Lack Of Literacy Really Ticks Me Off



Pedal to the metal
FABO Gold Member
Nov 26, 2015
Reaction score
This should be fun. I’m not sure why it bothers me so much. I bite my tongue usually.

It seems to me that answers to most questions are yes or no in nature. You make that assertion and we can go from there.

Example: CL add. The person is parting out a 99 Durango. Very little specifics. To start with, who does that? Post a vin or more info and eliminate a bagillion responses. ANYWAY, I ask for the engine displacement. Answer, engine is toast.

Okay go @#$& yourself is what I would like to say but nooo, more tongue biting. Lol
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Chaulk it up to Craigslist people. You either get a good person or you don't.

Guy had an engine for sale locally, I said I can meet you tomorrow around 11:00 a.m. he said OK.

Asked to text me the address to meet, he never got back to me. He called a week and a half later, I ignored the call and deleted his info.

Dealing with idiots, he lost a sure sale, and see it is still for sale 2 months later.

Did not need another engine that bad.
Chaulk it up to Craigslist people. You either get a good person or you don't.

Guy had an engine for sale locally, I said I can meet you tomorrow around 11:00 a.m. he said OK.

Asked to text me the address to meet, he never got back to me. He called a week and a half later, I ignored the call and deleted his info.

Dealing with idiots, he lost a sure sale, and see it is still for sale 2 months later.

Did not need another engine that bad.
I call that an integrity issue. Pretty used to that. Literacy is simple.
Same thing on marketpharce. Guy had one of the little suitcase oxy-acet torches, only all you can see is the acet bottle, regulator, hoses, and carrier. I asked him how much (no price) condition, and what all came with it. Hell for all I know the rest of it is out of the photo layin on the floor. Or the torch might be stuffed into the bottom of the carrier. His answer:
"What you see is what you get"

The other thing that frosts me is people who don't want to jump on the phone. I can find out more in 2 minutes with a phone call than I can in half a day of chasing emails or "messages."
Same thing on marketpharce. Guy had one of the little suitcase oxy-acet torches, only all you can see is the acet bottle, regulator, hoses, and carrier. I asked him how much (no price) condition, and what all came with it. Hell for all I know the rest of it is out of the photo layin on the floor. Or the torch might be stuffed into the bottom of the carrier. His answer:
"What you see is what you get"

The other thing that frosts me is people who don't want to jump on the phone. I can find out more in 2 minutes with a phone call than I can in half a day of chasing emails or "messages."
Nope. Wrong answer to my post. Let me offer a different example.

Hey honey, how much was the electric bill this month?
Answer: I paid it.
What amazes me most in this day and age is the total lack of proper spelling. With virtually every site having spell checkers yet you constantly see simple words misspelled.

More often than not I see 'Break" instead of Brake or "Axel" instead of Axle. The other one that gets me is "Motors" have windings and "Engines" have pistons.

We've had the internet available for most people for 25-years now, but I do not see any improvement in grammar or spelling.

What amazes me most in this day and age is the total lack of proper spelling. With virtually every site having spell checkers yet you constantly see simple words misspelled.

More often than not I see 'Break" instead of Brake or "Axel" instead of Axle. The other one that gets me is "Motors" have windings and "Engines" have pistons.

We've had the internet available for most people for 25-years now, but I do not see any improvement in grammar or spelling.

I get it. The internet is not exactly formal. Hell, I see mistakes in professionally edited publications. Texting is a whole other game.

If you can make sense of it then you are communicating. To LITERALLY not answer a question or worse, answer it with another question is the basis of my post but hey, rock on. It's a discussion forum.
I've had pretty good luck on CL but it was 7 or 10 years ago these days I'm an order it online and it shows up at the door kinda guy. But I still had run ins with idiots on there too. LOL!
Heck, right here in FABO we see non-answers to questions.
We also have a few, fortunately a very few, who selectively ignore material whether its written or illustrations and say it doesn't exist. Whatchyougonnado/
What amazes me most in this day and age is the total lack of proper spelling. With virtually every site having spell checkers yet you constantly see simple words misspelled.

