I love dogs, but what would you have done?

I got tired of a neighbor up the street letting there dog crap everywhere so I picked it up one morning out of my yard and dumped it on their front porch....they called the cops...I got a ticket....go figure. The cop said that even if I had a video they couldn't do anything, they would have to see the dog doing his business themselves!

thats what happens when you get caught
next time be a bit sneakier,
I guess you would really have a fit if the following happened to you. My neighbor rode his horse over to my house and sure enough he left a pile that would have made Mister Ed smile. It just ****, not that big a deal. So many times I see people move into a subdivision where the lot sizes are smaller than my house, they are 7-10 ft apart and then have a fit trying to keep animals "Off there Property". Simple, buy more land and fence it off.
actually guys to tell you the truth... i have 4 dogs... and my back yard is like a mine field .... to set the record on which one is "okay" or "better" on your property....

when dogs urinate on grass.. it turns it yellow... enough times and you get a bold spot...
when a dog defecates on grass... you can always leave it there bec it cannot do anything but fertilize the grass... NOT saying to leave it there tho for obvious reasons.

NOW here with in lies the problem... its more convenient to have them urinate there.... this will not affect grass right away unless owner takes it to that same spot everyday... then it will turn yellow fast...

Or you have other folks walking dogs along the same stretch and dog number two wants to cover dog number one's scent and then dog number three comes along and... you get the picture.

I live between two elementary schools. The first one a public school, well within walking distance of the neighborhoods. It's a nice neighborhood, fairly quite, unless my nosey *** neighbor is sitting on her front porch trying to see if she can stick her nose into everyone else's business.

The dog walking doesn't bother me as much as the kids do, really. Every day I'm out picking up trash off my lawn, usually some sort of school work or candy wrappers. I've seen the little b******s kick my across the street neighbor's flowers. I've had kids rip my Christmas lights down.

I've watched folks passing through the neighborhood throw trash out the window.

And, yeah, I was fighting the dreaded yellow spots along my sidewalk for a little while this summer until I found the guy who was doing it and politely asked him to curb his dog. It's that simple.

To me this just about common courtesy. The parents of the kids who are being destructive towards others' property wouldn't give a crap if you followed the kid home and talked to his or her parents about how wrong it is to enter someone else's yard and destroy a flower bed that took hours of hard work to put in. They wouldn't give a crap about about little Johnny throwing his homework all of the street. They just don't give a crap because it doesn't affect them personally.

The Golden Rule went out the window ages ago and was replaced by a "me first" mentality. The cell phone talkers on the highway, even though studies show it's more dangerous than DUI. People walking between you and the store shelf as you're looking at a product to purchase, without saying "excuse me." People letting their kids run rampant and thinking nothing of it. Dogs barking at all hours of the night in a city neighborhood. It all comes down to "me." It's what "I" want and to hell with the next guy.
Those directly across the street from me have a huge black dog, looks like oversized Lab' I forget the breed name. It'll come over here and leave ahuge deposit on my front lawn. They feed him cereal, he poops cereal. I do own a shovel so it's no real problem.
The neighbors 1/8 mile down the hill took in 3 or 4 little short muts. One of them would back up and leave a nasty dump on the bottom door step. Then the wife would track this nasty onto cars floor mat. So when I would leave out It's light enough for me to see what had happened. I would see the wifes floor mat laying out by the mailbox too.
I walked down there, floor mat in hand, and told them straight up, "I will kill every one of those muts. Canned tuna laced with antifreeze will be out there before sundown". It was too. It wasn't eaten though.
Within the week they had a new chain link fence up all the way around their place.
Short time later I noticed there was only one mut in the fence. Seems they got enough of those nasty deposits too.
If the deposits had been over in the bushes, "Good dog" . Feed them nothing more than cereal, "good owner".

I've got yet another neighbor who while having his properly cleared let the dozer operator cross the properly line. Took out several trees and cut a path well over 12 feet wide and 30 feet long.
When I shouted for the dozer to stop and back up my good neighbor called me every name in the book. Count your blessings.
Or you have other folks walking dogs along the same stretch and dog number two wants to cover dog number one's scent and then dog number three comes along and... you get the picture. ...

