Obama - Biden

My reason for voting Republican is that we need someone who will swear allegiance to our god and country, not a Muslim who refuses to even pledge allegiance to our flag, or recognize our National Anthem. Besides that, McCain and Palin have outlined what they plan to do , where Obama just keeps saying things are going to change while never commiting to what will change. I think if Obama gets elected things will change, especially our whole way of life.

Amen to that.
Obama is another one of these Morally Equivalent people who equates Islam with Judaism/Christianity/Buddhism/You Name It Religion. Take twenty minutes of your time and read the Koran, then take another twenty and read the New Testament. If after doing so you can call these two religions "equal" or equivalent, you have bigger problems which I cannot begin to address.
Good question. I'm surprise by the civility of the answers, congrats to everyone. My wife and I are pretty dam*ed independent and will be voting for McCain/Palin. I could go on but I've got to go to work.
I cant think of one good reason to vote for McCain / Palin !!!!! Come to think of it I cant think of one good reason to vote for Obama / Biden !!!!!! Guess I will just write in Lou Dobbs name.....:cheers:

Obama plans to give everbody something as said before, but the governmrnt has no money. Their only way to raise funds is to tax the people. We are trillions in debt, where is the money to come from? ME AND YOU! The liberal left agenda is to redistribute all wealth( except theirs) to those who won't work. I was not a huge McCain fan but he has tried to stop pork barrell legislation and reduce government. I am for the party that will get the government the hell out of my life and let the Constituition, as written, stand. McCain stands for a strong military, reasonable taxes, less socialism,
firm foreign diplomacy and the second amendment. Obama will have you bowing to the east wing five times a day to pay tribute to his sorry socialist messiah ***.You make the choice which is better for our society.
few Facts
The top 1% of income earners pay 39% of all federal taxes. The top 25% of income earners pay 87% of all federal taxes. The top 50% of income earners pay 97% of all federal taxes.

When I live in Cal 10 years ago was born there, could not take state went to crap after 1st 40 years of my life.

89% of taxes were paid in Cal by 19% of the people. I grossed $128k and under the Slick Willy tax plan and marriage penalty, 11% Cal tax, State Dis, Medicare, Medical, FICA, and other taxes my take home was about 72k.. Great huh!

So moral of the story is why the hell go to school, get a good degree, good paying job etc and bust your ***. Just be a Dumb *** (as Red says) and let somebody else pay for your life right?

Yep take from the non lazy people and give to the lazy that is the way left agenda.. Easy for them to pull off too, many people suck at math so they distort the numbers a little, take stuff out of context and there ya go...

Yeah Cal used to be fine, had excess $$ every year, hell we used to get extra rebates cause they collected to much $$. Schools were about best in US etc, roads great, less BS laws etc. People that live there are so unfortunately brain washed and do not even realize how many rights have been taking away. Well now that Boxer and Frankenstein took over, the they owe more than 6 western states budgets combined. Roads suck, schools suck, crime is highest in US, laws are a joke, prisons’ are full, oh and all their great smog restrictions still cause the crapest air in the US! Oh then there is the Illegal’s. jeze do even go three, that is millions of more people getting a free ride, but hell you got an LA Mayor that lets the schools fly a Mexican flag on top of the US flag on Cinco de Mayo. Sound so great maybe it should have even more people in the US move there huh?

Hell just keep voting for them, soon China will own Cal 100% too!

So I moved to about the coldest dam state, no state tax, no inventory tax, no business tax, low property tax, only 4% sales tax. Oh and this state has more money in the black than any state in the US and I make more money and keep more of what I make. Get my own health care and less BS etc thank you very much. More freedom feels like I am back in the US again.

Think About It!
......is depicted in the movie "Dave". Kevin Kline was the main character and he shook things up while playing the look alike roll of an ailing President to say the least and think that will be the case when these two hit Washington. McCain already said when a pork barrel bill came across his desk he would veto it and let us know who the culprit was and expose them. He will not be favored in Washington. Huum. I wonder why??? He's too real and on the side of the common american. Why would you want anything less. If the candidate doesn't have any respect for this country what in the cat hair would even make you think he would care for a peon like you. That's a good question even if i did ask it.
Here's a couple of my reasons why I have decided that McCain/Pallin is going to be the ticket that I punch:

1 - John McCain clearly showed the type leadership and judgement that a Commander in Chief needs when he put the needs of the Country ahead of his desire to get elected by pushing for more troops in Iraq - now commonly known as "The Surge."

