I need some directions!!!!


Coyote Jack

Member #55, I'm old
FABO Gold Member
May 22, 2004
Reaction score
Baxters Corner N.B. Canad
I know, a guy asking for directions doesn't happen often, but even I bite the bullet and admit I need them once in a while. So, you girls, don't get used to it.
I am driving to Florida in about a month. I will be driving just about all of the I-95 corridor. I can drive to Danbury, Conn. no problem but from there I wouldn't mind a few suggestions on how to get around the bigger cities. So here goes.

I will be coming toward New York from Danbury on the 684.

New York-- take the 287 and go around and get back on the 95?
Take the 95 to Trenton and switch to the 295?
Stay on the 295 to get past Philly?
At Wilmington get off of the 295 and back on the 95?
Baltimore looks like a nightmare ?????????
Washington is the same ??????? and then back on the 95?
Richmond ?????? and back to the 95
Looks like a straight run from Richmond to Jacksonville?
Jacksonville ????? then back to the 95
Then it's a straight run to Cocoa Beach and the 528

That's when I make it to the beach and beer. LOL

So can everybody in the areas I am passing through please tell me the best way to go through those areas?


If you don't time if right, Baltimore and Washington will be a nightmare. Do it on a weekend you might be OK. The inland route (78 to 81....) is considerably longer but potentially less stressful. I hate sitting in traffic for no good reason. Rather be moving.
Yea Jack, not much you can do with Balt/DC. Most alternative will add alot of miles or just as much traffic.

As far as Richmond/Petersburg.....just use 295 around the east side of both.

In Jax you can use 295 around the west side, but it's about 15 miles longer then 95 and if you don't hit Jax at rush hour, i've always found 95 to be faster.

Good Luck with your trip, and have fun & be safe!!!
Yea Jack, not much you can do with Balt/DC. Most alternative will add alot of miles or just as much traffic.

As far as Richmond/Petersburg.....just use 295 around the east side of both.

In Jax you can use 295 around the west side, but it's about 15 miles longer then 95 and if you don't hit Jax at rush hour, i've always found 95 to be faster.

Good Luck with your trip, and have fun & be safe!!!

That's the kind of info I need. Thanks!!!

Wash. beltway down to Fredericksburg, Va is usually the real nightmare. Hitting it 7p or after will surely be your friend.

There has to more people with ideas on how to go. Even tell me if you agree with some of the route I have planned.

By looking at the trip you are making :happy1:
Looks like it will take a long time to cover that much area :coffee2:
I have many trips between Michigan and Tampa Florida but that was 38 years ago :D
Did they quit selling beer up there Jack :D
Wow heading south to Cocoa Beach :cheers:
We do have a few members here that drive big rigs that can help I bet
Have you figured how many miles you will be traveling ?

I will be back to this thread to send you a safe and fun trip wish :D
I have never been threw all the Carolina's, Good morning Jack.:coffee2:
Take the 95 to Trenton and switch to the 295?
Stay on the 295 to get past Philly?
At Wilmington get off of the 295 and back on the 95?

all depends on the time of day.

i travel 295 daily for work back and forth to trenton. anytime from 3pm - about 6:30/7pm can be a real pain in the ***. especially where 295s meets 42. backs up for miles every day between those times. rt95 won't be much better.

if you travel it early morning (before say 6:30am) it will be a lot better. but then you have traffic issues in del,md,wash and va. when i travel south i try to leave the house at 3:30-4am. this gets me past washington before the mess hits.. i'm about 2.5 hours from washington.

i haven't had much trouble traveling as far as the baltimore area just after morning rush hour. usually hit volume but not all that bad. after that good luck.. washington and va are a mess. and through va. set that cruise control for the speed limit. that entire state is a speed trap. once past Fredericksburg its usually pretty clear driving.

mostly it all depend what time you will be driving through these areas.. if you can rest during the day and travel at night you'll be a lot better off..
Just as you cross into Delaware, jump off 95 and take 495 south. It will bypass Wilmington and is 65 MPH ! It will put you right back onto 95 below the city.
also look at the map.. when in the dc area i always take 495 around dc. you don't want to go straight through dc. looks out of the way on the map but your better off in my opinion.
Coming to visit ? Jake was maybe 18 months old last time you were here. Hes 9 now, LOL Been a long time !
Coming to visit ? Jake was maybe 18 months old last time you were here. Hes 9 now, LOL Been a long time !

Wish I could stop Adam. It's been to long. I suspect we will be passing by your place at about noon or shortly after. I will be driving and have my B-in-law and his wife with me. I suggested we make the 27 hour drive in 2 days but he wants to do a straight through drive. It makes no difference to me as I am a marathon driver, stop for gas and keep going. LOL

Wish I could stop Adam. It's been to long. I suspect we will be passing by your place at about noon or shortly after. I will be driving and have my B-in-law and his wife with me. I suggested we make the 27 hour drive in 2 days but he wants to do a straight through drive. It makes no difference to me as I am a marathon driver, stop for gas and keep going. LOL


Enjoy. If you come down I84 Im exit 5.
You should stop in Georgia /Florida border just North of Jacksonville, Jack. We could eat tother at one of the restaurants. I am just off of I-95. What day are you coming?
Be sure to map out the gas prices. They tend to very greatly from one place to the next. - :)
Two ways that will help u avoid DC/Balt traffic.. Take the eastern shore all the way up to the Newark area then jump on the pike. Next is around Richmond take 301 north and bypass all the dc-Balt traffic. I don't care what time u go through dc it's always a nightmare. I have been up there 6 time in 3 wks.
Sorry didn't read ur post ur coming from the north so just reverse my directions. Chesapeake bay bridge is ur friend.
Chesapeake bay bridge is ur friend.

used hat once a couple years ago coming home from nc. did it just for something different.. i hadn't been on it since i was a kid.. it was cool to see again but i'll never take that route again.. tooooooo sloooow....
Did you say you were going to drive straight thru with a woman in the car? Impossible, unless she is not shy about a jar!