like our local drag strip was closed down years ago because the neighboring farms said that the noise caused (in the couple hours per weekend) cause the cows to produce less milk....and the neighbors all b!tched until the place got closed down.....back in the day this strip was a happening place so I was told ( onondaga dragway) and they have faught to get it reopened for over a decade at the very least and finally got the OK to do so....and now the hole neighbor hood is trying to have it banned again.

its just crap because it causes a butterfly effect.....all the younger kids in there tuner cars and hot rods have no place to have fun with the cars they own and because of that....they do it on the streets and put themselves and others in harms way and also the state makes a ton of cash because they get to issue all the tickets to those caught in the act.

seems like the government would just wise up to the simple things that should be done that our right in front of there faces and focus there attention into areas that really need to be regulated and "helped" like reviving the city of use to be the motor city and now its just a giant slum for the most part.

Obama said we would get change........and we are getting change alright....heck come to think of pockets are empty.... NO CHANGE LOL