2 - His life story leads me to believe that he truly does put his Country First. There are many men that were prisoners of war thoughout the Vietnam Era but I don't know if any others were offered the deal he was by the enemy and turned it down.

3 - I believe his VP choice is in fact as qualified, if not more qualified, than the top of the other ticket.

4 - I believe that John McCain is serious about cutting the wasteful spending in Congress and using the power of the Veto whenever he sees a bloated porked up bill come across the desk in the Oval Office.

5 - John McCain showed the type of diplomacy and leadership that exemplifies everything that we want/need in the leader of our country by being the one to push for normalization of relationships with North Vietnam, despite the fact that if ANYONE should hold a grudge against them, it was him.

6 - He's more than a community organizer, he a Leader of Men (and Women).

BTW - I would like you to know that I was not 100% sold on Mr. McCain until this past week. I watched a lot of both conventions and saw that the one with the most substance and that better reflected my views was the RNC and their candidates.
Number two is my reason also,I want my vote to be for someone I can respect. not someone who refers to me as whitey.
Amen to that.
Obama is another one of these Morally Equivalent people who equates Islam with Judaism/Christianity/Buddhism/You Name It Religion. Take twenty minutes of your time and read the Koran, then take another twenty and read the New Testament. If after doing so you can call these two religions "equal" or equivalent, you have bigger problems which I cannot begin to address.

Shoot, I guess me and my other 5 million or so American brothers and sisters should go crawl into a hole and die because apparently we don't support the United States or democracy or human rights.

BTW so far I am a McCain supporter, just because in my opinion he knows what's going on and doesn't keep talking out of his hindquarters.
Obama's gonna give away alot. The rich will pay for it.

When the big businesses have to pay, we all end up having to pay. In jobs and/or higher prices on just about everything. There's no need to tax businesses to death. Just keep businesses and the economy running well and there will be plenty of revenue generated from a prosperous economy.

What good is redistributed wealth without the incentive to work and compete for what you get? How will we progress under that kind of system? There's alot of people that think they're owed something without ever having to work to get it. Nothing wrong with good hard work to earn what you get. Help people when they need it. That is what our welfare system is for. For those that need it. Not those that don't won't to work.
from obama's speech. A job for everyone that wants one. "wants " being the key word.
I'll vote for McCain lets see 22 years military and 20+ years senate against Obama's 140 days give or take in the senate....oh well....you do the math!!!
"When the big businesses have to pay, we all end up having to pay. In jobs and/or higher prices on just about everything. There's no need to tax businesses to death. Just keep businesses and the economy running well and there will be plenty of revenue generated from a prosperous economy."

Isn't that what is going on right now, high unemployment and higher prices on everything and I beleive the republicans have been in power for 8 years. If thier policies are so good, how come they haven't worked the last 8 years? Oh Ya, John McCain is a different Republican, just everybody else in the party is the same. Ah what the hell, he only supported Bush Completely for 8 years but he's different. I am begining to believe that the division between people has split the country to the point where no one even wants to consider listening to the other side. Lets just not let fear make our choices and really see if we can hear what these 2 men propose to do and pic the one you think will help you, not anyone else.
GREED has taken over this country. I don't think any candidate has a chance to make a difference. There are powers higher than our own government making all the policies to make sure they continue to make big $$$. Look at the oil industry. I know everyone says Bush has ties to the big oil.......He may have ties but, he damn sure isn't setting the price of crude and giving Exxon their Billions of dollars. I just know that personally I don't want Obama in the Whitehouse. My decision is not based on anything except gut instinct at this point. I just don't trust the guy.
Did you see the story in the Washington Times (and probably elsewhere) about Obama's "slip of the tounge" in the interview with George Stepanopolous? He said "My muslim faith...". OOPS.
"When the big businesses have to pay, we all end up having to pay. In jobs and/or higher prices on just about everything. There's no need to tax businesses to death. Just keep businesses and the economy running well and there will be plenty of revenue generated from a prosperous economy."

