My Duster a chick magnet?Ran in to my dream girl? Kind of... Well...Chevy girl - LONG



My car stole my wallet!
Jul 10, 2006
Reaction score
50 Miles from the middle
I am getting over a bad relationship with a girl. So I get off work, ditch the polo work shirt for my Dodge Demon shirt and khaki work shorts and jam over to my local Lowes just to get out and kill some time. I needed to walk around and clear my head after a doozy of a day at work.

I cruise through almost the entire store... just looking around... almost every employee had to ask if they could help me find something. Nope... Just looking. I must have looked pathetic or something.

So I get over to the tool area. I was saving it for last. I was shocked to see so much stuff was on clearance. Too bad I didn't need anything. I found an 8" US made Crescent wrench for $5. I turn and walk past the cut off wheels and flap disks. Nope, none of them on are sale. Keep going... Nope Vice grips aren't on sale. All made in china anyway.

So I keep moving, drill bits... yep... I am good on those. Drills, grinders... all good. So I make it to the air tools. Yep, air compressors, pneumatic stuff, cute blonde smiling at me, air hose. WAIT WTF!

I had to do the double take, seriously... I must of had a bad look on my face because she quit smiling and looked away. I will be honest... She caught me by surprise. I tried to play it cool and calmly walked out of sight to collect my thoughts.

Alright alright... I just walked the entire store and all I have is one little crescent wrench that is on sale. She is working the contractors check out by herself. Not a sole around her... ok ok... I can do this... I took 3 steps and turned around CRAP! Alright alright... I am going to consider this a practice run... if I get humiliated it wont count.

Deep breath and I am off to check out.

I get about 10' from her and I ask if I can check out back here. She smiled really big, was looking at me but not in the eyes, and said SURE!

I sat the wrench down and she kind of laughed when she said, did you find everything you need?

ahhhuuuuhh CRAP! I should have went and got like 40lbs of bolts to go with that wrench or something.

I said yeah... I think so. I wasn't feeling it. Total boob.

RIGHT THEN... she said, "so.... Good old Dodge Demon huh?" Remember I tossed on my demon shirt before I left?

I just kind of laughed... She said, "Not to many people would know what those are now a days."

I about fell over! My mind started racing! Is she a Chrysler girl? PLEASE say you are a Chrysler girl!

I said, yeah... especially not very many girls. I almost said cute girls but, I didn't. I should have because this girl was freaking awesome.

She smiled really big, She said, My Brother used to own a shop where he worked on those.

I said oh Yeah? I have an old Duster I like to work on.

She absolutely lite up, "Oh my god, that is awesome!". I wanted to go hug my car for this!

She said I would love to have an old Buick or something.

I made this no kidding face. I didn't know what to say. Darn... NOT a Chrysler girl.

She said, you know something like a Grand National. She went on to say something about seeing one around town that she liked and how they never took care of it.

I said, yeah, they probably have no idea what they have. You see them every once in a while.

We chatted for a bit. Her name was something like Mary Ann. It was something Ann. All I remember thinking was WOW, I could totally be Gilligan! Remember Mary Ann was one of the women on Gilligan Island?

I ALMOST said, Well why dont I take you out to dinner some time, I will pick you up in my Duster. But I knew I FREAKING knew she would want to do it tomorrow or something. So I didn't... mostly because I have both doors taken off my car and a freshly welded quarter panel. Not to mention it is currently 4 different colors.

When the conversation ended she said something like take care or something. I said, "it was nice talking to you..." as I walked away with my one little crescent wrench... She smiled really big and made this Awww sound right before she said thank you. It went freaking awesome!!! My Duster is a Monster freaking chick magnet sitting in pieces miles away!


Alright... I know I am going to get bombarded with people telling me how much of a loser I am but, I dont care. [-X
You walked away with no number. Dumbass.
You should have said "How about dinner? I'm still working on the Duster and you can be my inspiration." Then give her a big smile.
You shouldn't have let her get away that easy. You should have told her that your car wasn't quite done but does have a new back seat.:thumrigh::mrgreen: That's your little tip from your Uncle MMG.
Should have said if you find a car I could help you out with it. And gave her your number.
Should have told her you were getting a footprint gas pedal installed on your Duster so you can't drive it right now but seriously no number!!!!! Come on even Joe Dirt would have wrapped it and tapped it!!!!! LOL Just bustin' your balls man. Stick with the Duster you will have FAR FEWER HEADACHES (Ive been divorced and was stupid enough to get re-married I SHOULD HAVE STAYED SINGLE!!!!)
OHHHHH!!!! oh thats good!:toothy3:

Go back and do it. :thumrigh: All is not lost. I'm sure she didn't quit after you left.