The dog walking doesn't bother me as much as the kids do, really. Every day I'm out picking up trash off my lawn, usually some sort of school work or candy wrappers....

The Golden Rule went out the window ages ago and was replaced by a "me first" mentality.

YES... forgot to say that as well... one dog after another. and i too live in between a HIGH SCHOOL and ELEMENTARY SCHOOL... so i got them always walking in front of my house... its gotten so bad i leave a trash can out in the front tired up to the chain... and stilll i get it in my driveway. i dont however have a problem with the neighborhood dogs...

and that "Golden Rule"..... i know what your talking about... since maybe the mid 80's... sucks really.

I walked down there, floor mat in hand, and told them straight up, "I will kill every one of those muts. Canned tuna laced with antifreeze will be out there before sundown". It was too. It wasn't eaten though..

i dont believe in killing the dog bec the human is messing up. seems a bit extreme.
YES... forgot to say that as well... one dog after another. and i too live in between a HIGH SCHOOL and ELEMENTARY SCHOOL... so i got them always walking in front of my house... its gotten so bad i leave a trash can out in the front tired up to the chain... and stilll i get it in my driveway. i dont however have a problem with the neighborhood dogs...

and that "Golden Rule"..... i know what your talking about... since maybe the mid 80's... sucks really.

i dont believe in killing the dog bec the human is messing up. seems a bit extreme.
I did try to point out the difference between good dog and bad dog. We kill bad people dont we ? Some dont agree with that either. Oh well
Oh come on. The dog was sniffing around the bushes? Sounds like your team was losing and you needed another beer. Lighten up.
Where I lived before I would get up in the morning and find McDonalds trash in my yard and it was also by a school.
I figured McDonalds was two blocks down the street and the person happened to finish thier food and throw the trash in the yards on thier way.
One morning I woke up really early and was sitting in the livingroom with a cup of coffee and no lights on, and guess what I saw,,,,,,
My Aussie goes over and unlatches the gate and takes off down the street.
It was really early and I thought to myself that I'm not chasing the dog, screw it.
Bout 15 min later I heard the front gate rattle and when I looked out she was laying on the front lawn chewing on a bag of discarded McDonalds stuff.

My own dog was going to McDonalds for breakfast in the mornings.
Or you have other folks walking dogs along the same stretch and dog number two wants to cover dog number one's scent and then dog number three comes along and... you get the picture.

I live between two elementary schools. The first one a public school, well within walking distance of the neighborhoods. It's a nice neighborhood, fairly quite, unless my nosey *** neighbor is sitting on her front porch trying to see if she can stick her nose into everyone else's business.

The dog walking doesn't bother me as much as the kids do, really. Every day I'm out picking up trash off my lawn, usually some sort of school work or candy wrappers. I've seen the little b******s kick my across the street neighbor's flowers. I've had kids rip my Christmas lights down.

I've watched folks passing through the neighborhood throw trash out the window.

And, yeah, I was fighting the dreaded yellow spots along my sidewalk for a little while this summer until I found the guy who was doing it and politely asked him to curb his dog. It's that simple.

To me this just about common courtesy. The parents of the kids who are being destructive towards others' property wouldn't give a crap if you followed the kid home and talked to his or her parents about how wrong it is to enter someone else's yard and destroy a flower bed that took hours of hard work to put in. They wouldn't give a crap about about little Johnny throwing his homework all of the street. They just don't give a crap because it doesn't affect them personally.

The Golden Rule went out the window ages ago and was replaced by a "me first" mentality. The cell phone talkers on the highway, even though studies show it's more dangerous than DUI. People walking between you and the store shelf as you're looking at a product to purchase, without saying "excuse me." People letting their kids run rampant and thinking nothing of it. Dogs barking at all hours of the night in a city neighborhood. It all comes down to "me." It's what "I" want and to hell with the next guy.

