Marvelous thrift store find.......Vanishin Point



Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2010
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Jumped in the thrift store for a few minutes and there's Vanishing Point (the original) on DVD The little naked gal on the bike is on, right now, LOL



Of course the TV movie remake in 1997 had a top on, still cute

I don't understand the naked chick scene myself (boring) but every time I think about building my first automatic car......I watch this movie with the volume up all the way and after hearing that car.....the automatic is out the door.

BTW: wouldn't that bike seat be really hot from the desert sun........ouch :banghead:
I can't believe with all the talk about that movie, I've NEVER seen it. It's running on the Sundance channel this week and I've got the DVR set to record.
I can't believe with all the talk about that movie, I've NEVER seen it. It's running on the Sundance channel this week and I've got the DVR set to record.

X2 I don't think I've ever seen it. (I apparently live a sheltered life) lol
I don't understand the naked chick scene

I think she and her biker boyfriend was an attempt by the author to exude the "free spirit" that was supposed to have prevaled back in those days, and certainly in such an isolated setting

And..........boredom, LOL is what may (supposedly) been why she solicited Kowalski

On the other hand, I've never liked having to "overanalyze" stories and movies. Makes things too much work, and takes the instant enjoyment out of them. High school book reports damn near ruined reading for me. On a side note, LOL, the best grade I ever got on a book report was "on a book" that I made up on the spot, and "by an author" that surely does not exist.
I think she and her biker boyfriend was an attempt by the author to exude the "free spirit" that was supposed to have prevailed back in those days, and certainly in such an isolated setting

Supposed to, IT DID!!! The 70's was an awesome decade.
did you get the dual sided DVD?

the dvd I got is shiney on both sides because if you flip it upside down in the player, the U.K. version of the movie is there. Its slightly different and includes different characters like there is a British woman he finds on the road and he stops for her and it goes into a whole other sub-plot. Of course the British version had to be on the upside down part because everything they do is upside down and backwards such as driving on the wrong side of the road.#-o
Thats why they drive on the wrong side of the car! LOL They drive the wrong side of the road as they're middle is on the right, so.............
Driving through Goldfield Nevada tomorrow....that is where the Radio Station was or still the old GoldField Hotel..
No, LOL, there was never a radio station there "except" in the movie
i think the seat would be hot from other stuff...not the sun.i have 2 of those dvds new in the package that i'll sell if anyone wants em.
pms me.

mike bee
The closest I ever came to stuff like this was in the early 70's in the Navy. There was a friend that knew a guy that knew a...........

who had some car parts out in the E end of San Diego. Santee 'er Lakeside er out in there somewhere. At the time I was an E-5 Navy RADAR tech, and I didn't need some drug bust to interfere with what had been "an OK thing."

We ended up at this little place, little house out in the country, and "you could just tell" that there was an awful lot 'o 'goin on' out there. And..........there was a girl. And......there was beer......along with other things. So the afternoon went.......well, LOL

But I've often looked back on that weekend, and if the Big Blue had showed up it might not have gone well for yer's truely 'n the RADAR repair business LOL