Paleo anyone ??



Well-Known Member
May 13, 2010
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Grand Tetons
About 3.5 weeks ago i had a doctors visit. Had pins and needles feeling in my hands and feet, cramping up of both calve muscles in my legs. He ordered blood tests and said your A1C is elevated, and your in danger of becoming diabetic. I'm about 6'-0" 245 lbs i know i'm overweight, but i guess that threshhold is different for everybody else.

Wife does the whole count the calorie thing, and fails miserably every time. I pulled up an app called myplate on my phone, learned how to use it, and began my journey. I love to eat good food, so i researched different diets, what i figured out was its not the calories, its the carbs thats the problem.

I decided to quit the breads, sugars, pastas, potatos, corn, tortillas, chips, etc altogether. Its quite simple really. If you can pick it or kill it, you can eat it. I save one meal a week on date night to go over. I limit my carbs to good carbs from fruits and veggies to around 50 grams daily. I was at 225-230 grams of carbs. Thats fine for a marathon runner but not a semi active 50 something regular dude.

In 3.5 weeks i have lost 14 lbs effortlessly. I am forcing my body to use its fats stores to run its systems. I am really looking at stuff closely before it eat it. The myplate app i can research various foods and drinks and decide do i really want this. However i still eat a lot of food but its not empty carb foods. Its all lean meats, veggies, fruit, and nuts.

The pins and needles feelings are gone, so is the cramping, my energy level is way up, and i feel really great. I plan on continuing this. Its the way we were supposed to eat in the first place. Trying to get my wife on board with low carb, telling her the calories follow. Its hard to change that mindset, but i think shes starting to listen. Maybe she will take my advice on this. It works. Heck my pants button easier, if this keeps going i will need to use a belt to keep em up lol.
I've been on a low carb, low sugar diet for a couple of years. My A1C was pushing the upper limit (just below pre-diabetes. Didn't have pins and needles and don't want them. I eat something sweet every now and then but only in very small amounts. People don't realize that even if you stop eating sugar all together it won't help you at all if you keep eating carbs. The body converts all carbs into sugar so cutting sugar does no good. If you could get your carbs to below 30 per day you would lose weight much faster. It's not easy. Also, if you can manage to do some exercise every day you'll lose the weight much faster.
Worst part of all is the grocery stores, 99 percent of the stuff on the shelves is either carbs or sugar or BOTH!! We shop mostly in the lean meat, fish and produce section. And don't let them fool you with the no sugar added OR "no sugar" on the label. They have been able to manufacture many new chemicals that are sweet like sugar but they don't call it sugar so that they can get away with saying "No Sugar". These chemicals (sugar substitutes) have many different names, the problem is that they are usually worse than real sugar and your body reacts to them as if they were sugar. Studies have found that some of these chemicals are worse than sugar when it comes to A1C and diabetes. You have to read the labels carefully and do your reseach to find all the fake-sugar names like Acesulfame K, Aspartame, Nutrasweet, Neotame, Saccharin, Splenda. Some of these substitutes are like sugar ON STEROIDS!!
The list below are alcohol sugars. They are sweet but the body isn't able to process them like regular sugar so they are harder to absorb:
  • Erythritol – 0.2 calories per gram and 60% to 80% as sweet as sugar
  • Isomalt– 2 calories per gram and 45% to 65% as sweet as sugar
  • Lactitol – 2 calories per gram and 30% to 40% as sweet at sugar
  • Maltitol – 2.1 calories per gram and 90% as sweet as sugar
  • Mannitol – 1.6 calories per gram and 50% to 70% as sweet as sugar
  • Sorbitol – 2.6 calories per gram and 50% to 70% as sweet as sugar
  • Xylitol – 2.4 calories per gram and the same sweetness as sugar
Good luck on your quest!!!
I have been paleo/primal/keto for 18 months. from 220 to 185 and holding. It works great at holding back hunger pains. Yes, you must be wise with food choices but it is all worth it. eating out is easier than people think. Bunless burger, steak, salad, veggies. Just do not have the fries, baked potato and dessert. Sure I had birthday cake and Ice cream last Sunday. With 6 kids, that makes it 8 times a year to splurge.
I have never been overweight per se, but a few years ago I wanted to slim up a bit.
Read the book Four hour Work Week. Was able to lose almost a pound a day, no kidding. It’s a plan based on slow carbs. No sugar, no fruit, no pasta, no bread. No potato. Lots of legumes.
Congrats on the weight loss.
NO ice cream!?????!!!!!!!!!! You are correct about the sugars and carbs. And I believe the diet pop is just as bad as anything!!

Veggies, lean meats, or body does not need sugars, eating the right amount of food per meal, breakfast, exercise... it all adds up to better!
You can dig up potatos, and corn was cultivated first by i believe the Incas and Azteks. However our bodies are closer related to paleo man. I dont believe he ate potatos. They were brought here by the irish. And paleo man predates corn so that tosses that out.

I work ridiculous hours and when get home help my wife with meals and the kids, then want ro work in the shop, so its very hard to get the exercize in. Though i was thinking of early wake up and power walking every morning before i eat.
Exercise is healthy for the body and mind. A routine of at least some every day does wonders I feel. I try to walk down the road with the wife every day. NOW if I can just get her to stop her work ( at home office!), and come along!!!!!
Whataburger garden salad w grilled chicken. Myplate says 11 grams of carbs lol. Thats only if you eat the croutons at 9 grams. I shitcan the croutons and eat it with balsamic vinegarette. So far total today w lunch is 7 grams of carbs.

After my knee surgery I couldn't drink my weekend libation, red wine. By dropping the wine and rehabbing the first knee I lost 15 pounds. Three months later they replaced my other knee and I made the decision to go for another 15# loss. I never went back to the red wine, never have used soft drinks and since 2/27 I have lost 35+ pounds. I buy smaller clothes and feel better, exercise every day and feel pretty good for an old man. I push protein hard and try to limit carbs, no alcohol or sugar. My numbers were good before but I bet they are a lot better now.
I congratulate anyone who knows their numbers and works to be height weight proportional, it's good business!
Can't you pick potatoes and corn?

I believe the difference is Paleo comes from before the time our ancestors started farming. So it's food you would come across while you were out wandering around. Like animals, eggs, plants, nuts, berries, fish and shellfish. Bugs too if you want.
I believe the difference is Paleo comes from before the time our ancestors started farming. So it's food you would come across while you were out wandering around. Like animals, eggs, plants, nuts, berries, fish and shellfish. Bugs too if you want.
See post #7 lol.
Carb Manager is a good app too.

Try eating strict keto for a month. You will shed weight like layers of clothes.
At your age I would also take a hard look at vitamin D levels. Play a role in just about every "quality of life" aspect.
As far as exercise, drinking water, stretching to maintain range of motion, and simply walking 10k-20k steps a day will work wonders.
Weight loss is a simple energy balance equation and the types of food consumed are irrelevant to losing weight. Fewer calories consumed than burned results in weight loss. The opposite results in weight gain.


While some food types help with insulin response based on the glycemic index and can help with managing blood sugar levels in diabetic people, they do not change the weight gain/loss equation.

Folks should be aware that losing just 3% of body weight in a month results in an 18% reduction in metabolism. Multiple clinical studies have proven it. The weight loss should be no more than 1% per month to maintain metabolic stability.

The people on “The Biggest Loser” have been determined to have reduced their metabolism by 40-60%. That means their bodies are cutting the caloric burn in half to preserve the fat reserve. The body is fighting back.

You didn’t gain the weight in a short period and it is unreasonable to believe you can lose it it a short period without the body fighting it. It has become slowly conditioned to its current state and needs to be gently coaxed out of it to keep it from fighting the change.

How can I be sure? I have lost 34 lbs in 12 months using the 1% rule and have no measurable change in metabolism. My wife has lost 20 lbs in 22 months using the same rule and also has no measurable change in metabolism.
Weight loss is a simple energy balance equation and the types of food consumed are irrelevant to losing weight. Fewer calories consumed than burned results in weight loss. The opposite results in weight gain.


While some food types help with insulin response based on the glycemic index and can help with managing blood sugar levels in diabetic people, they do not change the weight gain/loss equation.

Folks should be aware that losing just 3% of body weight in a month results in an 18% reduction in metabolism. Multiple clinical studies have proven it. The weight loss should be no more than 1% per month to maintain metabolic stability.

The people on “The Biggest Loser” have been determined to have reduced their metabolism by 40-60%. That means their bodies are cutting the caloric burn in half to preserve the fat reserve. The body is fighting back.

You didn’t gain the weight in a short period and it is unreasonable to believe you can lose it it a short period without the body fighting it. It has become slowly conditioned to its current state and needs to be gently coaxed out of it to keep it from fighting the change.

How can I be sure? I have lost 34 lbs in 12 months using the 1% rule and have no measurable change in metabolism. My wife has lost 20 lbs in 22 months using the same rule and also has no measurable change in metabolism.

