jerk drivers!



Well-Known Member
May 26, 2009
Reaction score
Long island, New York
I was out today with my friend taking a nice motorcycle ride around, we don't wish to die so we stay pretty close to the posted limits. we went to make a left at a light and this jackoff was honking at us to go but there was a car coming! impatient jerk! then on top of all that he got behind us and was swerving and flashing his lights! he was about 5 feet of my friends rear tire! what the heck are people coming to these days! He just really ruined the ride. It was one of those silver Lincoln cars with the livery plates. I know we have some bad drivers around here but this was just out of hand.

We are stubborn new yorkers so we didn't pull over for the jerk to let him go but we were thinking maybe that would have been a good idea? any biker guys know what to do in situations like this? I know you shouldn't take a bike to a car fight but maybe someone has some good advice for situations like this? maybe we should just get the heck out of the way?
Well, you get somebody like that behind you, and you don't know what might happen. All he'd had to do is tap one of ya and you'd be toast. I'd want to be BEHIND some body like that.
I would have let him pass and grabbed his plate number...then called the cops and told em he tried to run you off road....that might teach him a lesson
Karmas a *****, maybe he will get the same treatment from a dump truck some day lol.
Depending on the area you are in ( how rural it is ), I have found that grabbing the plate numbers and calling the police as a 'concerned citizen' to report a suspectied DUI will do wonders to ruin someones day.

I had a similar thing happen to me ( but was in a car ) with a POS that wouldn't get off my tail. Called in a suspected DUI and even had the pleasure of watching the cop come up and pull him over. While he probably didn't get in any trouble, I can only imagine it made him damn well near crap his pants and drive a lot more conservatively after that...
well i was not on a bike but i was in my old 64 val i just hit them pulled out infront so she got smacked back to 1964 lol
perhaps he had a medical emergency, and was trying to get someone to a hospital..

well if it was he had plenty of time to pass in a clear highly visible straightaway if it was really that important.

The messed up part is this all happened within a few feet of a police station. we made the left at the police station.

The area is far from rural so police response time is terrible.

I have to admit every day I live here I hate this place more and more. I rarely take my cars or bike for a ride with no destination just because of the BS I encounter. my rides always get ruined by some jerk.
Next time either speed up or let them pass, not excusing the tail gating but a car will kill a biker real quick, u may as well be on a bicycle.
He just really ruined the ride.

We are stubborn new yorkers so we didn't pull over for the jerk to let him go but we were thinking maybe that would have been a good idea? any biker guys know what to do in situations like this? I know you shouldn't take a bike to a car fight but maybe someone has some good advice for situations like this? maybe we should just get the heck out of the way?
There are old bikers and there are bold bikers, but there are no old, bold bikers.
A piece of wisdom shared with me not long after I started riding ~ 45 yrs ago.
  1. A bike is not going to win a demo derby with a car.
  2. There is no shame in pulling over in this situation and/or waving the driver past. Agree that being a safe distance behind is best.
  3. Catching a plate number is good idea.
  4. Don't know how your jurisdiction deals with road rage. Call it in and find out.
  5. If you catch the livery company, a call to a supervisor might be effective.
  6. I wouldn't let a cretin like this spoil my day or my ride. Pulling over where I can relax might be the thing for putting a bad annoyance behind me.
My brother lives on LI and I live in SI. We have those types of drivers all over the place. My solution was to get a 1983 GMC 1Ton Dump Truck and lo and behold no one comes near me. I try to give a lot of leeway to bikers. My brother and my friend each have one. I gave my brother's bike to him, got it in a car trade. Lastly, if we live on islands, where in the hell are they going in such a rush, there is only so much space? <G>
I have had it happen once or twice when I had traffic in front of me and the car behind me wants me to move over (on a 2 lane road).

I let them by and then get behind them and give it back to them.

162 hp on a bike usually wins the who's fastest argument.

Thought of this....

perhaps he had a medical emergency, and was trying to get someone to a hospital..

Next time either speed up or let them pass, not excusing the tail gating but a car will kill a biker real quick, u may as well be on a bicycle.

Or, perhaps he was a medical emergency and was trying to put someone in the hospital. lol

Let them pass. A car will always "win" over a bike.

All common sense answers. What is hard about it?
Let him pass. It's not worth risking your life. Typical road rager type will have his coming to him one of these days.

On the flip side, I do find irony in the "share the road" statement with bikers and bicyclists alike.

I drive a canyon road to get to a favorite hiking spot. There are usually a good amount of bicyclists. Why can't they single file when a car is behind them. I pull up behind them. I have followed them for up to a mile and they still won't "share the road". WTH kind of double standard is this? Anyways, enough of my rant.

I'm glad you aren't one of these jerks.
Speaking of stupid drivers, Not too long ago I was driving from New Mexico back to Georgia. I was in the desert in NM headed toward the Texas panhandle on I-70. The speed limit is 75mph, and I had my cruise control set at 80.
I came up on a car in the right lane rather quickly (my guess is he was doing about 65 or 70 mph). There is no one else within eye shot heading east at this point (about 2am). About 150 to 200 feet, or so, behind this guy, I changed changed lanes to pass him. As I did, he began to speed up. When a was next to his car, he was matching my speed, and after about a minute or so, he sped up, and I dropped back in the right lane behind him.
After a few minutes, a began approaching his car from the rear, again. When I changed lanes to pass him again he sped up. I let him get a few lengths ahead of me again, and I dropped back into the right lane, behind him, again, and again, he slowed, and I was creeping up on him a third time.

