New Promotions?


Small Block

Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2005
Reaction score
West Plains, Mo.
I see that GTX is now a Moderator and Waggin in a step up on the ladder also. Congrats guys for being considered to have broad shoulders and being able to put up with the headaches. Now your in the cage with the monkey with the Big Finger. LOL
Small Block
Yes, We needed few new guys and we though Ben and Curtis would do a great job. Both guys are all ways first to jump in and help members out and we felt they would both be very fair in there decisions.

Good luck guys, LOL
I see that GTX is now a Moderator and Waggin in a step up on the ladder also. Congrats guys for being considered to have broad shoulders and being able to put up with the headaches. Now your in the cage with the monkey with the Big Finger. LOL
Small Block

Yeah Waggin sits around doing nothing all day so why not. Just kidding! Thanks to the both of you for taking on this added responsibility.
Yup, Ben and Curtis have been added because of their involvement and support of this forum. These guys are personable, knowledgeable, and most importantly, INVOLVED with helping out our membership. It was a no-brainer to invite them to help keep the Monkey Cage clean and in order. Others were considered and might be added at a later date. Fortunately for us, there's more guys like them that might get the bump in the future as more Moderators are needed.

Please, welcome Ben and Curtis and give them the respect and courtesy that they deserve. :cheers:
Good to hear, congrats guys.
This will make a already great site even better.
Great choices on Waggin and GTX as Mods. Welcome and congratz guys! Please don't ban me. :)
Great choices on Waggin and GTX as Mods. Welcome and congratz guys! Please don't ban me. :)

No, I'll do that.... :-D

Yeah, these guys are good choices. Glad to have them help out.
Thank's everyone,I wasn't expecting this but I'll give it a shot and hope to do well for all of ya'll :cheers:
Memike is more of a spokesman because he talks so much!!

Congrats guys I know that you will do nothing but make this an even better site.
well........I'm not gonna call him dad- EVER!! even if there's a fire!
Thanks everyone for the kind words. And to think, that I thought this appointment was soley based on the facts that I am in a different time zone than the other mods and most importantly because I am an insomniac. ;) I look at this as an opportunity to help keep FABO running smoothly and keep it a nice place to spend time at. Cheers all!

PS It's going to take me a little while to figure out all the extra buttons/functions, so please bear with me.
Thanks everyone for the kind words. And to think, that I thought this appointment was soley based on the facts that I am in a different time zone than the other mods and most importantly because I am an insomniac. ;) I look at this as an opportunity to help keep FABO running smoothly and keep it a nice place to spend time at. Cheers all!

PS It's going to take me a little while to figure out all the extra buttons/functions, so please bear with me.

Might be a good idea to change your profile so we know if your online since you're a mod now. Just a thought. :)
You just want to track all of the crazy hours I keep, don't you? ;) Actually, I was thinking about that this morning.

Lol! Good to have someone here at "those crazy hours". :clock: I just figured it might keep the psychos like me in line if it was obvious that a mod was online. :)

On the other side of the coin, it might be cool to have a "stealth" mod. :-D
I was wondering what was different when I looked at Ben's post. Good choice on both Ben and Curtis ans way to go Curtis for making it into Mopar Action!!!!
Thank's everyone,I wasn't expecting this but I'll give it a shot and hope to do well for all of ya'll :cheers:

OK now that your in office, what about those campaign promises, No new taxes for any one making less than 250K, and about that stimulus package? Show me the money! And what are you going to do about double digit unemployment? Oh sorry, Wrong guy,I'm sure you'll do a great job.
Congrat' s Guys!

I nominate Memike for CIO (Chief Information Officer) :-D

Ha ha ha, and Board (Town) Mayor!

GTXperience, Congrads, it took me awhile for the buttons. Only a few left to go.

Waggin, Congrads as well.