Yes. I have this happen too. Although, I've never caught any of those kids red-handed, I know they throw trash everywhere. Kids are a good example too.

It is sad that we are indeed living in a "me first" society. And that's the underlying issue of this thread. Does the owner care enough to respect another neighbor's property and allow his dog to run rampant over a stranger's yard? Or should he respect someone else's property and keep his dog close to the sidewalk?
Well I guess its really according where you live. I have good neighbors all around and we never get on each others nerves on anything that I know of. I don't think the bushes is "so" important that I would have had a duck about it. At least the owner wasn't letting him go right there on the green grass. Might need to lighten up a little. No offense meant.

Had my new neighbor come walking up in my yard with his small dog on a leash. We greet one another and start talking like normal people do. Next thing we know the dog takes a dump while we're standing there talking ....in my yard..... while I'm standing there. The owner (Jim) turns about three different colors and says "I'm sorry about that.... I will go get my shovel!" I told him "Don't worry.... it's just dog **** man!"

Mullinax, maybe you're right. Maybe I do need to lighten up. Although, judging by the owner's behavior in this, I'm pretty sure he wouldn't have minded the dog wandering onto my lawn either. It's a principle issue. Personally, I do not have an issue with my friend's dogs. I even had roommates with dogs. So going on the bushes per se is not the hot button issue for me. The issue is what is the common courtesy with regards to others property? I do not live on a large expanse of land. If I did, I probably wouldn't mind as much. I live on a 1/4 acre parcel and only a third of that makes up the front yard. How far do you let the dog wander onto your own property? This one wasn't even close to the sidewalk.
On a side note, coincidentally this guy walked by my house again this morning. he didn't say anything nor did I say anything to him. His dog did stop and marked another bush, but this time it was one bordering the sidewalk. I had no issue with that.
i let my dog go no more than 2 or three feet into someone elses yard and if she does go in someone else yard I make sure that i clean it up. i clean it up anyway but i do an extra good job if its in someones yard. also if someone says to me "please dont let your dog go in my yard" i respect that and i dont.
LOL. My team lost, but was winning when this happened. Maybe I had too many beers:drinkers:

Well maybe that was it. I would mind a LOT more if it was the owner. Dogs are cool and I would care less about one wandering around a little on a walk. Maybe the dog sniffed out a rodent or a nasty varmit that was living in your bushes... dog might have been doing you a favor.
I would rather have 100 dogs take a dump in my yard than ! human looking to steal something

I like dogs, it's people I have a problem with
I knew there was a reason i liked living in the country on 50 acres. My black lab dont leave the place unless she's with me. Guess what. I taught her that.
Small Block
I have some ***** neighbor who lets her dog do the same thing. As mentioned, you have one dog marking its spots and more will follow.
Hey Stan.... I know you handled it a lot better then I would.
I dont own any pets for one reason. I dont want my yard to be a toilet. I dont care if its a dog or any other dang animal.
If I dont have a pet... I surely dont want someone elses animal marking its territory or taking a grundger on my lawn and /or property !
I think the guy that allowed this is a complete ignorant idiot. I would have gladly told him so too. Its like cat people..... I dont have cats because I dont like them. Yet for some reason I have 3 of them that take over my fenced back yard. What do cat people say ?? "oh you cant control a cat and they dont do any harm" Yeah.... they crap in my flower beds and in my lawn.... I dont own them... if you do then control the animal. Simple. my kids are programmed now... if they see a cat they go chase it out of the yard.

Your a better man then me Stan !

You can handle it two ways.

Where I'm at, we don't really bother with worrying about the dogs dump. My neighbor lets his dump in my front yard, mine will dump in his when we are talking. We don't sweat it. That's why we have lawn services - let them step in it...

But if it bothers you that much and you want to get even:
Leave a little treat for the dog in the yard where the owner lets him sniff. Make a brownie or cookie loaded with ex-lax. The dog will eat it and then go home and when the laxative kicks in, will have "accidents" all over the owners house. He will then learn what it is like to clean up after his dog...