I'm an idiot but have followers

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The modern muscle dudes are just as annoying if not more than ricers. They are especially tasty to take down in an early- a. Watching them pout after being destroyed by an under $10,000 in most cases ugly duckling is priceless. On the track of course. LOL.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NkUYAxsDgcE"]MOU SRT8 Jeep vs 1965 Plymouth Barracuda - YouTube[/ame]
My most recent racing story was loaded up the racecar...went to the bullring in Ocala..unloaded the car raced it in four different races, drove it to the trailer.....got a envelope wit cash in it then it was beer thirty then the clock struck midnight then it was party time!!!!! camped there at the track with friends for my birthday.....

I miss those days at Bandimere.Did a lot of bench racing after the real race.
Today after working another long *** day...I decided to give the valiant a long over due cob web blow off...while leaving my neighborhood I noticed 4 soup'd up imports with wings n ****, air dams , turbo blow valvestracket...this and that, i mean...I wasn't sure if they fkn fighter jets or just something out of a bad sci fy movie.....so pretty much in my don't give a fk mood I began taunting them by passing them at 6600 rpm and then down shifting the tires to smoke....till finally they got enough fuzz on their bean bags to step up and get ***** slapped by my primered bird **** covered Mopar. The first one thought he would attempt to pass me, WRONG...I shut him out and made his eyes go from slanted to round ...as he swearved away. The next joke on wheels decided he had more to offer so we got onto the freeway two lane on ramp and he ended up behind me , duh... Then after merging at 120 I decided to let off so they could catch me at cruising 80mph which is about 3800 rpm...I dumped it and passed all of them and watched as they tailed me still falling behind ,except one who I didn't see had got around in the slow lane while I was slowing for cars ahead....so I changed lanes with full throttle , scaring the **** out of everyone near me with 6500 rpm in 4th through a set of jegs turbos, just flying by that abomination with the speedo buried not giving two sheets about anything....after 13 miles of humiliating them at speeds and rpms those cars usually have an advantage at I pulled to the slow lane and looked out my pass side window at the ocean and just shook my head, next thing I know a BMW rolls up next to me and the guy driving looks over with a big smile on his face and gives me the thumbs up and mouths fk those ricers , then gives the devil horns out his sun roof...lol

This is why I run a mopar.
Turn rpms for days with factory parts.
everybody that has a hotrod street races...your own story makes you look like a dunderhead...simple as that so don't be goin all political on us...you remind me of my 16 year old who is surrounded by musclecars and airboats and motorcycles and racecars that has to ride a bike or walk cause he don't have any respect....poor kid
I can't believe the reaction from a few here either, cheers!

Why are some people so guttless and bitchafied?

It is not like we are out there everyday doing this, and its not like we are looking for death and destruction. Those who hate on us are also hating on there muscle car heritage, and even how this country came to be. My father street raced back in 60's as did many of our fathers 'for the 30-45 yr old crowd'.

The ones hating on us and telling us to take it to the track are the same ones who back the politcians who systematically tear down our drag strips.

All you haters are all talk, sell your mopar and go ride a bike already.


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Never said they were kids, that you inserting bs into this so you can throw your sissy fit.
Go try on your moms dress and paint your face.

I didn't throw a fit you piece of monkey ****. Maybe I just assumed they were kids because most kids build ricers today instead of the cars that we like to build.

I pointed out that you were crying like a ***** because you think people hate you over a post that you made. You caused the whole situation in this thread, and now anyone who doesn't agree with you is a sissy.

Congratulations on your street race win you hypocrite.

Your too old, turn in your MoPar and go to bed!

Really, seriously, a little boy? I guess there's one in most all if us since most build some power into there cars. My fab old man that acts like a kid is Carroll Shelby. Street racing building HP cars well past most people's prime.


you know Shelby is dead, right?
Your too old, turn in your MoPar and go to bed!

Really, seriously, a little boy? I guess there's one in most all if us since most build some power into there cars. My fab old man that acts like a kid is Carroll Shelby. Street racing building HP cars well past most people's prime.

You know Carrol Shelby is dead, right?
OP, you are a dumbass. It's acceptable to spank a ricer from light to light, no biggy. But racing down the freeway weaving through traffic for 13 minutes?? You could of done 42 quarter mile passes in your car and beat 42 16 second ricers! (Waits for someone to do the math!) Or, you could of killed a family, a dog, or yourself. Grow up.
I love the post above with the video. "This is Great".

I don't care what people think of me. If there was a grandma pushing her grand child in the street where she does't belong. I would hit the air horn and blow the kid right out of the carraige going by so fast and close. I have no respect for anyone on the road. I am out there to go as fast as I can and not get a ticket. And when I do get a ticket I commend the officer for saving a life.

