Kyle Busch

Just because it was Hornaday, I'm going to give Kyle a :cheers:

Ron tried to use Kyle to save his own car, and I guess,......

Kyle didn't like it:burnout:
The penalty was appropriate, but at least Kyle made a super boring race a little interesting.
Good rant. Not only that, they make it so the "little guy" can't get into it anymore. In the video "Petty Blue" they interview Lee Petty and he said when NASCAR started, he could go to a dealer and buy a Plymouth for $800, do a few modifications and win a race with it. Not anymore, you need millions to compete today and can't do it without sponsors.

x2 - hell, petty ran his 68 road runner with the vinyl roof and had to use 200 mile tape when in began to lift in front and act like a parachute
I did not see this race, I was enjoying a nice day outside removing a leaky old radiator in my Ramcharger and put the good one back in, and drained and removes my trans pan that has a Very small pin hole in it... I am waiting for ESPNNEWS to update me on this Brat!! But good driver. He gets out in his daily drivers and speeds and treats people around him like his *^!" don't stink,,, Heck he has been threw training how to treat people around him, He lackes respect for the law and the people around him.....
good driver..Yes. Good neighbor NO!!!!!!!!!!!!! I guess Mark Martin has me spoilt how he respects drivers and people, Mark Martin would make a great neighbor.
ok im gonna pay for this one . Dale "the intimidator" did nothing but bash his way into victory lane by rear ending folks and putting drivers into walls. I watched this guy over and over repeatedly sideswiping and bump steering drivers out of control and in my opinion thats not racing ,that is a flat out demolishion derby on a 2 1/2 mile oval track at 180 mph .instead of beating the competition he was wrecking them all the time. I dont think you can legitimately compare busch to dale burnfart. After all, the very same b.s. He pulled on the track is the very same b.s. That got him what he got by one of my favorite drivers of all time, the #40 coors light dodge intrepid driven by sterling marlin who incidently and coincidently , was the last car to touch the goodwrench car from behind before it hit the wall. Sometimes carma is really a *****.
NASCAR will let him race again and again as long as he stays out of drugs. Conflict is what sells NASCAR tickets now. The cars nothing to do with the product sold to the public. Might as well race wheelbarrels.
Well fellows, I don't like any of the Bush brothers, even if they are running Mopar. They'd be more popular and respected if they made beer. I gave up on Nascar years ago (really the Jimmy Johnson Race series).

If you really want to enjoy great racing, watch or go to ASCS Races in your region of the USA. The World of Outlaws too. The winged sprint cars on dirt are fantastic and fast as hell too. They are extremely exciting to watch, especially in person. Not one driver dominates week to week. It is expensive but the little guys can still participate.
Don't wathc Nascar....but I did see the video......what a d-bag.....
NASCAR will let him race again and again as long as he stays out of drugs. Conflict is what sells NASCAR tickets now. The cars nothing to do with the product sold to the public. Might as well race wheelbarrels.

:prayer:wheelbarrows would more competitive
ok im gonna pay for this one . dale "the intimidator" did nothing but bash his way into victory lane by rear ending folks and putting drivers into walls. i watched this guy over and over repeatedly sideswiping and bump steering drivers out of control and in my opinion thats not racing ,that is a flat out demolishion derby on a 2 1/2 mile oval track at 180 mph .instead of beating the competition he was wrecking them all the time. i dont think you can legitimately compare busch to dale burnfart. after all, the very same b.s. he pulled on the track is the very same b.s. that got him what he got by one of my favorite drivers of all time, the #40 coors light dodge intrepid driven by sterling marlin who incidently and coincidently , was the last car to touch the goodwrench car from behind before it hit the wall. sometimes carma is really a *****.

Amen. Not a popular opinion, but one I share 100%. I was watching my second NASCAR race ever when he was blocking his a** off so Mikey could win. Sorry he died, never wished that on anyone, but you live by the sword, you die by the sword. You never saw him in an ad that said when # 3 was behind you with two laps to go "I was afraid he would outdrive me". It was always waiting for the bump or spin.
Well,Kyle messed up good this time. Suspended for the rest of the weekend. How many in favor of making that permanent?

