New from Missouri


'Bout Time!!

Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2011
Reaction score
Mustang, OK
Hi Everone, I am so glad i found this site... I have loved mopars since i was in high school, my first car was a 1970 Plymouth Belvedere, Grandmas car. I moved from my folks house to another state, got married ect... well my folks sold their house and put my car at my uncles place, he's a scrap metal guy and guess what he did to my car........didnt sell one part off it but crushed it. I was horrified. Fast forward 10 years, 3 kids, a house, and several family cars, I found my new Mopar, 74 Duster, on Craigslist and I am hooked on A bodies. I am excited to be part of this community, I know there's a lot I can learn from all you guys, I am fairly ignorant so it wont take much. I would also like to know if there is very many members in SW MO, anyone planning to attend the Route 66 Mopar car in Branson, in May? :wave:
Welcome to FABO!

Here's a link to the FABO Members' Map. There are instructions for adding yourself if you wish.

Make yourself at home and post some pics of that Duster when you get the chance. Keep in mind there's no such thing as a silly question, just the one that's unasked. :-D
Fair Grove here. Just north of Springfield. Cruise in season will be starting soon. Several in the area.
Welcome to the FABO family. The "I'm fairly ignorant" statement wont fly here. EVERYONE has some knowledge or insight to contribute.. Doesn't have to be auto related either. The fact that you chose to join in proves you're not ignorant. :)
OK that's enough busting your chops over the content of your post. LOL
Post your pics and plans for that 74. .Happy moparing, Ben
Welcome from Northeast Arkansas. Branson would be a great cruise to make, I have a couple friends that went last two years and said there was MANY cars there.
'Bout time you showed up...welcome

my good friend/fellow hot rodder/'57 chevy guy....last name is Boutwell...AKA... "Bout" since schooldays (70s')....has a clock in his shop that guessed it...'BOUT TIME...also personalizes plates that read the same

This link is a car clubs list of events. The 2 biggest in our area are the Steak & Shake on Glenstone in Springfield. 1'st Sat of the month. Today should be the first of the year. Also Cruisin USA Frozen Custard in Nixa. Twice a month I believe. There are always a bunch of nice cars,but not near enough Mopars.
Welcome to FABO!! I'm in KC but went to school in Springfield, and have been to Ozark a few times. Lots of good mopar people in the area and on this site!! Post some picts of your ride and tell us your plans!!
I live a little over 2 hours from you, just south of Ft. Leonard Wood. I don't make it over that way too much but I'll try to give you a holler if I do.