I don't understand

I use Kaspersky security. Designed by the Russians from the old KGB. All the computer mags give it rave revues.I dont have to pass on a file because i,m scared of it. It has a sandbox where I can open files to search for viruses and redirects or any crap someone can add to the email or file. It can scrub it or if I dont like it it will delete it and all traces from my computer. Pretty cool. Yawl should try it. Only downfall is it is not free and I believe over 75 dollars. I for one dont trust any free app as they are watching your keystrokes or habits to make a dollar somewhere. If you buy your security and they compromise your info you have a breach of contract. DD

Thats what were using daredevil. Haven't had a problem since.
Kaspersky Security Suite/Antivirus/Firewall is also a great product.
I've used Norton & McAfee and have found Kaspersky to be far superior to these.
kaspersky is the most popular antivirus simply because it doesn't consume resources like Norton or McAfee. If you have a newer pc with duo processor and half terabyte of ram, it doesn't matter what programs you run. You have more resources than you'll ever need. For an older, slower pc , most antivirus software will slow it down a lot.
I use Kaspersky security. Designed by the Russians from the old KGB. All the computer mags give it rave revues.I dont have to pass on a file because i,m scared of it. It has a sandbox where I can open files to search for viruses and redirects or any crap someone can add to the email or file. It can scrub it or if I dont like it it will delete it and all traces from my computer. Pretty cool. Yawl should try it. Only downfall is it is not free and I believe over 75 dollars. I for one dont trust any free app as they are watching your keystrokes or habits to make a dollar somewhere. If you buy your security and they compromise your info you have a breach of contract. DD
Kaspersky security :read2: This sounds like what I need Pete, I see other members here like it to :cheers: Thank you, I will be looking into Kaspersky security 8)8)

Thats what were using daredevil. Haven't had a problem since.
You to 8) It sounds like a very popular security system :happy10: Thank you Noel :cheers:

Kaspersky Security Suite/Antivirus/Firewall is also a great product.
I've used Norton & McAfee and have found Kaspersky to be far superior to these.
I just looked and I am useing McAfee, This Kaspersky Security system sounds great :cheers:

kaspersky is the most popular antivirus simply because it doesn't consume resources like Norton or McAfee. If you have a newer pc with duo processor and half terabyte of ram, it doesn't matter what programs you run. You have more resources than you'll ever need. For an older, slower pc , most antivirus software will slow it down a lot.
Looks like I will be having brother look in to getting me kasperskied up 8)
Thank you RedFish and good morning to you all :cheers:
kaspersky is the most popular antivirus simply because it doesn't consume resources like Norton or McAfee. If you have a newer pc with duo processor and half terabyte of ram, it doesn't matter what programs you run. You have more resources than you'll ever need. For an older, slower pc , most antivirus software will slow it down a lot.

I agree RedFish. Norton for example uses a tremendous amount of resources but I've yet to see a machine with 500 g of ram. :)

On another note, the best free AV I've used is Avira. It's easy on resouces and is has knocked out everything I've thrown at it so far. I've gone the AVG route but it doesn't catch everything (and most AV's don't). Anything that Avira can't handle, the free Panda Active Scan can knock out.

To make a long story short, every AV has some shortcomings and none will kill everything. Kapersky is good stuff as well as Malwarebytes. Even so, I've had to use "Hijackthis" to identify problems then manualy remove the offending trojan or virus manualy (not for begginers). Having said this, I prefer a multi-pronged attack using multiple programs in an escalating, logical process.

I too work on computers and Cisco routers professionaly and the worst I've seen was one particular computer where the client had removed his anti-virus on his laptop on a friday evening in anticipation of installing a paid version on Saturday. His teenage son got a hold of the machine late on friday night and picked up close to 100 viruses and trojans. The machine wouldn't even boot.... It cost him over $500 for me to clean this thing up. For him it was worth it though, as his data was irreplaceble.

Kapersky is good stuff, no doubt but in the mean time you can get Avira for free. :) Glad to hear to got this handled too.

Kapersky is good stuff, no doubt but in the mean time you can get Avira for free. :) Glad to hear to got this handled too.
Thank you Ramcharger :cheers: I am so blest to have a brother next door that had some tools on a "stick that he put in my computer"
Tools on a stick :toothy10: that's to funny :toothy10: I think it took him about an hour to do a few things to my computer with it then it ran for a few hours and his son Zman came over to the house and finished it up.
so far so good :cheers: I will have brother look into all these 8)

Another thing I wanted to mention is to never have more than one AV running on your machine. Most AV's conflict with each other and can cause serious problems. Just thought I'd throw that out there for you. :)

Another thing I wanted to mention is to never have more than one AV running on your machine. Most AV's conflict with each other and can cause serious problems. Just thought I'd throw that out there for you. :)

