Losing my job..



Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2007
Reaction score
East Peoria,IL
I was told yesterday that Dec 23rd would be our last day.After 14 1/2 years I am losing my job along with 60 others in my plant.On top of everything else my Wife lost her job awhile back and has not found work.So it may get ugly real quick for me.I was tring to sell my Road Runner to buy another car.Now I may have to sell it to pay some bills.I may take a trade and cash for it.I am going to need 10-12K cash and a trade.I like 67-69 Barracudas fast backs,67-72 Darts,1970-1972 Dusters,Demons,and other Mopars I don't have to do this yet but just putting it out there.So if your interested see my add 1970 Road Runner for sale.
I can't help but will say good luck with everything Jim. That happening around the holidays is bad timing but maybe the new year brings a fresh start.
Sorry to hear the bad new's Jim
The lay off's are going on here and folks are going to old skills.
I hope everything turns out good for ya bud
Sorry to hear about that Jim... I wish you and your family nothing but the best and hope that you both find work pretty fast. Good luck with the sale of the roadrunner IT IS a super nice car BTW!
Damn that sucks I know the feeling I lost my job and still cant find work so now im forced to sell all my hobbies off along with my Swinger:angry7:
I was told yesterday that Dec 23rd would be our last day.After 14 1/2 years I am losing my job along with 60 others in my plant.On top of everything else my Wife lost her job awhile back and has not found work.So it may get ugly real quick for me.I was tring to sell my Road Runner to buy another car.Now I may have to sell it to pay some bills.I may take a trade and cash for it.I am going to need 10-12K cash and a trade.I like 67-69 Barracudas fast backs,67-72 Darts,1970-1972 Dusters,Demons,and other Mopars I don't have to do this yet but just putting it out there.So if your interested see my add 1970 Road Runner for sale.

Sorry to hear

Are they closing down or down sizing? 14 1/2yrs is a lot of experience to just let walk out the door
well you can do like i did and forward your bills to 1600 pennsylvania ave.Washington dc. hell there paying every one else's bills that were paying for.
OH! MAN! So sorry to hear of this. At the very least, you got a heads up on what's coming. This is at least a good time to not panic and create a plan of attack for the times ahead.

What do you do for work now?
OH! MAN! So sorry to hear of this. At the very least, you got a heads up on what's coming. This is at least a good time to not panic and create a plan of attack for the times ahead.

absolutely sucks...and i agree with rumblefish360, at least you have time to create a plan of attack.
Sorry to hear about that, Jim.....and that really sucks after 14 1/2 years......I guess nothing's really secure. Best of luck on your job search. Maybe you could "do your own thing" as far as generate some cash flow @ home by doing what you're good at. Sometimes I think we may need to go back to this way, 'cuz the big companies sure aren't something you can depend on anymore.
I have a 67 barracuda, but its probably not what you want. Sorry about the job lose. They are shuting down a small plant in my town. Losing about 150 jobs, which is alot of people. And people think health care is the biggest issue right now.
Wait a minute its getting better dont you know.The only improvements I see here in Illinois is more road work.But as I learned in the past you have to know someone to get a road constuction job.
Sorry to hear about this Jim. I hope you can find something else soon. At least they gave you some notice. Two weeks before I was laid off they told me everything was great and they foresaw no layoffs. Then one day we got called into the downstairs conference room and they told us we no longer had a job and all personal items would be shipped to us and to leave immediately. Nice.
Change you can believe in. Just wait until the democrats try and pass the Cap and Tax bill, then you can watch your electricity bill triple over night. You'll be out of a job, and freezing to boot since you won't be able to afford to heat your home. Start sharpening your pitchforks people.
I feel your pain man after 6 months of week to week work with the axe over my head it finally dropped on Monday now here I am at the library at 9:13 in the morning on FABO , time to regroup hike up the bootstraps and take a vacation er I mean find a new job well vacation first then a new job eh!
Sure sorry to hear that, Jim. My wife has been out of work for over 2 years. Hope all works out for the best in the very near future for both of you.
Sorry to hear, i was just laid off last week with a one day notice, first time ive ever been laidoff or fired. Hope it gets better for you and good luck with the sale of your cars.
Sorry to hear this. Especially at the time of year they've given you. "Merry Christmas, now get out..." Prayers are with you and your family.
to all those who are out of work, hang in there and good luck.

I feel blessed to still be working.

Cant figure out how the gubment thinks we are doing better ANYWHERE.
boy that would hurt me if i had to give up one of toys hope that day does not come best of luck
So sorry. I am new here.
My wife and I just lost our jobs after a combined 36 years with the same company. I am 52 and it is really a shock to me. There is no more loyalty in this country. The old adage (that my parents drilled into me) about staying with a company for a long time and they will take care of you no longer rings true. These are rough times in our country and I wish you well.
Sorry to hear about you losing your job....and especially at Christmas,no less:angry7:
Hopefully santa stops by your Bosses house,sits on his chimney and drops off a peanut-studded Yule log for him:toothy10:

In all seriousness...... I wish you any your wife the best of luck finding new employment.