"Let's experiment", soda



Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2010
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I know soda ain't good for you but I like one once in awhile. I hate the taste of various "zero" or diet, and I'm a borderline diabetic now

I had been doing this with Coke but I quite them recently when they became "all woke"

I don't know about Dr. Pepper but that is it for now

ANYWAY what I had been doing is taking two diet or zero and mixing them with one "sugared." That was about halfway decent, so tonight..........

I upped the ante............mixing one sugar'd with THREE zero/ diet. "We'll see" how that goes.
It will all kill you, just pick your poison...
Diet DP has my vote for the best tasting diet soda.
I don't like the carbonation in sodas, I'm also diabetic, I drink zero sugar Country Time lemonade real good and quenches the thirst.
Cherry Diet Doctor Pepper is the best. As others said they are all bad for you
I make my own ice tea.
Or you can buy store bought diet,and cut it about 25% with filtered water.
Knocked of the soda years ago,but I hate water.
If you must have flavor this gets the job done.
I use the .99 store Wylers individual drink mixes. Must add to the 20oz waters or they are way too strong. about 15 flavors available. I like the raspberry and the strawberry lemonade. They get the job done at dinner time but I fell I pee out more out than I take in (diaretic).
If your Diabetic, filtered Water and a couple packs of Equal.
Notvvthe best stuff for your health.
If your not filtered Water and some sugar.
It’s funny how once you stop drinking pop for awhile the desire almost totally goes away. I love water and have well water at home. I drink zero coffee or tea, never did. I did like some Pepsi or some Mountain Dew and vodka (sugar free extra alcohol). About three months ago I saw an ad for Red Ribbon pop which was made and bottled 1 mile from where I was born. My local market had just started selling it so I bought four bottles and I still have two left. This place is still in the same building (65 plus years) now six miles from where I live. Now that I read this I’m having a bottle of ice cold Root Beer.