OK I've found 'im..I've found the internet moron

i think i have a box of those at home in the garage........
I'm sorry I let go my last 386DX20 with choice of green monochrome monitor or 640x480 VGA and 360 MB RLL HDD and my mac SE. Both are actually woth 3x what I paid for them now :(

I do still have my collection of processors from 186 to PIII slot and 8086/8088 with a 68030 and 040 for the Motorola side.
...and a 387 coprocessor still in the original box!
"I may still have" an old special floppy adapter card which at the time was very rare

"Back before" motherboards had native bios access, you had to set up the bios with a floppy. But these old (8088?) boards did not have bios which recognized HD 5.25" floppies--- or 3.5" floppies, so the motherboard could only run 360 Kb disks

So this adapter had it's own onboard bios to 'run' the 1.2 or even 1.44 mb floppies

Now for awhile I didn't KNOW this, and got into several arguments from people who told me "it's impossible to have a 1.2 floppy in an 8088"
Ha I've got you all beat I have new in the box Voodoo 3dfx AGP 5500, first SLI video card out, and it got it's *** kicked by the Nvidia GeForce 1 paid $250.00 for it what a joke, I am hanging on to it (thinking) it might be worth something in 30 years or so, like all my GI Joes I tossed out long ago....
1 paid $250.00 for it what a joke,...

I can still remember when a computer had one or two floppy drives and NO hard drive. I can remember when JUST a hard drive cost FIVE THOUSAND U.S. bucks
My first computer class involved IBM punch cards and a room sized computer! Hah!

My dad used to teach computer programming in the USAF in the late 1950s. They used tiles covered by holes and used patch cord wiring to create a logic circuit. Talk about cave man computing! ;-)
HOLY SHORTS!!! I gotta jump on that! A floppy ribbon at that price is amazing! Like the guy said, 3.5" floppies are coming back in a big way!! Serious, why would people put their data on a single USB-end-sized flash drive, when they could break up one single MP3 over twelve floppies!?!? Plus, they got that cool clicking and grinding sound when they're working...

Also, they have serial numbers imprinted onto the ribbons in UV-activated ink, as well as a GPS tracking chip... If it's stolen, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, Explosives, and Ribbon Cables (BATFERC) WILL track you down... Stealing a floppy ribbon cable is a mandatory 30-year sentence at least...

((In all seriousness, I think the last time I put a 3.5" floppy drive in any of my PC builds was 2001-2002, and it went unused for the lifespan of the computer; like 3-4 years I think...))

...and a 387 coprocessor still in the original box!
Now THAT is a relic worth a stupid price!! :O

My first PC had a 20Mb hard drive and I thought that was so big, I would never fill it - ha ha ha!