To answer this question YES for the rest of this season........., Know let me get caught up on this thread :drinkers:
Amen. Not a popular opinion, but one I share 100%. I was watching my second NASCAR race ever when he was blocking his a** off so Mikey could win. Sorry he died, never wished that on anyone, but you live by the sword, you die by the sword. You never saw him in an ad that said when # 3 was behind you with two laps to go "I was afraid he would outdrive me". It was always waiting for the bump or spin.
definately not popular and it is one that has gotten a lot of people upset to hear, but where was nascar when all that was going on? you never heard about #3 getting into any trouble over his antics on the speedways and its too bad that it took a death before nascar had to take a good look at the way they were running the show and letting people (#3 especially) run amuck and putting drivers' lives in jeopordy. i never cared for dale and this false image that he was all that and a bag of chips ,yes he was a great driver but in the same breath he had no regard for his fellow drivers and that maybe he was putting lives at risk by his reckless display of selfishness. after his "accident" nascar had to put their foot down and get back some control over the circus and that is why they are so quick to put a stop to any b.s. they feel could be compromising . so while busch is an *** ,at least they put a lid on it ..IMO
definately not popular and it is one that has gotten a lot of people upset to hear, but where was nascar when all that was going on? you never heard about #3 getting into any trouble over his antics on the speedways and its too bad that it took a death before nascar had to take a good look at the way they were running the show and letting people (#3 especially) run amuck and putting drivers' lives in jeopordy. i never cared for dale and this false image that he was all that and a bag of chips ,yes he was a great driver but in the same breath he had no regard for his fellow drivers and that maybe he was putting lives at risk by his reckless display of selfishness. after his "accident" nascar had to put their foot down and get back some control over the circus and that is why they are so quick to put a stop to any b.s. they feel could be compromising . so while busch is an *** ,at least they put a lid on it ..IMO

well said, X2, I do watch NASCAR and it did not surprise me at all what he did.. Dale or Kyle :happy1: Dale was racing and Kyle was useing his car as a weapon..... RIP Dale and thank you for all the great races you gave us.
I love all the railbirds opions'.....most, including me, do not qualify to carry their helmet bag.

NASCAR is not a sport you buy your way into...and it takes way more than talent
here's a hint...a big set of balls...that is why Danica will always be an "also ran"
Don't wathc Nascar....but I did see the video......what a d-bag.....

I don't watch it either but I did see this.

M&Ms statement about Kyle Busch

The following statement was posted on M&Ms Facebook page in regards to the actions of NASCAR Sprint Cup Series driver Kyle Busch at Texas Motor Speedway this weekend.

Busch was parked in Friday night's Truck race for intentionally wrecking another competitor under caution and also parked for Saturday's Nationwide race and Sunday's Cup race.

The statement:

"The recent actions by Kyle Busch are not consistent with the values of M&M'S and we're very disappointed. Like you, we hold those who represent our brand to a higher standard and we have expressed our concerns directly to Joe Gibbs Racing."

The M&Ms Facebook page can be found here.

Read more:
sounds like most never hung out around the Friday/Saturday night dirt track races.....

not much PCin' going on there.......most of the "statements" heard are pepperd with the F-bomb facebook either...just in your face
I don't watch it cause I can;t tell which car is a mopar and it makes me dizzy. I could see giving him a little hit but to cram him into the wall and total his truck. Lucky it didn;t kill him. I would have met outback later
ok im gonna pay for this one . dale "the intimidator" did nothing but bash his way into victory lane by rear ending folks and putting drivers into walls. i watched this guy over and over repeatedly sideswiping and bump steering drivers out of control and in my opinion thats not racing ,that is a flat out demolishion derby on a 2 1/2 mile oval track at 180 mph .instead of beating the competition he was wrecking them all the time. i dont think you can legitimately compare busch to dale burnfart. after all, the very same b.s. he pulled on the track is the very same b.s. that got him what he got by one of my favorite drivers of all time, the #40 coors light dodge intrepid driven by sterling marlin who incidently and coincidently , was the last car to touch the goodwrench car from behind before it hit the wall. sometimes carma is really a *****.

Nice to see someone else that sees Earnhardt Sr the same as I do !!
all my (chebbie) buddies were big I didn't have to be.....but I really miss that #3 just the same......

especially the grin
.that is why Danica will always be an "also ran"

Even though she finished 3rd yesterday of the Nationwide regulars?
She finished 11th. 8 of the 10 in front of her are cup regulars, with the exception of Sadler who was a cup regular up until this year.

Back to the Bush bashing! :D