We were approaching Tucumcarri, NM by this time, so I let him stay in front of me while we went past the obligatory array of gas station and American Indian novelties. About 10 miles or so past Tucumcarri I was about 3 car lengths behind him, still doing about 80 mph, and a changed lanes to pass him again. I noticed he had Oklahoma tags on the car. This time I went past him at a little over 95mph, and I stayed on it until I was about a quarter mile in front of him. As soon as I passed him, he switched his high beams. I reset the cruise control for 90 mph, and I soon was far enough ahead of him that he was no longer a factor.

When we stopped in Amarillo to get a bite, I noticed him pulling into the restaurant parking lot as we were leaving. Either he stopped before Amarillo, or he slowed down after I passed him, because we stopped to eat breakfast, get gas and were leaving when he pulled in.

I'm just not sure why people do that kind of ****, and my wife wouldn't let me stop to ask him wtf he was doing, either. Probably for the best.
Speaking of stupid drivers, Not too long ago I was driving from New Mexico back to Georgia. I was in the desert in NM headed toward the Texas panhandle on I-70. The speed limit is 75mph, and I had my cruise control set at 80.
I came up on a car in the right lane rather quickly (my guess is he was doing about 65 or 70 mph). There is no one else within eye shot heading east at this point (about 2am). About 150 to 200 feet, or so, behind this guy, I changed changed lanes to pass him. As I did, he began to speed up. When a was next to his car, he was matching my speed, and after about a minute or so, he sped up, and I dropped back in the right lane behind him.
After a few minutes, a began approaching his car from the rear, again. When I changed lanes to pass him again he sped up. I let him get a few lengths ahead of me again, and I dropped back into the right lane, behind him, again, and again, he slowed, and I was creeping up on him a third time.

We were approaching Tucumcarri, NM by this time, so I let him stay in front of me while we went past the obligatory array of gas station and American Indian novelties. About 10 miles or so past Tucumcarri I was about 3 car lengths behind him, still doing about 80 mph, and a changed lanes to pass him again. I noticed he had Oklahoma tags on the car. This time I went past him at a little over 95mph, and I stayed on it until I was about a quarter mile in front of him. As soon as I passed him, he switched his high beams. I reset the cruise control for 90 mph, and I soon was far enough ahead of him that he was no longer a factor.

When we stopped in Amarillo to get a bite, I noticed him pulling into the restaurant parking lot as we were leaving. Either he stopped before Amarillo, or he slowed down after I passed him, because we stopped to eat breakfast, get gas and were leaving when he pulled in.

I'm just not sure why people do that kind of ****, and my wife wouldn't let me stop to ask him wtf he was doing, either. Probably for the best.

This is common in NJ and Pa. I'm not sure what they are thinking about but it ticks me off too. Must be the result of the cheap dope from the 60"s..LOL
Nothing you can do but get pissed off.

Gotta get out of his, and in many cases "her' way, but it would be so nice if the law would allow you to take a friggin baseball bat to their face when they pull crap like that.

I love when I'm driving my E -350 work van because one tap of the brakes will severely ruin someones day.

I had a douchebag following me too closely in a Tahoe and ran into the back of me at 35 MPH because he was not paying attention to stopped traffic.
Both his airbags went of and he was pretty shook up, and it severely obliterated his entire front end.

I was coming back from a hunting trip in full camo bibs and the works...still had my face paint should have seen the look on his face when I stepped out of my van...ha, ha...classic.
He thought I was going to go total red neck on him but I was actually nice about it and already had a splitting headache from lack of sleep.

All it did was bend my bumper a bit.
That must have been a friggen classic moment. Would have made a great scene in a show.

Nothing you can do but get pissed off.

Gotta get out of his, and in many cases "her' way, but it would be so nice if the law would allow you to take a friggin baseball bat to their face when they pull crap like that.

I love when I'm driving my E -350 work van because one tap of the brakes will severely ruin someones day.

I had a douchebag following me too closely in a Tahoe and ran into the back of me at 35 MPH because he was not paying attention to stopped traffic.
Both his airbags went of and he was pretty shook up, and it severely obliterated his entire front end.

I was coming back from a hunting trip in full camo bibs and the works...still had my face paint should have seen the look on his face when I stepped out of my van...ha, ha...classic.
He thought I was going to go total red neck on him but I was actually nice about it and already had a splitting headache from lack of sleep.

All it did was bend my bumper a bit.
My friend used to keep a backpack bungee'd to the gas tank on his Kawasaki Tupperware . In this backpack was foam "egg crate" cushioning , and about 3-4 USDA Grade A eggs .

Whenever some douchebag decided to tailgate or do something stupid , he'd unzip the bag , grab an egg or two , hold said egg(s) out with his left hand and let it fly .
The results ?
Typically , the egg would hit the offender's car's windshield , thereby making said *** hat pull-off the road in order to clean a BFM off his windscreen :finga:.

Now a days , with maturity , one learns to 'just let the mothers pass' .
If they insist , call 911 and report that the driver was flashing a gun around . For some reason , the cops will pull their *** over right-quick :butthead:
My buddy uses small ball bearings and just flips them over his shoulder with his thumb.

They back off real quick after one or two of those.