I just can't let it go!!

Mike I'm glad you're not leaving. Try it again and I will send you a picture of a nakid fatman in a powerchair. :hippy2:
Wow!! Someone tried to shiite on our number 1 man.:angry7: Glad to see your problem got flushed away Mike!!:toothy10:
:read2::read2: Are you a Teacher ?
If not you can be :happy10:

I am very sorry that I even looked and thought about that thread
I admit it did bother me when I seen his reply
Witch I should have looked over it and not care.
It was selfish of me to do this thread know that I look back at it.

Please except my apologies
It was just a moment in my time that I let something bother me through out my night and thought about his opinion that he had about me and was looking at myself :read2: was I fooling myself and I was just a big laugh to some people but they just don't say it.. I blame myself for this and being protective of my family here :love4:
I think if I can't control my felling I need to learn about the ignore button and carry on with may day. If I get a friend request it's exepted...
I never hit the ignore button :scratch: But that is a tool in my mind know :happy10:

Sorry for my rant and post Joeychgo and all my family I interrupted and put concern in there day, I feel the love :love7:

Don't scare me like that brother. We love you Mike, you're family

Having a cold one with ya MeMike


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Were havin a beer with MeMike :cheers: Ooop's I said beer not rear


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I am very sorry that I even looked and thought about that thread
I admit it did bother me when I seen his reply

It was selfish of me to do this thread know that I look back at it.

Please except my apologies
It was just a moment in my time that I let something bother me through out my night and thought about his opinion that he had about me and was looking at myself :read2: was I fooling myself and I was just a big laugh to some people but they just don't say it.. I blame myself for this and being protective of my family here :love4:

I would say you did a great thing for the site, that member didn't have the proper values for FABO. You, however, are a big contributor to what makes this site the great and unique place it is, don't ever doubt that.
Count us in as 2 more people who would've been very upset to see you go, Mike. You know how we all feel about you and your family around here, and we would have been lost without our Memike. I know of one girl in particular who's heart would have been broken had you left. We're very relieved that you have decided to stay!!! Your friends Geof and Nella


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Hey Mike,

I'm not much of a "poster" myself. Mostly just haunt the forum and read others' posts. But any time I log on and find a post you started I read it first!
I don't know what was said, or by who, I didn't bother to go find his rant, because if it pissed you of it sure wasn't anything I needed to see. Stick around, we need as many gentlemen (and ladies!) as we can get in this Cyberworld, and you are one of the best!
Wow.:tongue9: how can I thank everyone for there support and well thoughts
my heart is blessed with humbleness tonight as I read these replies of concern and caring words that has put me in this position of bliss,
cosgig,Geof and Nella !! If I would have had yall and all my family here on my mind I would have never put this thread up....:love7: I will sleep so good tonight.

Time to sleep and count my blessings and rest soooooo much better tonight .

Thank You all for being my guardian angels:angel9:
Having just scanned through this thread real quick all I can really say is wow. I am really glad you chose to stay and just ignore someones stupid comments. I have no idea how anyone could want to pick a fight with memike? FABO MIKE for cryin' out loud! While I like alot of others on here have never met him he seem like the type of person who would give you the shirt of his back. Keep doin' what yer doin' man on the hill.

Now...... where the hell did I put my beer? Why is the remote in the fridge?
WTF is going on? Memike never bothers anybody. Just seeing this is pissing me off!

Time for a military blanket party.:angry7:

I 'm late to thread so I better read on...
I am getting ticked just thinking about it....
OK....deep breath....keep reading thread...Just on middle of first page...this better work out or it's road trip time!!!:clock:

Memike, Please...I hope your staying......
I'll read on now....
Heres the deal with Turd. Hes been banned at least 10 times, He keeps changing email addresses and IP addresses then signs up with a different user name.
AdamR.....You can only do what you can and im glad to see you here Memike......Im new here and to all of this and you have been a great inspiration to me....Hang in there and all the best.......Edd
I had no idea it was justin,He did so well for a while there but I guess he slipped.....poor him....I had to run him off again last night..I hope he understands why he got the axe....wasnt a personal thing at all..it's pretty simple..... respect your elders and treat people the way you want to be treated....there are a couple more with the same mentality that are fitzin to get the same treatment..I hope they read leannas thread on that subject not that it directly addresses respect for elders but it does hit the heart and offer a good way to be http://www.forabodiesonly.com/mopar/showthread.php?t=129843
He will be hunted down like a dawg.....the nerve of him to come back here..... His girlfriend starts poppin off and he's gonna hit the can too....:angry7:
Heres the deal with Turd. Hes been banned at least 10 times, He keeps changing email addresses and IP addresses then signs up with a different user name.
Someone probably has said what I am about to say, but I'll say it anyway. This site has alot of members and we all thank Joey for a great site. But I'm here for the quality of this site, it's technical expertise, and its great members, not the quantity. Members like memike and Waggin are the foundation of good values of any group. Thanks to members like them and the support we need to keep great members here and "weed out" the cancer, if you know what I mean. :cheers: Rog
Heres the deal with Turd. Hes been banned at least 10 times, He keeps changing email addresses and IP addresses then signs up with a different user name.

I guess you can change a lot of things but personality you're kind of stuck with.
Heres the deal with Turd. Hes been banned at least 10 times, He keeps changing email addresses and IP addresses then signs up with a different user name.
And you've banned him 10 times . . . that's commendable, don't stop.