BTW, I fart around my local Lowes too so your story cracked me up. No good looking women there though.
Anytime a woman asks you "did you need anything else," THAT IS YOUR CUE

By the way, this thread is WORTHLESS without pictures

Dude, find an excuse, any excuse, to go back there and seal the deal. All you have to say is "Oh yeah, I forget to get this (insert item here) the other day and oh, BTW I really enjoyed our conversation last time. How about we hang out sometime and continue it?"

You're not a loser, but if you let this go you'll regret it. How often does this happen to you?

Looking back I had "opportunities" I didn't pursue 'cause I was too dumb to realize the girl was interested or if I did, I lacked the balls to do anything about it! See, you made me sound like an old man! Go for it!

Of course you have to keep us updated and post pics, etc. :thumrigh:
Cool story, now get your butt back there and by some little stuff every day until you work up the guts to ask her out.

I had a cute chick at the home depot counter ask me to the movies a couple weeks ago....but I flashed the wedding ring and said, nope.

I think those home depot, lowe's girls are a bit on the wild side from my observations.
Take a picture of your Duster, print it out, and on the back write "My heart is like my Duster, in need of restoration." and then include your name and number AND GIVE IT TO HER
Take a picture of your Duster, print it out, and on the back write "My heart is like my Duster, in need of restoration." and then include your name and number AND GIVE IT TO HER

That's perfect...and when she smiles,tell her she's got a great smile then ask her if those are her real teeth...:toothy3:...
Looks like kind of a nice spot you have the Duster in.

Here's what you do once get a date and got her in the car. Just tell her you need to stop at the garage real quick before dinner. Pull up to the garage and she'll get out to check out the car when you do anyway. Say you have get something out of the garage, open the door and presto! You have set up a table with a red checked tablecloth, a candle, a cooler with a 6 pack, bottle of wine a couple of good steaks, a gas grill plus a decent boom box for tunes. Tell her YOU want to be her "Chef" for tonight and that after you eat, the choice is hers:

A: Movie
B: Conversation
C: Local spot for dancing, drinks whatever

If you pick C, be sure to get a cab. :)

Chicks dig that stuff.
Take a picture of your Duster, print it out, and on the back write "My heart is like my Duster, in need of restoration." and then include your name and number AND GIVE IT TO HER

No offense but I HIGHLY advise against this. She will see it and immediately think that you have tons of baggage. Chicks hate that... well. good ones do. SOne chicks love to FIX men and that always ends badly.

Just go back, not stalkerish, and tell her. Ya know, when I bought this wrench from you I was so impressed by you that my brain just completely shut off. It isnt often that anyone has that kind of impression on me. that being said, I would love to have the chance to get to know you. Maybe lunch some day?

WHat this does is 3 things.

1) compliment women... POINTS
2) lets her know you have an interest in who she is as a person and not just a trophy..... POINTS
3) lunch is a lower key, easy, laid back first "date" which is less pressure for her... and you. But, dont think of it as a date though. Think of it as meeting someone. This will help you remain you and not feel the pressure.
No offense but I HIGHLY advise against this. She will see it and immediately think that you have tons of baggage. Chicks hate that... well. good ones do. SOne chicks love to FIX men and that always ends badly.

Just go back, not stalkerish, and tell her. Ya know, when I bought this wrench from you I was so impressed by you that my brain just completely shut off. It isnt often that anyone has that kind of impression on me. that being said, I would love to have the chance to get to know you. Maybe lunch some day?

WHat this does is 3 things.

1) compliment women... POINTS
2) lets her know you have an interest in who she is as a person and not just a trophy..... POINTS
3) lunch is a lower key, easy, laid back first "date" which is less pressure for her... and you. But, dont think of it as a date though. Think of it as meeting someone. This will help you remain you and not feel the pressure.
This is either written by a chick or a serious player! lol That sounds like some good advise to me!!
go back buy the bolts you need.....try again...ask her out for a coffee and if she say's yes you'll get her number :hello1:
Ya gotta go back and ask that nice girl out! DONT let her get away because a chick that likes cars is a rare treasure.
When she made reference to your shirt and after telling her you own one, I would of casually said, I'm in the process of restoring my Duster, if you'd like to check it out, here is my number give me a call.
Too late, While you guys were on line talking about it, I headed on over to Lowes. That little blond really likes the back seat of my barracuda. :laughing: