Man neighbors suck sometimes. Opinions?

darte4forte said:"Remember, your neighbors are very experienced at climbing walls"

To hop over barb wire, spikes, glass, all you need is to throw a old piece of carpet over the top--I was a Border Patrol Agent in El Paso, Texas, so I know first hand a wall is virtually worthless as a true security measure. Only almost sure-fire method is to remain on site.

It was fun checking the rail auto transports cars in El Paso. The aliens would squeeze themselves inside, hop in a (luxury) car, start the motor, turn on the heater, and enjoy the ride to the interior of the United States. Sometimes they even ride in one of these power units because the engineers only rode in the lead one (see foto):

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so I plowed my neighbors drive way so he helped me cut down some dead trees on our tree line so I loaned him my lawn roller so his wife sent some home made jam so I sent some smoked brisket ... My last neighbor tried to sue me 7 times cause he and his wife were dead beats. Struck out and moved and struck gold. BTW karma is a bitcch.
From the sound of it I wouldn't trade my neighbors for any of yours. I am the go to guy when they have problems and I don't mind. My newest neighbors that have been out here about a month called me Friday night and had a problem. Their 200-300 lb pig that they had in a chain link dog pen some how got out and they found him drowned in the pool. I had gone into town to eat so I told Jeremy to get a rope on him and I would bring backhoe and get him out and bury him. Before I left another neighbor walked over with a hot apple pie and thanked me for helping the new neighbors. When I get one of my cars out and light em up I don't hear one complaint. Last night another neighbor a couple miles up the road called and said bring a gun and get up there. He had shot a deer with his bow and it ran so his 4 month old Lab tracked it down but it wasn't dead. I jumped on Ranger and took him my pistol to finish it off. I grew up here and all the others moved in around me. The one I helped said he has a saying "If I don't know, call Joe"
My closest neighbor is over 500 feet away....with woods in between. Fine with me.
there is a law about loose animals.
Laws are there for a reason - abide by them or be prepared to deal with the consequences. The animal is on your property, therefor it is your business. 3 strikes policy - 1st time, I mention that I would rather not see your animal on my property. 2nd time, fair warning. 3rd, do not allow this again - period.
Laws are there for a reason - abide by them or be prepared to deal with the consequences. The animal is on your property, therefor it is your business. 3 strikes policy - 1st time, I mention that I would rather not see your animal on my property. 2nd time, fair warning. 3rd, do not allow this again - period.

3 strikes?
BS, I give one.:D
One strike. If you're not firm and direct the first time you'll never be respected.
"I trust a dog who doesn't a human, but I don't trust human who doesn't trust a dog" (Bill Murray)
I'd trust the dog and keep the humans in strict check.
One strike. If you're not firm and direct the first time you'll never be respected.
"I trust a dog who doesn't a human, but I don't trust human who doesn't trust a dog" (Bill Murray)
I'd trust the dog and keep the humans in strict check.

I have always gotten along with animals pretty well (even wild ones) ever since I was old enough to encounter them while growing up in the North West, but people?
Frickin unpredictable behavior man.:D

This guy is one of my best local animal friends I have coffee in the garden with, but even he is predictable.

On the ranch Dad always brought out a shotgun for the skunks, said they carried rabies.

They can, but it's you have to get bit to contract it, and they don't actually bite unless you try and handle it or it has rabies and comes after you.
Rabies infected infected (affected) animals are easy to spot quite a bit ahead of time.
The foam at the mouth and walk like they are drunk or don't know where they are going.
Sadly disrespectful and crappy neighbors are far more experienced in showing their tails and know the laws about what they can get away with way more than the average home owner. For me it has been an eye opening experience and unless you have an abundance of land surrounding you, anyone, and I do mean anyone can end up with a crappy neighbor....

A young family moved in 2 doors down. Never had any garbage blow into my yard until then.
Always something. My neighbour between us now picks it up and putsiut on the offenders deck. Or into the bonfire pit. Their dog keeps to the yard, so they have a handle on that.
Oh, just remembered, guy has a bad dog living a few doors down.
Craps on everybody’s lawn.
Guy grabs his wrist rocket and lets dog have it with a ball bearing. Got him in the head.
Guy figures he killed the dog, goes and grabs it and hides dog under the deck. Going to dispose of dog when it gets dark.
Comes home after work and dog is gone. Turns out he knocked dog out, woke up and took off.
So as dog walks by, he now crosses the road. Guy didnt intend to kill it, did get the result he was after.
I'd trust a rabid skunk a lot more than I'd trust any politician.

At least you know the skunk will not lie about biting you. :D
The politician will swear up and down that he won't and then do it anyway.
A young family moved in 2 doors down. Never had any garbage blow into my yard until then.
Always something. My neighbour between us now picks it up and putsiut on the offenders deck. Or into the bonfire pit. Their dog keeps to the yard, so they have a handle on that.

When we lived in the state of sissies and tofu we lived about two blocks from a Mc D's and for a long time had Mc D trash in our fenced yard.
I always thought people were finishing their food and throwing the trash in the yard.
It was my own damn dog I found out.
We never knew she got out, but one morning I got up really early and I was standing in the front window with no lights on in the house and saw her jump up on top of and over the fence.
About 20 min later here she comes back over the fence with a mouthful of Mc D's trash.:D