Need your prayers



Mopar Nut
May 22, 2006
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Belleville Canada
My Cindy suffers from Diabetes she has had it for almost 35 years now.The only problem so far is her eye sight.Ok so 3 years ago she went in for eye surgery on her left eye that went wrong now blind in that eye,tomorrow she is going in to have a cataract removed from her good eye witch has been loosing sight for the last 6 mouths. There is a chance her retina could detach like the left eye She is very worried as I am too.So we are calling on our FABO brothers and sisters to say a prayer that all goes well I love this gale more than anyone can know and no matter what happens I will stand behind her and keep giving the care I have for almost 30 years now.Thanks Don.PS I love you Cin.
I myself have diabetis with other things that are associated with it like the loss of feeling in my feet. It is a bad thing to have this disease so You both have my prayers to help get pass this.
Praying for Cindy to come through this in good health and a speedy recovery. We're all pulling for ya Don and Cindy.
Hey Don, sorry to hear about this. I can tell how reading thru your threads how important Cindy is to you. Prayers are sent for both of you and a speedy recovery
I pray for a sucessful proceedure for your Cindy. Please let us know how she is doing, thanks.

Thanksss all,I will let ya know how all turns out.The last eye took about 3 days and then we knew something was wrong.They tried to reattach the retina but no go.Big thing is she is hoping to see her grandchildren some day,we are still waiting for that day to come.
We're on it for ya Don and Cindy. Prayers on the way. Just a thought Don to consider. I wonder sometimes if the ability to look through our own eyes, if it doesn't hinder us from seeing into the spirit realm? If we could only see.
Small Block
I'll be thinking of you two tomorrow and wishing for a fast recovery and a perfect outcome for Cindy. Prayer sent!
All the very best to Cindy......Working in the healthcare field i see and hear alot of this.My thoughts are with you both.....Sincerly Edd
Will be thinking of you Cindy, keep us informed Don.
