My Duster a chick magnet?Ran in to my dream girl? Kind of... Well...Chevy girl - LONG

What the heck. Stop back to that Lowes when you get a chance and check out in her lane. Keep talking with her and get to know her more. You never know, the little guy with her could have been her uncle. Don't stalk her but don't give up.

So... I had some stuff to take care of today after work that just so happened to put me in the neighbor hood of Lowes.

I jam down the highway trying to form a plan. Trying to figure out what to say and what to do. I have been trying to remember her name for a week.... Something... Something Ann... Not Mary Ann but close.

I park and walk inside and calmly and nonchalantly eye up the registers to see if I can spot her. I cruise past small automtove/vehicle aisle? I spoted some 3/8" US made chain that I wouldn't mind having. Alright Alright I have to stay focused. I am on a mission... to get a phone #.

I take a deep breath and head for the contractors check out where I saw her last time. She was there. Had her back to me... she was cleaning her area. Alright easy enough.

My plan was to walk up and say, "Hi, My name is Dan I spoke to you last week." If she remembered me I was going to tell her more or less that I was really impressed with the conversation we had and would like to get to know her over lunch some time. Pretty much what was suggested here.

Before I could get very close to her some dude on a fork truck comes in the door with a pallet of stuff. She starts helping him with something.

Ok... Now I have to stall she is busy. I turn around and go back to get that chain thinking that I would make out like a bandit. Killer US made 3/8" chain to keep in my truck and a cute blondes phone #.

She is about as tall as I am. Which is about 6'. This is important for what happens next.

So I am carrying the chain (its in a sealed bag that weighs about 40lbs) like a chump back down to the contractors check out. I dont care, I am going to do this. What is the worst that can happen right?

I round the corner and can kind of see she is talking to 2 or 3 people. I keep moving. Obviously other employees because of the vests. Fork truck is parked right next to them. Ok ok, no problem. I work in a machine shop and deal with dick heads daily.

I pretty much walk right up to them when I realize that on the other side of her is a mostly bald guy older guy wearing a bright green (neon?) contractors safety shirt. Not only is he all of 4'8" tall - he has his short furry arms wrapped around her middle section giving her a HUGE hug. He could have taken a nap the way he had his head buried in that lowes vest.

She was smiling from ear to ear and laughing while the other two Lowes guys stared at the guy clearly getting boobage in the store. I pretty much dropped the chain and started laughing uncontrollably because this is pretty much what I walked up on..

yeah... she is not my dream girl any more...:wack:

SO what? did that make her any less pretty or did that remove the smiles she gave to you? or did that make you forget how much you thought enuf of her to write something here?? dont be a dick!!! IF she will let a furry armed midget hug her, YOU can certainly talk her into lunch!!!??? or do you count yourself less than the furry armed guy??? **** wheres the Lowes I''ll go talk to her.....I dont give a fck if she hugs an occasional gorilla as long as she thinks I am cute and smiles at me.... she may be huggin him cuz he comes in EVERY DAY and BUYS **** FroM HER....... I seriously HOPE all the men in the US are as easily thwarted as you........MORE FUN FOR ME!!!!

she may have hugged him.....BUT she smiles at you.... DO you honestly blame any guy for giving a hot women a hug?.....did you expect her to SAY EEEWWWWWW and push his furry *** to the floor? GROW SOME BALLS, GET YOUR SELF ESTEEM BACK from the last dump and go talk to her....yer a dick if ya dont....dont be a dick!! SHE MAY BE A KEEPER OR she may be a whole lotta fun....OR both..... what do YOU have to lose, being alone is better?
PS and follow CUDACHICKS advice...DO NOT go in with some lame assed over used one liner...just be YOU, say HI, ask her if she likes working on cars.....find a common ground and STAND ON IT....... IF her huggin a short guy puts you off from approaching an attractive women...... you are in for a very lonely life after X.....

NOW...IF YOU were huggin the short furry armed guy, THAT is a horse of a much different color!!!!

Life is filled with CURVES,there is NO straight path to anything....REMEMBER YOU OWN A MOPAR AND YOU ARE RESTORING A MOPAR....THIS IS NOT THE PATH OF A COWARD

dont know about YOU...BUT I would rather TRY, than wimp away....YOU CANT WIN THE LOTTERY IF YA DONT BUY A TICKET.....YA CANT MAKE AN OMELET IF YA WONT BREAK EGGS.......STOP with the overthinking!! LIKE applying for a job the MORE interview you go on the more experienced you become at interviewing the more likely you are to get a good job.......HENCE the more women you talk to the better you become at talking to women..... the better you become at talking to women the MORE likely you are to convince one to go out with you....( especially if using a credit card fails LMAO)

< clap clap clap > Awesome!!!

