Oil painting of my Duster



Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2006
Reaction score
Pittsburgh PA
My brother, who is an artist, called me and asked for some pics of the Hemi Duster. He said he wanted to paint a oil painting of it for me. I sent him the photo's and here it is..........


Its big! I love it.. Now I have to buy a house big enough for it! I think I will hang it at my sports bar..........

check out his work here


Brotha Matt`s got it going on. Some people are blessed with amazeing talent, wish I were. You should invest in a nice frame. How long did that take him?

I'm not sure how long it took but judging by the size 6'x10' ? i'll bet it took a long time! I wish I had that kind of talent! and about the frame....... I will have to make one myself because of the size!
Your brother is very talented indeed. Went to his site and was blown away. JMHO but I think a stainless steel frame would be great for your Duster painting.
Wow!!...looks great!!...how long till he has my pizza portait ....I ain't kidden'....man you got to forward this to Mopar Muscle,ect.
That is amazingly cool! I love the angle....and of
course, the subject matter. Very nice Mark!
WOW!!! You know Christmas is almost here and you didn't get me anything yet. Hmmmmmmm , I'll take mine in Sassy Grass please :)