How long will you live?

This is another good one. It has variables to play around with.
just 2 more years. Could have been worse.
Like "say bye" for an answer LOL
I will die the split second after my wife finds out that I'm planning on buying a new sprint car for next year. :angel9:

Says I've got 24 more years left. Guess I better get my Dart finished!
well...I scored 75 cause I smoke pot, would'a been

thats sooo lame, if I have a heart attack or go postal....let alone staring into ports while grinding would bore me to death
I guess a big part of it is based on how old you are already. Because they say my Dad will make it to 87 but only 81 for me.
Young n dumb first, old and wise now.
Well, I'm 55 and that calculator says that I have 40 more years left. I guess I better make some travel plans for when my house is finally paid off in 26 years!! By then, my Duster should be ready for paint.
The world supposed to end in 2012, Now what. Glad I live in the south at least I have 10 years left.
I put that I was 105 years old.Then picked all the best answers and it said I would live to 124.WTF?LOL
Well, when the reaper is knocking at your door and asks you if you've paid your dues, look him square in the eye and say "the check's in the mail".