I'm An Idiot!!!



Mopar Mod
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FABO Gold Member
Mar 1, 2008
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I was pulling some laundry out of the washing machine this morning to transfer to the dryer AND :sign3: :banghead:

There's 3 SD camera cards with about 2000 pics in the washer.......OMG #*@(#*!!! :angry4: :cussing: :angry4: :cussing:
well they put cell phones on rice for a few days when they get wet try it with the sd chip
That's why I try to download frequently to a couple different places......I'm rough on my equipment sometimes.
it should be fine ...there was no power going through it when it got wet......just dry it out and i bet it works like nothing happened

i had a laptop computer that got soaked and flooded out with a fire alarm sprinkler but luckily it was switched off ....i dried it out and turned it on and it worked like nothing ever happened ......gave it a much needed bath too :tard:
Yup. Just let them dry some, maybe even soak them a few minutes in clear clean water to be sure the soap is all out. I'd bet money you have no problems.

However, I would NOT put them in the camera until you know. Buy (if you don't have) a card reader and try 'em in that first.

There's really not much in a memory card that a little water will hurt. I've even run some electronics through a dishwasher -- on purpose
Don,t feel bad C,I fell in the shallow end of my pool last summer while pulling the garden hose over to the skimmer to top up the water level.My I-phone was on my belt in a phone holder and didn,t really get fully wet.I jumped out pulled the phone out,which was on,when I turned it off it went zzzchekk...fried.I tossed it in a bag of rice for 3 days to no avail.:banghead:
If you could have properly cleaned and dried it, probably would have worked fine. In a previous life I did some service on the old analog stuff before they got so darn small. Biggest problem is that you drop in in something with chemicals in, chlorine, soap, dirt, etc, and when that dries out it leaves a conductive film.

I dropped a phone in a pubic toilet, but I wanted no part of rescuing that thing, LOL. I had flushed it, and it "went part way." I thought about it for a couple of seconds and HIT THE FLUSH HANDLE AGAIN!!!! LOL
If you could have properly cleaned and dried it, probably would have worked fine. In a previous life I did some service on the old analog stuff before they got so darn small. Biggest problem is that you drop in in something with chemicals in, chlorine, soap, dirt, etc, and when that dries out it leaves a conductive film.

I dropped a phone in a pubic toilet, but I wanted no part of rescuing that thing, LOL. I had flushed it, and it "went part way." I thought about it for a couple of seconds and HIT THE FLUSH HANDLE AGAIN!!!! LOL
Um no,when I turned it off it frazzled.Guess I shouldn,t have turned it off.:tard:
Dipped my iphone in my pond. Rice bag trick worked.
I think I got ya beat C. A couple months ago I forgot my wallet in my pants pocket and washed it. Man what a mess that was to dry out. Brand new leather wallet too.
washed wallet a few weeks ago...with 350 bucks in it...opened washer...and 50 dollars bills all over the place...used a heat gun to dry money...and then took it to the bank to deposit them...they were still damp...they asked the money felt wet...had to explain about wallet in washer...
Just be glad they didn't find their way into the dryer... Soap and water can't really hurt an SD card, but the massive amounts of heat and static will DEFINITELY kill them...

^^^ Like they said, let 'em dry really well (I'd say about a week on a south-facing window sill), then try 'em...

- CK
Don't feel bad C.... My wife washed my new cell phone in the washing machine 2 weeks after I got it. Then (yes, it gets worse) about a month later, she washed my son's Blackberry in the washing machine as well. It was a couple of expensive loads of laundry! LOL.
washed wallet a few weeks ago...with 350 bucks in it...opened washer...and 50 dollars bills all over the place...used a heat gun to dry money...and then took it to the bank to deposit them...they were still damp...they asked the money felt wet...had to explain about wallet in washer...

So you basically told your bank that you're a money launderer... Nice.8)8)8)
you are lucky you got them before they went in the dryer

put them in a ziplock bag with a cup of dry rice i bet they work fine.
It should be good to go in a few days, I don't think there is anything it will hurt, just make sure it is dry, when you take it out of the bag of dry rice put it in the window seal in the sun for a couple hours and see if it shows any sign of moisture if it has any it will condensate :coffee2:

You take clean Pictures :D X2 on that dang that was funny Revhendo :D
ive done that before . take the pics off and save them to your computer as soon as thay are dry . cuz it will stop working sooner or later
Hey C, were those MATS pics? If they were then no worries! Pics of the wind we had there on Friday and Saturday will be still be enough to dry those cards from the inside out.
Looks like a rash of wallets are getting washed. My wife washed mine last week. :banghead:
Yep, they're probably OK C. Like everyone says, dry them out first and pop them into a card reader and get the pictures off right away. I've washed a few thumb drives and after drying them out, they were fine. Still working to this day and one I washed 4 years ago.