Paint shop Jail...Looking forward to release date.

hard to understand this can happen, especially in Okla????
I can't even imagine how this guy stays in business or breaths?????

Ya, here in the middle of the country we usually don't expect that sort of thing. Our population density is so much less than other areas. We're used to people knowing one another and having to maintain a good reputation to survive in business.

I hope when it's all said and done that the quality of work is up to par. Then maybe you'll be able to still enjoy the car. - But what a nightmare so far.
Again, i appreciate the support. Also the funny stuff. But for an update, He called me this morning. More of the same BS. My shoulder hurts, had to take a 2nd job to pay the bills. He says the sides of the car a buffed and look awesome. Still has to buff the top. He said it would definitely be finished this week, HO HO HA LMFAO I'm holding my breath. We shall see. What's that? Yes Lord I hear You.
Dude, get it out of there and buff it yourself. Your way past the part you need a 'professional' for.
Dude, get it out of there and buff it yourself. Your way past the part you need a 'professional' for.

I've waited this long, now it's about making the bastard do what he said he would do. He would win if I pulled it out. I don't like losing. Although I've lost 2 years with my car.
Yeah I called him Wednesday. He didn't answer. I called twice on Thursday. He finally called me back. Said he wasn't trying to be rude, but left his phone in his truck so he could concentrate on my car without any interuptions. (The last sentence was typed in dripping sarcasm). So to answer the question once again I was told "it'll be done this week"and of course no car, no call.
Man you certainly have a lot of patience, if that were me, I'd choke the **** out of that guy.
Damn !!!

This stinks..... Sending some positive energy and hope it helps!!!
Man, if that was my shop, I would wanna get it done just to get the customer off my back. I think you need to ratchet up the pressure. Tell him you are going to drop in every day at random times to see if he is working on it or not.
I've been steadily turning up the pressure.

Someone once said "You can't polish a turd".
OH the humanity !!!! This guy must be treated for dementia. He has obviously lost all sense of time. Next time he says what day it will be done, go get yourself a baseball bat, take a marker and write that date on it, in big visible letters, MAY 23RD, (for example) show up on that day to pick up the car and when he says its not ready pull that bat out, let him read MAY 23RD. And then Knock him out of the park. That guy is a piece of ****.
OH the humanity !!!! This guy must be treated for dementia. He has obviously lost all sense of time. Next time he says what day it will be done, go get yourself a baseball bat, take a marker and write that date on it, in big visible letters, MAY 23RD, (for example) show up on that day to pick up the car and when he says its not ready pull that bat out, let him read MAY 23RD. And then Knock him out of the park. That guy is a piece of ****.

Now that is some funny stuff!
un believable!!! I would go by there to make sure the car is even still there?????
when he said he might have to take a second job to pay his bills???? sounds like perhaps he had designated you as his cash cow???? sad but desperate people do desperate things. I can't image he rips off his other customers ( he does have others???) the way he did you and he still draws breath and walks on both legs????
I hope the car looks great and you can move on and enjoy the hobby.
I would have to ask him if he believes people are judged by God in the hererafter??? if so, I 'd ask him how he can treat and charge you like he did.... if not, i'd have to pull out the smith and Wesson and tell him the 38 is fixing to judge him!!!????? no really
OH the humanity !!!! This guy must be treated for dementia. He has obviously lost all sense of time. Next time he says what day it will be done, go get yourself a baseball bat, take a marker and write that date on it, in big visible letters, MAY 23RD, (for example) show up on that day to pick up the car and when he says its not ready pull that bat out, let him read MAY 23RD. And then Knock him out of the park. That guy is a piece of ****.

Where's that like button. :D
After 1 year, I went and got mine. I had to take the hood to someone else to get it finished, had to redo the rockers myself, and had some one else cut and buff it. I didn't want to go to jail over this car. This guy made me so mad!!! He ruined my windshield, didn't do a lot of things that we agreed on, but I have it back and now it's finished.


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I've waited this long, now it's about making the bastard do what he said he would do. He would win if I pulled it out. I don't like losing. Although I've lost 2 years with my car.

You lose every time he ignores you, doesn;t work on your car, or lies to your face. You've been losing like this for a while. Time for reality. You can cut and buff, and if you can't someone you know can for cheap or free. This car better be perfect - because he's looking like the king in this whole thing.
And you can polish a turd. But you end up with a shiney turd. There's very little market (maybe international?) for a shiney made-in-the-USA turd.
Holy cow, I just saw this thread!!! Too bad you're not in AZ we could take my car hauler down there every day & say "I'm here for my car!"
I feel really bad for you and the experience with this unscrupulous body shop owner. It appears to me that you may need to just let this go, add the lesson learned to your life history book, and go get the car and finish it through some other means. I would think it would probably reduce your stress level a notch or two. Life is too short.
I realize the movies are make believe, but John Wayne said something to the effect of " I don't wrong people and I don't intend to be wronged" the westerns are not in style these days, but the western way of life still is in style out west and back east too. right is right and wrong is wrong....
I don't suggest goin to jail over anything but if its just me and the dirtbag, well, you get the idea. I believe in giving people the benefit of the doubt, but somewhere reality has to kick in....
there are lots of reasons so many of us in the hobby have to learn to do most if not all our work...... (your case is one) ..... me, I can't afford to pay stupid prices for the work, my work my not be perfect, if its a 10 footer then so be it!! LO L , but I will drive the car, and drving a car with mega buck paint job is not on my particular plate.
like he said , live and learn, and at my age hopefully I have learned some of these things already and maybe the hard way!????... just me
Really, the jerk has jerked you around long enough. Time to call him, get the trailer, and go get it. Tell him to stuff it, report him to the BBB and if you can, take out a full page ad, or an ad period in his local newspaper and slam him hard with the truth. But not until you get the car back. Like others have said, and I'll repeat it. Time to go get your car!!!!