More often than not I see 'Break" instead of Brake or "Axel" instead of Axle. The other one that gets me is "Motors" have windings and "Engines" have pistons.

We've had the internet available for most people for 25-years now, but I do not see any improvement in grammar or spelling.

Too many people spell "to" instead of "TOO".
I went TO the store and the gas station TOO.
The car isn't for sell. It is for sale.
You don't sale the car, you sell it.
Breaks/brakes....yeah, that is a REAL hard one.
Truck floor?
Needs restored?
Did any of you dipshits actually pay attention in school?
We all are gracious enough to overlook a few typos but when you are fundamentally stupid, your spelling mistakes are really annoying to read.
Too many people spell "to" instead of "TOO".
I went TO the store and the gas station TOO.
The car isn't for sell. It is for sale.
You don't sale the car, you sell it.
Breaks/brakes....yeah, that is a REAL hard one.
Truck floor?
Needs restored?
Did any of you dipshits actually pay attention in school?
We all are gracious enough to overlook a few typos but when you are fundamentally stupid, your spelling mistakes are really annoying to read.
There's a lot of people that use voice on their phone to post here. It will pick a lot of wrong words and we both know that proofreading isn't in the cards.
Along those lines, one long run-on sentence is a page turner for me. I see one of those and I'm outta here!
Unfortunately, the issue is MUCH more widespread than just craigslist. Heck, have you folks read some of the responses on this site? Guys ***** and moan about how stupid and worthless the younger generation is, all while writing incoherent sentences with zero punctuation. :realcrazy:
OK Yanks.......Do you take someone to town o carry them to town?
Do you push the button or mash the button?
Is it supper or dinner?
Does your family tree have few branches?
Thank about this before YOU decide to move South or East of the Mason-Dixon Line!!!!!!
i think the worst one ive come across is "sprangs"

as in "this is the largest cam you can run with stock sprangs"

Grow up with a mother who was a substitute English teacher. To this day I cringe when I hear someone say "orientated" or "walked in through the door" (it's a doorway, unless of course you actually did walk through the door).
This should be fun. I’m not sure why it bothers me so much. I bite my tongue usually.

It seems to me that answers to most questions are yes or no in nature. You make that assertion and we can go from there.

Example: CL add. The person is parting out a 99 Durango. Very little specifics. To start with, who does that? Post a vin or more info and eliminate a bagillion responses. ANYWAY, I ask for the engine displacement. Answer, engine is toast.

Okay go @#$& yourself is what I would like to say but nooo, more tongue biting. Lol

It's actually pretty sad and demoralizing that there are people out there that can't and/or won't communicate in a decent and effective manner.

But when you look around and see people wearing pajamas and slippers out in public or talking on speaker phone at top volume the reasons for the lack of literacy and basic decency come in to view pretty quickly.

Basically nobody cares.
OK Yanks.......Do you take someone to town o carry them to town?
Do you push the button or mash the button?
Is it supper or dinner?
Does your family tree have few branches?
Thank about this before YOU decide to move South or East of the Mason-Dixon Line!!!!!!
The wife and I have danced around the prospect of moving out of California and to Arizona or Tennessee. I've even considered Alabama. I know that I'm going to sound out of place the further east that we go.
When I first joined Moparts in 2010, I was appalled at the numerous spelling and grammar errors that I saw.
See, I am nothing much beyond a High School graduate but I did pay attention when I was there. I was especially interested in English and math.
I was under the mistaken belief that if a person had the skills to operate a computer that they must be smarter than I am.....and be at least as skilled in writing and spelling.
Over the years, I have learned that there is a disconnect between education and intelligence.
There are college graduates that cannot make sense of simple car problems because they have no innate curiosity about mechanical things.
Me? I can't sing or play a musical instrument. I have zero ability to read sheet music either. Some are flat out superb at these things with zero training.
Some things really are imbedded into our nature.
There are highly intelligent people that either are unable to spell or just don't care to do it properly.
There are ignorant appearing people that can repair mechanical things but can barely spell their own names.
I do not understand how these things can exist but they surely do.
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