Lost a mentor, teacher and friend...



Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2011
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Naperville Illinois
Hey Folks,

Been too torn up to do this sooner, but wanted to reach out to my FABO family for their thoughts and prayers. My father passed away at 86 years old last week after his long battle with Alzheimer's and most recently leukemia. He went the way he told me he wanted to go, with dignity in his own home, in his own bed with his wife and kids beside him. I was glad that me and my siblings all got up there while he still lucid able to speak a little bit. He passed in bed next to my mom, and his wife and love of almost 67 years. Bedtime has been the toughest time for Mom, but she's a strong woman and managing as well as could be expected.

He was a mentor, teacher, friend, grandfather and giving man. He taught me about muscle cars (He was a Chevy Guy until the day he died, but did admit that he really liked the way our Duster sounded LOL), and how to fish, hunt and respect our planet and the people on it. He instilled the importance of hard work and that while it is OK to take my job very seriously, I didn't have to always take myself seriously. He taught me that family comes first and that at the end of the day, that's all that is important. He taught me that good people were good people regardless of color, religion or political beliefs. He taught me to help those less fortunate. He taught me that humor is a powerful thing and to never dwell on the negatives. He taught me that life's too short to feel sorry for ourselves and every minute of every day is a gift that should not be squandered.

It's crazy how I am reminded of him everyday, little things like a song, smell or a sight triggers strong memories everywhere I go. I miss him so frigging much.

Thanks for letting me share, it does the soul good.

Be well all,
My condolences Pat. Sounds like a great man. I just lost my dad in December he was a chevy guy also but did tell me many years down the road that he always loved my 73 'cuda. Every day it gets a little easier but missing him doesn't go away.
Lost mine when I was 16, just need to remember he is always with you.
Sorry for your loss. My condolences. keep his memory alive and continue to talk to him as much as you can. I still like talking to both of my parents even though they have passed, there are moments when I think of them and say words to them.
As long as he lives in your mind and heart he is never gone!! Ask me how I know.
Pat, so sorry to hear about your dad.
But cherish the many years you had with him. Keep the memories close to your heart and he'll always be with you.
I lost my dad when I was only 7 years old. I have memories but they're faint. But even with the faint memories I still cherish them - and always wonder how my life may have been different if he hadn't passed so soon.
Sorry for your loss Pat. Sounds like you've learned everything he taught you! My dad has been gone nearly 28 years. Not a day goes by that I'm not reminded, or think, of him. It sounds cliche' but "time heals all wounds". Treasure and share your memories! God Bless you and yours!
Thank you for letting us here all those words of wisdom your Dad gave you.
It is a comfort to know he lived and died the way he wanted. But it is hard not hearing his voice anymore. My Dad passed last Nov. I know you miss your Dad, you and your family have my thoughts and prayers.
Sorry to hear of your loss. He was a great man and it sounds like he taught you well. Now it's your turn to carry on.
Sorry for your loss. It's not easy losing a father.
Especially one who taught you more than anyone could.
He will always be with you.
That means the most.

Going on 3 years this April 2nd, for me.
God bless and take care.
I make it a point to never tell someone "I know how you feel" unless it is true that I do. I lost my Dad in 2010 at 86 and my mom at 88 in 2014.
Both to complications from Dementia and Alzheimer's. They were married for 63 years when my Dad passed. So yes I can say I know what your going through. It is a terrible thing to watch them slip away from this horrible disease. And not knowing there own son or anything of their surroundings. My condolences.
My sincere condolences. It is tough losing a father and a friend. I lost mine recently and didn't feel embarrassed at all breaking down and crying on the curb of Downtown Long Beach. Loved him with all my heart. His ashes are spread on a golf course at his retirement home, just as he wanted them to be. Tee it up, Dad. Ill catch you on the 19th.
My condolences Pat. Sounds like a great man. I miss dad every day he would have been 73 in a few days. I shed a few tears today listening to Johnny Cash
Condolences. Your Old Man sounds like quite an awesome guy and it sounds like you were blessed to learn a lot from him. Continue to carry on the values and lessons he instilled on you, and I'm sure he'll look down on you from above with a big smile.

Sending prayers and positive thoughts to you and your loved ones.
Awful sorry, Pat. My one and only regret with Daddy is that I did not spend as much time with him as I could have. We spent a good deal of time together, but because of my stupidity asa young adult, it could have been much more. You never get over it. I use the good memories to patch up the hole. The hole is still there, but the memories make it easier to bear.
Thanks for sharing !
Sounds like your Father was a respectable man , who's legacy will live on through you and the other lives he touched in his time on earth .
Sorry for your loss and pain .
I pray God will give you and your family peace that surpasses all understanding , as he comforts you and draws you near to him ,
I pray he brings beauty from ashes !
God Bless
Sorry for your loss. The best way to honor him is to pass his qualities onto next generation. Hope your mother has comfort. Peace
Hey FABO family,

Thanks so much for all the kind, sincere and poignant messages. It truly helps. The fact that you all are busy, and have other stuff you could be doing, yet still took the time to share with me and my family during this most trying time is inspirational.


Pat & Kids
It sucks to loose your dad... I lost mine over 10 years ago and still miss him...
life does go on and it can be hard to be ok with that at first - Pat, it sounds like, in the end, it went down exactly as you would have all wanted it to and that you have closure and peace - morn in the now because it comes with the territory, celebrate what you had - forever.