Helmets ,fire suits and a hanns devise should be mandatory with the seat belt law. Then we could use the speed they give us from these racers. Last time I looked I didn't see a speedo that didn't go under 80 mph. If it wouldn't be for the speeders who would pay to fix the pot holes that you only feel under 100 mph. So the people who drive slow should be happy we are making the roads smooth for them.

I always see and here about the old people holding up traffic. I just couldn't see that happening to me. I am going to always drive fast and reckless and have my heart attack at the wheel. So watch out for me in Pa. I am coming through and I am over due.

Whats more dangerous than this. And I love it. Danger goes with luck. That is why we run a #7. When you think about it to some speed it "stupid" to others its "No Fear" If your on the road with someone like me out there you have to be one of the two. Your either stupid or you have no fear. So your just like me. We could be related.


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everybody that has a hotrod street races...your own story makes you look like a dunderhead...simple as that so don't be goin all political on us...you remind me of my 16 year old who is surrounded by musclecars and airboats and motorcycles and racecars that has to ride a bike or walk cause he don't have any respect....poor kid
Waggs, you made more progress on that nasty Cuda I see!!:cheers:

and sucks, but that's what you get when you don't respect the power. I went to school with a kid who wrecked 6 1st gen M3s within 2 years. That's like $30k. In 2 years. His parents eventually caught wise and I laughed my *** off when he had to walk his *** to school every day. He now has no license after his daddy bought him a C6 Corvette and within the month, he got drunk and ran it through 4 mailboxes and spun it into a bunch of cars in someone's driveway. Moron.
"If there was a grandma pushing her grand child in the street where she does't belong. I would hit the air horn and blow the kid right out of the carraige going by so fast and close."

Very entertaining story,thank you for sharing!,oh and I have no idea if you truly put anyone in danger other than the few of you actually driving the cars so I guess these other guys have esp or some crap lol!,I mean you just told a story!.On another note we all know ricers can be fast but they dont hold up to it for long like a good old v8 rear wheel drive.Just last night I was at the local track and five cars had to be towed off and guess what they were?,fast ricers that turned into fried rice at the track.Meanwhile a fox body with a 408 na single carb engine and 4.10s that runs 10 flat drove in,ran several laps,took off his fire jacket/helmet and drove off home.
This thread pisses me off. I can't get anyone to race me. They just tuck tail and sit there.

sounds like a very young inexperienced bunch of kids exagerating to me, trying to pump themselves up or something. the whole post is pretty immature and stupid.there are places to exercise horse power, and places not to. I doubt very seriously if it even happened, or he probably got wasted by a ricer!-yuk lol:finga:------------------------------------------------bob

you know Shelby is dead, right?

You know Carrol Shelby is dead, right?
For the pair of asshats that can't read, please direct your attention to the sig below. Thank you.

OP, you are a dumbass. It's acceptable to spank a ricer from light to light, no biggy. But racing down the freeway weaving through traffic for 13 minutes?? You could of done 42 quarter mile passes in your car and beat 42 16 second ricers! (Waits for someone to do the math!) Or, you could of killed a family, a dog, or yourself. Grow up.

Grown ups do this all the time. Old farts complain about it. Your worries about children screwing up others lives which is fine however just based on a quick simple story you assume way to much.

Now is it you KNOW exactly what he did vs based on what you said.
There is a time and place for everything. How do you KNOW this wasn't a good time and place?
Wow...... Let he that hath not done'th anything wrong on the street cast the first stone ....... I know I would have to get in back of the line. Has No one ever squeezed through a yellow/pink light even though they maybe could have stopped, never ALMOST came to a full stop at that sign, never ran 50 in a 30 on a country road or city street ( hey thats 20 mph over ya'know ) Has No one ever went 128 in a 45 .....ooops Kyle Bush did.

My point is all these SLOWER scenarios could cause a fatality just as easily as any other........

I have done all these (with the exception
of Kyle B ) .......altho I wish I could do that .... I would like to see where he did this at .....a super car could accelerate to that speed in seconds, and on a stretch of road with ...say with corn fields on each side .......yep!

Had a little run in with a WRX the other day ..55mph zone,...he pull out next to me in the Demon I was ready for him, when he pulled up next to me and I heard his motor rev I dropped to second, it was on for about a block .....he didn't pass me, but that little car was screamin ......he pull up next to me grinning from ear to ear ....yep young kid.. he had a blast I had a blast nothing over 85 just a short kick down .......He would have kicked my butt all over the place from a dead stop...... Heck I even had my wife with me .......... I personally wouldn't drive fast racing in and out of cars at high speeds .........But I wasn't there, there might not have been anything dangerous about it.
All in all good story.

There are a lot of reasons I don't post much ......... this thread is one reason ..guess I just felt like giving my 2 cents ....I'm not a Drama kinda person. ..... thick skin yep, I can laugh off stuff and go on, after all, you're just a post on the internet ,,,,just don't like bickering, whining, complaining, ,,,,,,, moving on now...
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