Now if that doesn't punk you into going back to the store, I don't know what will.
OK my brother, Watch this little clip below and take notes. If George can do it, you certainly can.. MMG

[ame=""]YouTube - &#x202a;George Costanza Does the Opposite&#x202c;&rlm;[/ame]
those Lowes and Home Depot gals do seem to be a bit on the wild side. Some of them.
I'm lost. He didn't ask her out because she was hiding a little dick?
I have re-read this post uhh. 15ish times and I am trying to follow your thinking. so because she was flirting with other men this makes her less appealing to you? I flirt with every woman I meet, its part of my personality but at the same time its completely innocent. i have a great wife who knows what kind of person I am and so long as any of my extremities do not come in contact with the inside of another woman she is cool. this being said it leads me to beleive that you have jealousy issues, pretty severe ones. men will flirt with attractive women. your woman or not. My BEST advice to you is to work on yourself, build yourself up and your confidence, lower your jealousy issues and forget abotu women until youve made significant progress. If you get involved with a woman now it will just end badly.

romantic advice thread???hmm???
When she asked "did you find everything you need?" That was your chance to answer with "everything but your phone number."

So... I had some stuff to take care of today after work that just so happened to put me in the neighbor hood of Lowes. *Quote*

I prefer having the woman in the room that all the guys want to hug!! It's soooo much better than having the woman in the room that they all run from!!! LOL!! Sides is always cool to walk up to the group, grab your "center af attention" and walk away from the group with her with you! Them? standing there watching you walk away with that babe wondering what you got that they don't have.......... A Duster and a Duster T- shirt!!:toothy1:

This made me chuckle after reading your thread, I read this one here on FABO and thought I would point it out if ya hadn't already seen it.

FABO Gold Member
posted it;

James Bond in a bar
James Bond walks into a bar and takes a seat next to an attractive woman. He orders his usual martini "shaken, not stirred", then looks at the woman and then looks down at his watch. The woman asks, "Is your date running late?"

"No," he replies, "Q has just given me this state-of-the-art watch and I was just testing it.

Intrigued, the woman asks, "What does it do, Mr. Bond?"

"Well you see, it uses alpha waves to telepathically talk to me."

"I see. And what's it telling you now?"

"It says that you are not wearing any panties."

"Well, it must be malfunctioning, because I'm afraid that I am wearing underwear."

James taps on his watch and says, "Bloody thing must be an hour fast..."

Classic!! LOL!!:D

Get back there, walk right in the middle of the group, say excuse me, but I did forget something the other day when we spoke, could you come over here and help me with yadayada......(whatever) then walk away with her, leaving the crowd behind. She would be impressed that the situation didn't even shake you and you still asked her out even with grandpa elf nuzzeling her knockers! LMAO!!8-)
Besides you don't know, the guy huggin her might have been her Yoga instructor or something, maybe they had water colors class together or something.


CONFIDENCE is the key!8-)
This gets more and more painful.

You need to hang out with more women. Older would be better. Your sisters friends Your moms friends, the group that your aunt plays cards with, the cougar next door you get the idea. Get comfortable and familiar with the breed. You are scared to death. I was the same way 20 years ago, not fun. Just go and be a boy toy for some cougar and you will aquire the skills you need to get what you are looking for.
Just checking, have you went back in again after the boobage incident to ask her out? If not, why the hell not? Just because she's outgoing and let's an old man give her a hug doesn't mean squat. After all, she's working there in a customer service capacity, and if that means getting the occasional hug from contractors, so be it. I know as a dirty old man, I flirt with any young lady.

My advice would be, either find your set of balls, or go get some if yours have been misplaced, and go and give her your number and just tell her you'd like to talk and get to know her sometime and you're willing to do coffee, lunch, a movie, a quick bite, a long walk, etc.

10 years from now, you might be regretting not asking her out. Life is about meeting people and getting to know them.
I am SOOOOO done with this thread.
I only hope that he goes back but, we can only bait the hook so many times. (sounds like some good fish to be had too) . So, I wish ya luck and if not....You'll either man up someday in your life or just live lonely.
Kick the biggest guy in the balls then ask her if she wants to ride in a real muscle car.

Should get you right
I still don't understand the thread title.

Buick Grand Nationals are not Chevrolets.
I'm tempted to give his closest Lowes a call and see if I could talk to the lady and point her to this thread. :)
I think he is Yanking all y'alls chain. And got 4 pages out of it.
That pic can't be real. There's no way you would have the nerve to whip out your camera/phone and snap a pic, yet not have enough to talk to her..

C'mon... just do it!
