men and dogs



Fusing with fire
Oct 20, 2009
Reaction score
San Jose, Ca.
I grew up in the woods, we always had dogs, they ran around off leash unless we were hunting and even then they were hardly on leash.

They lived good happy dog lifes and lived like dogs should. I recently moved to a city and now I see men with dogs and it just aint right. I see men walking their dogs on pavement, on leash and carrying a bag of dog crap in the other hand.. that?

If thats how one has to raise and own a dog now days, I cant say i even think its right...
it's an adjustment when you grow up and move from living in the "boonies" to having neighbors that are close enough you can hear their car doors close when they get home.. things is different "in town" for sure. Park three unregistered cars on your property and see what happens!


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I grew up in the woods, we always had dogs, they ran around off leash unless we were hunting and even then they were hardly on leash.

They lived good happy dog lifes and lived like dogs should. I recently moved to a city and now I see men with dogs and it just aint right. I see men walking their dogs on pavement, on leash and carrying a bag of dog crap in the other hand.. that?

If thats how one has to raise and own a dog now days, I cant say i even think its right...
I don't walk around with a plastic bag. My dogs have a large yard to poop and play in. I personally don't think dogs should be allowed to run loose for several reasons. First when dogs are loose in a pack, their behavior changes to be more aggressive. Lots of people have been attacked by dog packs. Second, you're responsible for the safety of your dog. My good friend thought as you do. One day she came home to find her black Lab gone. Never saw her again. Was she stolen by someone who needs a dog? Not likely. Was she killed by a pack of coyote? They are all around here. Taken to be torn to pieces by a pit bull being trained to fight? Was she taken to be experimented on? (Apparently this is more common than I thought).how about being considerate to your neighbors? I can't tell you how many times I've had to lock up my car to keep from hitting a dog that some idiot just opened the door, and let them go. Sometimes in the dark. Dogs require thought and respect for others. Just like children.
Dogs don't require it people do. I believe that was his point.
I wonder if next we should make an effort to put wild animals on leashes too. You know, for there safety and more importantly, the longevity of the brakes in our cars.

the short answer is, dogs don't belong in cities
if you own a dog, you have an obligation to that animal to provide it with stomping grounds larger then you will find in a city

you also have an obligation to your neighbours, that your dog wont bother them
this too, is a whole lot easier to do when you live out in the boonies

does a man look like an idiot when he carries a bag of poop and cleans up after a dog?
but that is the price he pays for having an animal without having the room to keep it...and his neighbours should in no way have to worry about stepping in his dogs poop

just like they shouldn't have to worry about their kids playing with his dog and getten bitten if it wander around without a leash

didn't we recently have a post about a member who has a pet donkey who was attacked by a pack of dogs?

I guess that just goes to show that responsible pet ownership is not something that proves to be difficult in the city
I wonder if next we should make an effort to put wild animals on leashes too. You know, for there safety and more importantly, the longevity of the brakes in our cars.

That was truly the stupidest thing I've heard anyone say. It's obviously beyond you that we DO put safety measures in place for all domestic animals. Cats. Dogs, Pigs, Horses, Cattle, Donkeys, etc.( I listed those in case you didn't get it).No one mentioned anything about brake longevity. It is about keeping animals safe.
And you are nothing but an internet bully. You wouldn't call me a pantywaist to my face. Not twice.
Dogs don't require it people do. I believe that was his point.

Maybe I'm missing your point. What is it Dogs don't require? If you're referring to my post, it's very clear what the OP is saying. I just don't agree. If you're not referring to me, never mind.
as pet owners we all have responsibility to the animal and to people that it could affect. I've lived out in the "boonies" all my life. I feel bad for dogs, especially breeds that are large, or ones that their instinct directs them toward a desire for open country. in the city, a walk on a leash is their only choice. take them out to the open spaces they are not used too, they can get over joyed and run off and get lost real quick.

out here, 99% of dogs run loose, few people move out here and fence in a yard for them. hunting dogs generally stay in kennel type affair. fact is, if a dog gets on neighbors property, that land owner has the right to tend to this dog if causing a problem. if he knows the owner, he can contact them to get the dog off his place.

a dog that gets over in a neighbors pasture, and "runs" their cattle or livestock, , is likely to get shot. if a dog coms on my place and I don't know the owner and fights my dogs, he will get shot. I would not want to do that, but it boils down to protecting mine. fortunately I live plenty far enough from anyone, and I can recognize the neighbors dogs, and they also don't come a round. if they did I would call them and tell them to come get them, and if they got into a fight with mine, he would get informed what will be the out come if it happens again.
I agree with barbee6043 for the most part. Dogs aren't made to be tethered. And to say that you fence a dog, or any other animal for their well being is ignorant! We don't keep animals locked up and tied down for their sake. It's generally because WE want them there.

I can't stand how people think they need to intervene with nature to preserve it! If all humans vanished from the face of the earth today, would all of the dogs, cats, cattle and goldfish die off?!! OMG! Who would feed them?! How would they survive?! Who would do their nails?!

