Nite Moves out of action for ????


Nite Moves

Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2010
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Well i was at work yesterday, my back was unbearable..Been fighting it for a month and a 1/2. I seen the ER doc, got some good drugs and went to Cat Scan..........Degenerating discs and i have 3 flippin herniated discs in my lower back:banghead: I was getting so close on getting my Dart fired up but it looks like its going to be a ways yet. Im 48 skinny 6foot 6 and a family history of degenerative disc disease. This is suckin. My next step is a MRI and then dont know......I have alot of meds. now..hate taking pills. Cant do flippin much and sittin around is driving me crazy already and its not even a day.I/we have some thinking to do if what i think is going to happen in the future..IE: Back. Compared a CT from 2008 and theres alot of changes not for the good. Any way i wanted to give all a heads up if im not responding tp PMs right away or aactive around here as much as usual.Thanks for the time and letting me rant.....Edd
Sorry to hear Ed...back pain aint no fun. When it lays you up its even worse, especially when you can see the light at the end of the tunnel for your dart. It and you will get there...just takes time and the occasional hurdle...gimme a shout, Im home now for a bit
Thanks Steve......I have a GP family doc appt soon. I will try and hook up with you later. Im a bit snowed right now anyway. Not that i make sense on a good day..LOL
Dang it Edd , if it isnt one thing its another right? lol get better buddy , you have a lot to get done this spring and summer!
Sorry to hear Edd.myself I,ve had to learn to work with my bad back.It sucks,but I go stir crazy sitting idile.Hope you can get some therapy/relief.
I feel for ya Ed,myself @ 51 been working since i was 15 and I mean real hard work not an office job,but I am just starting to have back problem,and now neck,and head aces most of the time I only talk pills when I just cant stand it.,I feel i wore myself out for starting working to soon in life.Hey maybe 1 day we can race our wheel chairs down front street.I hope things get better for you.If you need a hand at some time look me up,I will do what ever I can for ya.
edd my prayers are with you i hope you get to feelin better real soon.
I feel for ya, Edd. I've been dealing with back problems for 10 years, and I'm only 37. Hang in there.
Sorry to here it prayers sent! You could always think about it like our cars even the best need a little fixing now and then.
Sorry to hear this Edd. I have been dealing with a bad back since 2004 and it has gotten better but I can certianly tell you weather fronts about kill me. Prayers headed your way for full recovery.
I hope you get back in shape soon so you can move around some, the hardest thing to do is make a working man stop It sucks big time...
I can say this, the couch is your worst enemy and do your best to keep your mind busy and fallow up on your doctors orders.. move smart and
do not let the big D word enter in your life :glasses7: Stay sharp and keep a daily routine and stay positive , Prayers sent out for you Edd that you get
a good doctor for some well needed repair/therapy/relief soon.

I keep my mind busy here, and doing the small things that need to be dun here at home......... Ok I agree this don't feed the mind but it will keep you off the couch when it is passable to walk smartly :coffee2:

I am not going to say what I have dun in my past life but I am doing my best to keep it posative and not be a burden on anyone..... Keep us updated Edd, and bend my ear by pm anytime ...... Yes this is going to be a tough row to hoe.
Stay strong and don't let the D word enter in your life bud :coffee2:
Good luck. I've had neck problems since my 20s, and now pretty serious (osteo) arthritis. I'm to the point that if I'm awake, I'm in pain. If I didn't have the little tractor/ front hoist, and the chassis hoist, I just plain could not work on my car. Getting up/ down off my knees is the most difficult.
Good luck and you're in my prayers. I have been dealing with my back since 1991 from my first surgery.
Thank you everyone........A real rough morning. My doc says im off a min. 2/3 weeks maybe more. Pains bad and dam sciatica happening alot. Did nothing yesterday..wife was home..LOL. I couldnt even if i wanted. Kids are off to school now so time for some drugs.........I like to have a clear head and awake when there around......Just me i guess. Holding off the MRI for now unless things get worse.........Thanks again for the kind words and thoughts. Talk soon. Edd