Isn't that what is going on right now, high unemployment and higher prices on everything and I beleive the republicans have been in power for 8 years. If thier policies are so good, how come they haven't worked the last 8 years? Oh Ya, John McCain is a different Republican, just everybody else in the party is the same. Ah what the hell, he only supported Bush Completely for 8 years but he's different. I am begining to believe that the division between people has split the country to the point where no one even wants to consider listening to the other side. Lets just not let fear make our choices and really see if we can hear what these 2 men propose to do and pic the one you think will help you, not anyone else.
Sorry. The higher prices on everything are being driven by the higher price of fuel and that is 100% the fault of the democrats. Also, supported Bush 100%? Are you kidding? McCain has been the one "republican" that they could count on to throw a monkey wrench in anything they wanted to do. The only issue where he has been in agreement with his party is on the war.
Vic-Storm, the republicans may have held the top offices but the Democrats had control of the Senate, so I would be more apt to say that the Dems were in power.
Yea I'd say the economy has gotten worse in the last year and a half. It always does when the Democrats take control of the house and the senate.
liberals have ruined our country. thats why you vote for mccain and palin. mccain isnt conservative enough if you ask me. there is a reason why barack obama's initials are b.o. (body odor)
Exactly Bush has had his hands tied by a lame duck.

I agree....quack quack :angry7: What the heck is going on in the US :protest:

Now the US is only another 5 or so Trillion $$$ in debt this week with the bail out of Freddie & Fannie..........just freakin lovely....
Wow. Yet another reason not to vote for Obama. It was announced by Iraq that while Obama was there, the candidate who has promissed his far-left wacko base that he would bring all the troops home immediately (while promissing other groups various other things including staying there until the job is done, since someone told him it is the only smart thing to do and that the vast majority of Americans support it), tried to convince the Iraqi government to postpone any agreement on the withdraw of American troops until after our election. UFB. This guy, like so many democrats, will do anything that he thinks will benefit him politically including violating federal law and committing borderline treason in undermining the Foreign Policy of our country. Pelosi did the same thing in Syria. Too bad Bush and the republicans do not have the stones to have them prosecuted.
I'm surprised no one has mentioned that McCain while still married to his first wife Carol was chasing his second wife around the country in 1979 and married her in 1980. His first wife was disfigured in a car accident in 1969 while he was in Vietnam. She was in a hospital for six months and today her body is still held together with screws and plates. Ross Perot was the one who paid her medical bills. I didn't like it when Clinton lied and was chasing pussy while married and I don't like the fact McCain was too. Interestring that no one brings the issue up. When it comes to morals it's obvious no party has a lock on righteousness and just because he was in Nam doesn't make it right. Oh, I forgot his wife is 18 years younger, looks good and from some of the comments his VP is a hot babe, great reason to vote for him.

For the record, as it stands now I'm not supporting either candidate.
I'm surprised no one has mentioned that McCain while still married to his first wife Carol was chasing his second wife around the country in 1979 and married her in 1980. His first wife was disfigured in a car accident in 1969 while he was in Vietnam. She was in a hospital for six months and today her body is still held together with screws and plates. Ross Perot was the one who paid her medical bills. I didn't like it when Clinton lied and was chasing pussy while married and I don't like the fact McCain was too. Interestring that no one brings the issue up. When it comes to morals it's obvious no party has a lock on righteousness and just because he was in Nam doesn't make it right. Oh, I forgot his wife is 18 years younger, looks good and from some of the comments his VP is a hot babe, great reason to vote for him.

For the record, as it stands now I'm not supporting either candidate.
No one brings it up because it is no secret. He talked about it at great length in his book "Faith of Our Fathers" and took full responsibility for his despicable and immature actions. Not really comparable to Clinton in any way. He still thinks he did nothing wrong.