And you need to turn down your sensitivity level furyus2. It's America, I'm allowed to say what I want too. And if it offends you, good for you. You do have the right in this country to be offended and demand everybody change their beliefs and what they think to cater to your feelings. Because you are special and different than everybody else and your opinion should be the most important.
I wonder if next we should make an effort to put wild animals on leashes too. You know, for there safety and more importantly, the longevity of the brakes in our cars.

Hey, if you want to keep wild animals safe, why don't we move those deer crossing signs away from the roads. If they aren't crossing where we're trying to drive, then they'll be safer and people will stop hitting them with their cars!

Makes about as much sense as leashing them...
dept of natural resources brought in mountain luions here decades ago to help control deer populations, if too thick, they get a disease that kills them ( or could wipe out all of them)..... it took the DNR many years before they admitted they brought them here! occasionally one will kill a calf or foal. and I have the right to shoot me on my property too. I have seen one 3-4 times hauling *** going somewhere. they have a range territory of some 5-6 miles I understand.
I know, keep them in the country, not on leases in the city! LOL
Its easy for me, I live in the country, my neighbors take care of their
animals as do we, we look out for each others interests and vermin or strays
are dealt with swiftly.
I agree with barbee6043 for the most part. Dogs aren't made to be tethered. And to say that you fence a dog, or any other animal for their well being is ignorant! We don't keep animals locked up and tied down for their sake. It's generally because WE want them there.

I can't stand how people think they need to intervene with nature to preserve it! If all humans vanished from the face of the earth today, would all of the dogs, cats, cattle and goldfish die off?!! OMG! Who would feed them?! How would they survive?! Who would do their nails?!

Dogs exist because we made them. It took generations of breeding to get them there.

Sorry, my boy's Dachshund isn't going to be let off the lead when he goes out simply for the fact that large predatory birds that like to fly around.

I'm not letting Sassy out of her run simply because of the fact I don't want her running the hills. And, with her energy, she'll run the hills. Will I let them run when I'm with them? Yup. I taught 'em to come back. And they do. But when I'm not home, Sassy is in her run. When I can't be with them, they're on their leads or in the run.

I've had plenty of dogs that ran loose. Each of 'em came back home. But when they started running deer or when the coyote pack got too big, it was time to keep 'em at home.

Did I like it that the friggin' Great Dane/Boxer mix that the neighbors had would come in my yard and start growling at me for being in my own friggin' yard? Or came over and started to harrass Sassy because she was in her run? Nope. Time for that dog to get chased home and the owners have a talkin' to.

Did I like when the little dog who used to come in my yard after weeks of running the hills and looking like it? Hell, no. He was beat up, bruised up, bleeding, and generally looking like he hadn't had a good meal in months. And he was tagged and a couple from Jersey living in the local trailer park claimed ownership. The dog deserved better than that.
I wonder if next we should make an effort to put wild animals on leashes too. You know, for there safety and more importantly, the longevity of the brakes in our cars.


Maybe we should ignore rabies shots, too?

After all, rabies is natural, too. It's part of nature.
I agree with barbee6043 for the most part. Dogs aren't made to be tethered. And to say that you fence a dog, or any other animal for their well being is ignorant! We don't keep animals locked up and tied down for their sake. It's generally because WE want them there.

I can't stand how people think they need to intervene with nature to preserve it! If all humans vanished from the face of the earth today, would all of the dogs, cats, cattle and goldfish die off?!! OMG! Who would feed them?! How would they survive?! Who would do their nails?!

And you need to turn down your sensitivity level furyus2. It's America, I'm allowed to say what I want too. And if it offends you, good for you. You do have the right in this country to be offended and demand everybody change their beliefs and what they think to cater to your feelings. Because you are special and different than everybody else and your opinion should be the most important.
I'm not being sensitive, and you can feel free to say what you want, but calling people names because they don't agree with you is childish( uh oh, I just called you a name). And yes, I am special, and my opinion is the most important to me. You are special too, in the way you think. I thought this site was for bringing people together with a common interest. Not a hunting ground for getting the fur flying. Pun intended.
my point was I dont think dogs should be on leash, if you live somewhere where you must keep your dog on leash then...i feal for that dog.

Where i grew up, yeah dogs get shot. If it bothers live stock or ends up on the wrong guys land, best get a shovel. also you gonna be paying for their loss...

I love dogs more than I care for most folks. it just makes me sad to see folks with their dogs in the city.

if a dog aint safe off leash and attacks some child, well you should have trained your dog.

Theirs no bad dogs, just bad owners...

I do get a kick out of folks yelling after their dog when it runs off..
That **** makes me laugh.. My pops always said "if that dam dogs runs off, you dont go yelling and chasing after it.. we'll get one that wants to stay!"
Well sir i agree with you on your statements but in the city/urban areas dogs need to be leashed have their shots and trained to get along with others. I love dogs more than most people and i walk my dog on a leash as i have with every dog i have had even in the country because i wanted to keep them from getting into something or getting hurt. My suggestion to you is maybe to stay in the sticks where your comfortable!! No offence sir just stating my opinions.
I dont currently have a dog, I been wanting a new pup but theirs just no way I could see having a dog and living in the city.

If it dont have the woods to crap in or run then I think Ill just wait till I can move back to the sticks...

one more thing that makes me laugh is folks wearing hats and boots in the city, you think their hat ever seen rain? or those boots ever step in ****? .....