nothing is easy on this crap car - need adapters to run new lines



Well-Known Member
May 13, 2009
Reaction score
seriously wtf? i am honestly beginning to hate this car and myself for attempting to swap the engine and brakes. nothing just comes off. rusted bolts, seized crap, holes in frame, fittings so bad that had to be cut off and drilled out, literally nothing has been a direct swap.

so today i am excited to get the suspen and brake lines run. yeah right. why should anything just fit. i ordered a brake line kit from a company on ebay. they sent 11 lines but they only indicate using 7 but dont tell you if the others are extras/what. so i get 1 line rigged up and go to attach to master cyl and of course the fitting size on the master is larger than the fitting on the line. so now i need to go hunting for adapters. what a pain in the ***.

where the hell do i get an adapter to go from the master cyl outlet to the fitting on the line? i dont have the patience today to go from store to store to store for them all to tell me they dont have anything.
i am really really tiring of this car.
the fittings i am referring to are on the metering valve not the master cyl. sorry for confusion.
Jason, take a deeeeeep breath!

If this is your first attempt at a major overhaul, hang on. It'll probably get worst before it get's better. Nothing goes as planned....the correct parts never come on the first shipment....nothing fits. This is the hobby. You have to WANT to get involved in order to get results. This is a relationship; either work with it, or break it off before it get's messy.

And just to prove I know of what I speak, use the search feature in the tool bar and do a search for any post titled CUDA CAPERS posted by me. I went through 3 solid years of fluctuating between "I love my car" to "I'm going to set the %$#@#$% garage on fire and walk away..."

Welcome to the club.
Slow down, take a breather. You can get adapters at Napa, Kragen, Autozone etc. Or you can call Inlinetube, Classic Tube, they have a kit with a zillion different adapter for the brake lines. Take your time, and walk away if things get too frustrating. Now if the adapter fittings cause you to boil over, just walk over to your tool chest and grab the "BFH", big f***ing hammer, and gently persuade the fittings to do your!
yeah i know - just had the same conversation with my girl. i DO love working on stuff. i just get frustrated when i segment a chunk of what little free time i have and dont get much done. but as you said that's the hobby. i am better now. but i was tempted to smash something .. however i did not!@
Jason, Rather than me set here and read about your misery let me say this for maybe a bit of encouragement. Been there, done that. My first car i painted myself....about 4 times i might add. Stripped it to bare metal twice. When you think you have it done then something else rears it's ugly head. Nothing is cut and dried on these cars. Lots of times we buy something that was suppose to be the way the guy on the phone said it was. Good luck. When i run up against one of these snafoos i just step back, take a long hard look and believe it or not, i then have to laugh. It's a great lesson in patience and lord knows we can all use a little more of that from time to time. The good side of these minor setbacks is the knowledge that you will walk away with upon completion. Like i've told many. It's like eating an elephant. You can't eat him in one bit so you accomplish the task one bite at a time. Treasure and enjoy the opportunity to learn. You can handle it.
Small Block
Jason, take a deeeeeep breath!

If this is your first attempt at a major overhaul, hang on. It'll probably get worst before it get's better. Nothing goes as planned....the correct parts never come on the first shipment....nothing fits. This is the hobby. You have to WANT to get involved in order to get results. This is a relationship; either work with it, or break it off before it get's messy.

And just to prove I know of what I speak, use the search feature in the tool bar and do a search for any post titled CUDA CAPERS posted by me. I went through 3 solid years of fluctuating between "I love my car" to "I'm going to set the %$#@#$% garage on fire and walk away..."

Welcome to the club.

Amen to that.
Been there for an 8 year love/hate relationship with mine as well, BUT now that it's on the road, it's all LOVE!!!!
sell that ebay junk line kit and order the right one from inline tube and it will bolt right up no adapters ,honest. worth the money to have a safe correct installation.
Think this is bad? Wait until you get to all the litte detail stuff that will eat days of your time and look like nothing has been done! ](*,):toothy10: Seriously, though, take your time an enjoy, relax and have fun with it! It all pays out in the long run when you drive it and enjoy it.
thanks again everyone i appreciate the wisdom and the help. i got the lines run. in my overreaction i just needed a 3/16 to 1/4 female to male adapter (2 actually) and all set. still need to mount the m/c but got to do some steering things first. hoping by next week i can take her out for a spin with the 318!
Have you had "First Blood" yet? Until your car draws your blood she just is not totaly your car. Things get better after that is out of the way. LOL. And if they don't see posts above.

Bruce B.
It's harder to get things to go right on these projects then it is teaching a pig to sing. I've put up with more **** from my cars then I did from my ex-wife but the cars don't follow me around bitching.
A break and a beer always work for me.
sell that ebay junk line kit and order the right one from inline tube and it will bolt right up no adapters ,honest. worth the money to have a safe correct installation.

I bought my brake line kit from Inline Tube on Ebay!!! Haven't started that nightmare yet.
Cheap parts cost more in the long run. Some guys learn that lesson quickly, others never do.