Lost my wife and best friend Carolynn (Lynn)

We send our deepest condolenses to you Darryl, and your great family and friend's, and may your beautiful wife RIP alway's. May the Lord watch over you all, and give you the strength to get stronger each and everyday.
I know your a great person too, and if you need to speak with me, just to talk, send me a PM. Your friend's here at FABO will be praying for you, God bless you Darryl. :prayer::prayer: Dodge33
.So sorry to hear this . Condolences to you and the family .
I'm very sorry for your loss. I can't even begin to imagine the pain you feel.

The best of wishes to a fellow FABO family member,
So sorry for your loss. There are no words to describe what you are going through.
Hopefully things start to get better with each passing day.
Take care.
"The LORD is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those who are crushed in spirit."
Psalm 34:18
So sorry to hear of another loss to a member here. I feel your pain and know what you are going through. I lost my wife of 21 1/2 years in 93 to an accident. She was only 39 yrs old. I know this is the darkest day of your life. You had a beautiful wife and I am sure wonderful memories. Please thank God for all the time that He gave you together and keep your mind on the good times you had together. Keep your chin up and know that you have lots of people on here praying for you. If you can not make a speech, don't worry about it. I know there was no way I could have. I will keep you and your family in my prayers to give you the strength and courage to get through this. Joe
Wow!!! Dude very sorry for your loss..... And your right life is to short........
I've read this thread five times trying to think of something to say and I can't. I'm really sorry for your loss, prayers and my condolences to you. My wife lost her father to an accident a few years ago and it was tough since it was so unexpected. She never got the chance to say goodbye and she had many different emotional patches in the year that followed from the grief. Time doesn't heal all wounds but you do move on. It's been three years and we think of him alot and now can laugh at the stories and look at the pictures
and remember fond memories. It has gotten easier over time, God Bless.
Deepest condolences on your loss and prayers sent for strength for you to get thru this.
Darryl, from Deb and I, our hearts and thoughts go out to you. Be at ease my brother.
So sorry to hear this Monook. I can't imagine the pain your feeling but will pray tonight that you have strength to make it through.
So sorry for your loss, all words that come to mind seem hollow. I am praying for your help and comfort, from the God of all comfort.
Very sorry to hear the news. I hope you are doing better.

We are here if you need us.
man i feel for you now you will have to be strong and accept those around you that love you im sure theres lots.they will help you with the tough stuff and it takes a long time so stay close to friends and family they will dull the pain and hopefully get you to laugh again.
after time when things get better you can get back on the car and finish it in here
memory so she will always be with you.
I pray for the Lord to be your comforter.
Thoughts & prayers my Fabo kin . Close ranks & reminisce with family & friends. Well wishes sent your way. Lawrence
With deepest sympathy and condolences we have you and your families are in our thoughts and prayers.
Indy Prayer Warriors
i know there are no words to ease your pain in this time, so condolences sent from my family to yours.you will be in our prayers.
I just read this, Darryl. Words alone cannot express our sorrow for your loss. MommaCat read this and started crying, so from the both of us please accept our prayers and condolences as you try to get through this. We are here for you if you ever want to talk. Take care, my friend.

I asked Rob to pass on my condolences yesterday, I just couldn't! We have not met yet, I hope someday we can. My heart sank when he read your post to me. I couldn't contain the pain of your loss. You have helped us, in helping Fabo and I was at a loss for words. I still can't express how deeply sad your loss is, and if you need us... We're just a pm or post away! You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers!