I'm not even sure what to say about this.

Ive got 2 boys that have taking and taking from my shop and I have help them to the point of it being painful...There mother and Me got divorced because she was horing around and they sided with her because she will babysit when they go out drinking and i wont...But if they are going to have mom they cant talk to me ( a rule she made) so they dont talk to me or even wave when I go by...They to are left out of the will...But a word to all you must leave them a dollar otherwise they can contest the will and get an equal share of the estate...But as of now I left it all to my Daughter and grand kids (when they are of age)...Bill
What's the statute of limitations on this? When I enrolled for college the folks told me good luck and figure out your own financing, and they would call me asking to borrow money. Not complaining, it a taught me how to live on very little.
spare the rod spoil the child........a good ole fashioned *** kicking never hurt me and sure wouldn't hurt her either.... and then to give the same to her Father.....for not doing more in this case himself as the mother shouldn't had too in the first place!
Totally agree. I have a neurological problem from the military and cannot work after 24+years and had to take a medical retirement. I cannot receive my retirement benefits because they cannot pinpoint he exact problem.. The only reason I survived financially is because I protected myself with disability insurance. I am still fighting the VA, Social Security etc. I do not want a handout just what I deserve and paid into. This new mindset of I want it free really pisses me off. My kids have friends that are to put it nicely 2nd generation government supported and they live much better than I do. They plan on keeping the family tradition going since the will have less if they work. Solution--give em drug tests and if you fail you lose the benefits, oh no then they get SSD. SS declared me disabled with a 0% payout since I own a home and also more than one car. Wonder why the US is going down. Sorry just hit a bad note with me.

why are you having problems with the VA?
why are you having problems with the VA?

I believe they are treating the gulf guys/gals like they did with the Vietnam Vets with Agent Orange. Just waiting for us to give up or die. 4 years ago I had to take a H1N1 shot before going to Haiti Which I volunteered to help out. 2 days later I went from rescue wing to a invalid . the best way to describe it is being drunk on a roller coaster 24/7, for years.. Try to prove that one! I really believe it was a reaction to One of the 9 anthrax shots 1 at a time I received each time I had before visiting the sand box. It totally sucks not working. By the way since I am ranting I received a letter from the VA yesterday saying my Throat cancer claim was denied......I do not have any form of cancer. It shut off my original claim appeal. Wonder why I am Pissed? 4 years later. If you do not have disability insurance buy it! Never thought I would use it, But without it I would have lost every thing without it.
to shine a little light in this darkness, here is a little anecdote for yall

my buy just turned 4 a few weeks ago and he is spoiled rotten, most of the times when we go to the store he gets to pick a little something IF he behaves, which he does pretty much most of the time, not bad for a 4 year old, especially one with my genes

well, the other day the wifey wanted to go to ruby Tuesdays which means a trip into town and that means I get to stop by harbor freight to stock up on some tools (I know, they quality isn't top notch but as often as I use it I don't need mechanics grade material, plus, at my job they have a policy that I buy a tool the first time around and if it breaks they buy the replacement so it works out)

anywho, my boy behaved at harbor freight so he got to pick out a little something and he went with a little dentist pick set, they were only a buck and once he forgets about them they will go into my toolbox and he great for removing o-ring or stubborn little chunks off eggroll that always seem to get stuck in between my molars

we head over to the restaurant and he is playing with his picks and the coasters when the girl comes to take our drink order, I had a dr. pepper, the wifey a diet coke and the boy had some white milk
2 minutes later she comes back with a glass of dr. pepper, a glass of diet coke and a Styrofoam cup of milk with a lid on it for the boy
12 seconds after that I see a small stream of milk come out of the side of the Styrofoam cup where there is a whole the EXACT size of one of his picks
cant be very bright as she is 18 and still in high school show how dumb she really is
I finished high school at 16 WTF
cant be very bright as she is 18 and still in high school show how dumb she really is
I finished high school at 16 WTF

Plenty of people are 18 in high school, including my brother. (He did not repeat any grades.)
I think they should give her $100,000 and say ''go away''.
That's all you're getting out of us and that's for life, including no inheritance.
She knows everything, so she should make it big in life with that kind of cash.
But she would blow the money in a few months, and then that's where she would have to face reality.
Now that's how you parent a spoiled brat.
my dad told me "my house, my rules". and thats what i told my two sons. and they turned out fine.
my dad told me "my house, my rules". and thats what i told my two sons. and they turned out fine.
Worked for me and my children. When I went to college I applied for a car loan because I could not get a student loan to go to school out of the country ( went to PA ) My father cosigned and I had to pay everything back. When my 3 kids went to college my wife and I saved up for the first year and they had to go to work for the rest.. All graduated, all are working and living out of the house. We have education savings plans for the 3 grandkids now to help them but like their parents, they will have to stand on their own two feet as well. No princes or princesses in our family, ya have to work for what you want in life... It is the way I was taught
After calling his kids to me/us (in civilin clothes at a gathering) to attention, STSC onced asked his kids "Tell Petty Officer Anderson what happens after Highschool when you turn 18."

"Scholarships or surface ships, we will not have a home." -I died laughing, great stuff, great boundaries.
She has a south park smile. Spoiled little b8tch, see it all the time now a days. Don't worry her ****** will bail her out all the time. She'll never learn her lesson.