Not Happy with Laysons

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this sounds just like guy has an issue..and EVERYBODY has their 2 cents to add...a slamfest....
this sounds just like guy has an issue..and EVERYBODY has their 2 cents to add...a slamfest....

This is just like every forum on the net. LOL This is tame compared to most other sites. I have seen a thread go 100 pages in one day before on other boards.

About all you can do is sit back get a snack:happy1:
Nothing new here, for this reason I only buy from Layson's in person at car shows they attend.

Wouldn't do that either, unless you want to pay tax.
Laysons was the "ONLY" vendor charging tax at a California show.
A Washington based company charging tax in California. :-k
Please reread the origianal post and point out where he mentions he wanted special shipping. He doesnt, but thats all that Rick commented on to defend the matter. Something that was never said. Thats all im saying, for me to be told to "Get over it" was a little much. I will never get over bad customer service and thats clearly what happened here by every laysons represenative.
Nothing personal and the "Get over it" comment was for everybody. Not singling out you.

People are beating up Rick. This should not be the case.
I think Rick and Rumble have explained everything. I have had bad dealings with parts stores also. Seems most people are there for a Pay check. rick goes out of his way to help us. He has answered every ? I had about parts.
Im sure Rick is a great guy. All im saying is he doesnt address the issue with his response. The op said nothing about special shipping. If he wanted to respond with the best answer he should at least read it better.

He was told one day. It didnt happen.

Ricks response was "It didnt say special shipping". NO KIDDING, he didnt ask for special shipping. He just wanted what he was promised.

I know Rick is a FABO vendor and FABO need his adv $ but he is wrong here.
I'm thinking rickypoo skimmed the original post and saw what he wanted to see which is why he replied like an ***. If he actually read it then he wouldn't have replied like he did.

Homecloned is 100% right.
My 20-year opinion of Layson's is well enough known and adequately enough represented already in this thread; I won't rehash it. But I do have a few comments:

•Excuses and blameshifting and sarcastic belligerence such as we've seen from a Layson staffer in this thread are one reason why I do not exempt any particular employee from my overall opinion of Layson's. And it's not just when Layson's has screwed up a customer's order, it's also when a community raises an eyebrow at Layson's promotions. Most of one such example is here (but not all of it -- some posts got scrubbed).

•Speaking for myself, in my own business, occasionally I or one of my associates screw up because we're human. Sometimes the wrong part gets sent, sometimes the wrong shipping method gets used, sometimes we don't ship the part promptly for whatever reason. It doesn't happen often, but when it does happen I quickly verify that it was our (=my) fault and then I do what it takes to make it right. Overnight shipping (even if it wipes out all the profit on the order), free spare parts or other goodwill, sincere apology + immediate refund + referral to another vendor…whatever it takes to make it right and make the customer happy. That does two things aside from the obvious: it lets me sleep well at night, and it buys me the right to stand firm on the rare occasion when a customer screws up and wants to make it my fault. That's how I choose to run my show. Others make other choices. It'd be nice if they'd get spanked harder and more often by the invisible hand of the free market (which can't be charged with assault and battery) but too many people make too many excuses for people who should not be in any kind of a customer-service job or business.

•Most of the replacement carpets on the North American market are made by Auto Custom Carpets. You can order directly from them, but often you'll find a lower price through one of their many resellers. That's pretty common standard practice, to charge retail customers a higher price than they could find from a wholesale customer, so as to protect the wholesale customers. Me, I have had consistent good service and price from . Shop carefully…for example, a new carpet for a '73 Swinger with automatic trans is $245 from ACC themselves, $130 with OE jute backing or $185 with the upgraded backing from , and $230 (no option for upgraded backing) from Layson. All for the same exact carpet, all shipped from ACC no matter whom you place the order with.
I know Rick is a FABO vendor and FABO need his adv $ but he is wrong here.

Rick does not pay for Laysons advertisement.

