oh ****... cross your fingers everyone.



Damn Right I Carry!
Mar 28, 2011
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Cortez, CO
As some of you may know, my wife is pregnant. Well, we just got done with the dr and she has confirmed that its a girl. Grab your keys and grab your guns cause its gonna be hell in about 16 years or so.
Congrats! I have two girls and a boy myself. My oldest girl just turned 15. SHOOT ME NOW!!!!!!!!!!
Rofl thanks! I just hope I can survive long enough to see her go to college without having a heart attack first.
Congrat's to ya, Mine is 9 yrs old (see below) but I have 2 teenage boy's over 6' that do the guard work for me. hope that continues, which I am sure it will. Now that I look at her face, she might not need a guard. lol


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Congrats. I have 2 daughters, 16 and 14 now and on boy (10). TREMENDOUSLY stressful, however with girls in the house you can still keep nice things in your house. with a boy, all they need to do is look at something nice in your house and its IMMEDIATELY destroyed.
Congrats. I have 2 daughters, 16 and 14 now and on boy (10). TREMENDOUSLY stressful, however with girls in the house you can still keep nice things in your house. with a boy, all they need to do is look at something nice in your house and its IMMEDIATELY destroyed.

X3 in my case 3 grown sons and they still break things. I have banned 2 from my tools (all tools)

Chuckie Congrats on being a father. I will be a grandfather of twins I boy and I girl. ](*,)
As some of you may know, my wife is pregnant. Well, we just got done with the dr and she has confirmed that its a girl. Grab your keys and grab your guns cause its gonna be hell in about 16 years or so.


Better get your affairs in order, they are starting younger now!
15 years ago when I was raising a step daughter, the kids in school were wanting to start dating at 13!!! It hasn't been 16 in like 30 years!!
Lord only knows how young it is now!!!
Daughters = automatic Heavens Gate entry!! The more daughters you have the more rewards there are in the here after! LOL!!

Good Luck!:yawinkle:
Cliff- twins?! AHHHH!!!! Lol I'm afraid to find out how young they're starting now. All I can truly do is pray she is smart enough to make at least the safe decisoin.
congrats.. my girl is almost 3. my boy was so much easier then the girl. the girl melts your heart differently then the boy can..

oh and all those annoying traits that you thought women learned over the years of their life.. yea they are in the DNA. that **** is there from birth...lmao..
Dusterdu2...can't help but laugh at pic...kinda looks like she's saying...FIX the car and give me the keys...or... I'm outta gas money dad!
My Daughter was nice till about 12 then became human again at 18. But even during that time frame there was still lots of good memories.

And Congratulations!!!!!!!
64 lucy congrats...my 16yr girl took over my truck... and wrapped me up around her finger while she just smiled :)....well worth it cause she's learned to drive in a mopar!
Congrat's to ya, Mine is 9 yrs old (see below) but I have 2 teenage boy's over 6' that do the guard work for me. hope that continues, which I am sure it will. Now that I look at her face, she might not need a guard. lol

Dustedu2 Congrat's

Just go ahead and get used to this look lasts till around 19 or so started in our family about 13. Glad they were only my nieces, mine are boys.
Facts that I have found out during my 30 years as a parent.

1. They are cute and cuddly until they start to walk and talk.

2. After surviving the "Terrible Twos", you realize that they will not get any better.

Congrats 64Lucy! My son is six years old, and while I may yearn for the days when my wife and I could just get up at 3am and go to IHOP without having to worry about the little one, I really can't imagine what my life would be like without my son. He is six now, and annoys the sh*t out of me everyday, but I love him like no other.

For the first year of your child's life you will be encouraging them to walk and talk. Then for the next SIXTEEN years you will be yelling at them to SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP!!!
oh, and all those annoying traits that you thought women learned over the years of their life.. yea they are in the DNA. that **** is there from birth...lmao..

Ain't that the truth, I raised 3 girls still have a 16 and a 21 year old at home. It do make life interestin.
Congrats!! I have one daughter... its not that bad LMAO ...
Congrats!! I have 5 kids (including twins) and 2 granddaughters... although there were some hard times and bumps along the way, I would not trade any of them for anything!
My little sister is 9 but she thinks that she is 16, well at least she acts like it. My dad says that when she starts bringing boys home we will be cleaning all of our guns in the living room. lol