Yep you are right Joe :cheers: Brother said something about that :happy10:
he did remove one and added an updated version, I think :profilel:
I picked up a virus on mine a couple weeks ago. Some adware for anti-virus software that came out of my icon tray on the lower right of my screen. I thought it was a Microsoft icon (it looked like it) and it said my computer was at risk. I clicked on it and downloaded the critter. I was able to start my computer with the internet turned off and run my AVG to scan my whole computer. It isolated the virus and I got rid of it. Hope all is well with your computer Mike. Mike
I picked up a virus on mine a couple weeks ago. Some adware for anti-virus software that came out of my icon tray on the lower right of my screen. I thought it was a Microsoft icon (it looked like it) and it said my computer was at risk. I clicked on it and downloaded the critter. I was able to start my computer with the internet turned off and run my AVG to scan my whole computer. It isolated the virus and I got rid of it. Hope all is well with your computer Mike. Mike
Thank you Mike :happy10: It sounds like you know your way around a computer :cheers: Heck I am still trying to figure out this new friends list that is going on 8) I don't touch nothing here, I don't use ignore or add as a friend because I just don't know what it is for :read2: as fare as the icon's all I do know is to do updates and I shut my computer off NOW!! every time I leave it 8)
All is good so far Mike :cheers: Thank you bud 8)
Hi MeMike,glad to have you back!I too had a virus Anti-Spyware?It took me 6 hrs to get at it.I called Ma Bell(my provider)to complain about my security that I,m paying for?Got all fixed up and running again.It sure made me realize,how much time I spend on this screen in front of me.:read2:How,s Victoria coming along?Looking forward to your posts!:cheers:
On the Kaspersky go to this link Mike. We paid 17.95 when we first got it. My genious friend didn't listen and paid the full $70.


Thank you for your time homecloned :cheers: I will let brother take a look at it and do what is needed 8) I have a computer that he built for me and it runs fast and good :cheers: All I do is enjoy it 8) Thank you for the link :happy10: Know it's time to go to NAPA and get me four stud's to mount my carb today :cheers::cheers::cheers: Talk to ya soon wit updates and my be a video :cheers::cheers:
I just talked to Creed and he said that some one sent him an E-mail that said
HA! Ha!! I seen you on this video!! and he clicked on it and it said to down loud something to watch it , But he did not click on it to down load to watch it!!! and then all kinds of $hit hit my computer!!! Just a heads up for everyone. My computer is still getting repaired so yall be careful out there and I hope this thread prevent's any members here to get this.
I took pictures of my screen and will post them after my computer is fixed
Look's like a nice day to be outside so yall have a great day

that has been going around for a while now. I work at Staples as an EasyTech so i do this kinda stuff all the time. Not only do you want a good Antivirus proctection, but you need to update it or set it to auto-update. If it doesnt get the latest virus definitions you are much more vulnerable. Another thing, get a external hard drive and back up all your files. If this happens again, sometimes you can't save the computer and have to format/reinstall OS, thus losing all your data.
I picked up a virus on mine a couple weeks ago. Some adware for anti-virus software that came out of my icon tray on the lower right of my screen. I thought it was a Microsoft icon (it looked like it) and it said my computer was at risk. I clicked on it and downloaded the critter. I was able to start my computer with the internet turned off and run my AVG to scan my whole computer. It isolated the virus and I got rid of it. Hope all is well with your computer Mike. Mike

My wife did this when she was using my laptop. I had to go in and remove every entry into the registry it made manually. What a pain.
go to cnet.com
download "malwarebytes" and run it.

not sure why people seeking you out that have never posted though.. thats strange.

Thanks for this tip, I ran it and it told me my computer is ok, good to know.
Glad your back to normal Mike.
I just had my computer comprimised a month ago.
An unknown virus shutdown my Norton 360.
Damn frustrating!
At least I was able to recover everything as I routinely
backup everything to disk.
By the way I often look at members profiles and not
leave a message.
I like to see what they have to say about themselves.
Guess I never thought about not leaving a message.
Anyway good your up and running, looks like you,ve
got a lot going on!

By the way I use Norton360 and Malwarebytes.

Hey guys n gals, just wanted to stop by and drop a few tips about computer security and maintenance.

Maintain your trash. Internet explorer and windows temp files should be removed regularly. Just like an overflowing trashcan invites pest. the same goes with a computer.

Do a system defragment. Google it and youll find several easy to follow guide to schedule one.

Here are a few reccomended programs that i personally and through research have found to be best for antivirus and malware.

AVG and AVAST anti virus both offer a free home version. They are at the top of the market. Actually beating several purchased anti virus programs.

MALEWAREBYTES. This program is absolutely essential. Will help in finding and removing the "hard" ones.

There is a very not well known program floating around that is free to download and use. It's Called RKILL. This nifty lil program will keep a virus from opening things and running while you try and remove it. ABSOLUTELY A MUST HAVE. get RKill and keep it on a jumpdrive or cd along with AVAST and MALWARE BYTES. this will be your lil emergency kit for your computer.

Ive seen many a nasty worms, trojans, hijackers, and keyloggers and have yet to have one beat me with those three programs.

Believe me. With these three programs you can tell any malware to kiss your rear.

Good Luck to all!