Rick does not need to explain, it's really his companies job to do so. Just because he works there doesn't make him liable or a le-a-zon (SP!) or responsable in any way shape or form. He did what he could to the best that he could and yet you still jump on the wrong dog for the problem.

Stop beating the dead horse.

And now, I tell you directly, get over it.


Not singling you out, but due to the amount of negitive posts against Rick himself..........

Rick has an excellent rep here for handling our members.
Laysons does not.

While Rick works for Laysons, IF you order through Rick, he will at least tell you if the part is in stock and the details of how and what is going on. All you have to do is ask Rick and he'll tell you.

Rick is very UNLIKE his boss and company, Laysons.

Roast Laysons, not Rick.

Rick has been completely stand up and has most certainly "STEPPED UP TO THE PLATE FOR US HERE @ FABO"

His boss and company....well, the rest is obvious.

i cant help this why is rick handling our members lol
Rick is reaching out personaly to us and other MoPar fans to put his personal touch as a car guy to car guys. He persoanly handles orders placed to him from you. The bennifit is you now know that you have a personal handler in your order.

Rick informs you to what he has on hand and what is not on hand. If you order parts from Rick that he has on hand, you getthe parts without delay. He lets you know what he doesn't have so you do not bother ordering them and waiting.

If Rick did not handle your order,, then his help for you is limited.

When you deal with Rick, your going to get a stand up guy. Lock stock and all 4 barrels.

Ricks boss has nothing to do with this and what Rick does here at FABO.

If you have an issue with Laysons in anyway shape or form, then deal with Laysons.

Do not shove Rick and Laysons together here. Itjust doesn't work, this thread is proof.
If anything, this thread would drive away people like Rick just trying to help out MoPars fans just for the sake of helping MoPar fans out.
I have never dealt with Rick, but from the sound of it he is a stand up guy, and I'm sure he is.

But when Rick sells parts Dave prospers.

With all the horror stories,give me/us one reason why we should give our money to Dave ?

Ive said it before. To me it would be very easy for Dave to turn this thing around.
Swallow your pride and admit you have made mistakes, and that you are human.
Let everyone know that you will do everything in your power to change.
Give everyone your WORD that parts are in stock,and will be delivered on time.
And then DO it.

Time will tell.
But when Rick sells parts Dave prospers.With all the horror stories,give me/us one reason why we should give our money to Dave ?

So, you have an issue with purchasing parts from a good fella because his boss is a jerky. So therefore, you'll not purchase parts but just make wonder out loud comments (Which is a *****, I understand this) in an attempt? Not to get others to purchase parts? Shame Dave? Whom doesn't care mind you.

I'm a little lost.

No matter, I believe this thread has run it's course.

So far what we have here is;

The owner of Laysons has a hate following.

Rick is a stand up guy that can get ya parts without screwing you.

Did I get this right?
A agree with AbodyJoe!! Nothing but misery from much of the stuff ordered from Layson's. Your story is not new, many other mopar guys I know have had problems and tell about it. I have stayed clear. :violent1:
I will not deal with a ripoff company that specializes in bad customer service and high prices (and they must be "high" to come up with some of those prices)
If Rick is such a great guy, then he needs to dump his bullshit employer and start his own business. Otherwise he's guilty by association. To come on here and even give the kind of response he did kinda backs that up. Were he not a vendor member here, he would not be getting defended. PERIOD. Layson's customer service SUCKS. Ain't no gettin around it. Rick works for Laysons. Ain't no gettin around it. Since Rick is a vendor member here, any mod or admin's opinion is biased. Ain't no gettin around that, either.
I don't know about you, but, if I were an employee, I wouldn't want to be "tarred and feathered" for decisions my boss made. If you have a family to support, it may not be possible to just quit. Having fewer restoration parts suppliers is not in our best interests either. Hopefully Rick will relay the feelings of many who have had problems with Layson's to the owner and they will take measures to improve the situation. If not, you still have the option of buying from them or can't claim ignorance at this point. I'm sure Rick realizes that if Layson's goes under, so does his job. The good news is, customer service is easy to just takes a change in attitude from the top.
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