Interesting post. I'm just curious though- how would you measure a change in metabolism?
Keto/Paleo for 7 weeks. 12 lbs lost. My BMI went from 24.5 to 23. Easy with little effort. Good Food tastes better. Sweet stuff explodes in your mouth with unreal intensity. So it takes very little if you wanna cheat here or there. Red Wine is actually Keto friendly so they say.

I’m on vacation for 3 weeks so I’m not on the diet but will return to it when I get home. I feel good and I’m not militant about it. I save my carbs for the evening dinners with my family. I’m satiated throughout most of the day. I think cycling with Keto/paleo along with light exercise makes weight loss cake. I’ve never been overweight but the Dad Bod fight is real. I gotta keep up with my little guys before I become a decrepit gomer
Interesting post. I'm just curious though- how would you measure a change in metabolism?
Metabolic rate can be measured using medical devices like this...

ReeVue Medical RMR Metabolic Rate Analysis System | KORR

Our doctor has one in his office so we are able to get our metabolism measured during our regular check ups. This gives us regular data points to determine if our metabolism is changing or not.
As it's been said, the American diet is based upon carbs, instead of proteins. It's completely backswards…
Ketogenic diets, I prefer to say regimens, are super for reversing insulin resistance (pre-diabetes) but, eventually you will get to the point you will stop weight loss.
Keto relies on healthy fats to replace the energy source (carbs) your body was used to burning. This does not happen over night. It takes commitment and discipline. (remember the goal)
Since Keto is proteins, fats, veggies, and zero carb. You must still remember some veggies are NOT zero carb. Sweet peas, for example. duh.
There are 9 calories to every gram of fat. Choose your fats wisely.
One other thing to keep in mind is Digestion! You/we don't digest our foods like we did when we were younger. I am NOT speaking probiotics. I'm speaking digestive enzymes.
Raw veggies carry there own enzymes which also helps to break-down the proteins and fats.
Avocado is a fat but also carries it's own enzymes.
The moral of the story here is, just like on a good drag car, our diets must work well together.

Things to keep in mind, that always seems to get lost in the whole diet minutia thing...

Your protein, in grams, intake should only be contingent with your activity and muscle/body size. If you're at a desk, all day, 10 -15 grams per meal on average. This will increase with moderate exercise. If you are into heavy weight training 3 days a week. Double that on training days.
There are plenty of Online calculators out there to help in this area.
And, before someone calls foul on protein intake, you CAN digest more than 20 grams at a time with the presence of enzymes carried with the veggies, or supplemented. This is also true when it comes to fats. If the Bile Duct is not healthy, which is supported by salt (that's right, salt), preferably sea salt, you may run into indigestion.
Likewise for calories. Very low cal intake at a desk, necessary if you're digging a ditch. (by hand!)
One other very important thing to burn into memory is: The body will not burn body stores (fat) whenever insulin has been raised by the intake of food. Even longer in the presence of simple carbs like sugars, or breads, etc. Even a friggin carrot or a raisin.
Proteins and healthy fats will keep you feeling full for longer periods of time, which helps you keep from eating too much, or snacking. If you eat say a single piece of grilled chicken breast, you can effectively prolong your satisfaction by adding a few slices of avocado.
And Cortisol. Take time to look this up. If you're in a high stress situation, you will find it mostly impossible to loose wt. Even exercising for more than an hour, unless very low impact, will unnecessarily raise Cortisol.
My personal peeve is the use of BMI as a standard. This is purely bullshit. BMI does not take in account your body make up. If your fingers do not touch when you grasp your own wrist, you have a large bone structure. If they overlap, you're considered small boned (you will also rip through carbs while other will not) If your fingers touch, you're in the middle of the road.
Or consider these silhouettes:
They both weigh the same. Muscle is more dense than fat.
Of coarse, this is just the highlights... much more to it.
One other very important thing to burn into memory is: The body will not burn body stores (fat) whenever insulin has been raised by the intake of food. Even longer in the presence of simple carbs like sugars, or breads, etc. Even a friggin carrot or a raisin.
Proteins and healthy fats will keep you feeling full for longer periods of time, which helps you keep from eating too much, or snacking..

I do intermittent fasting, 20/4. Basically I only eat in a 4hr window at the end of the day. Intent is to be awake, burning calories, in a fasted state for the most time possible. First few days ghrelin really works against you, but as stated, if you are eating keto, high fat, high protein, minimal carbs, you will stay sated all day. There is no surge of energy with a crash, no post lunch lethargy, etc. I normally eat all of my calories/macros in two large meals between 1800-2200. I would just eat it in one meal, but often I'm totally stuffed after just 50%.
I do intermittent fasting, 20/4. Basically I only eat in a 4hr window at the end of the day. Intent is to be awake, burning calories, in a fasted state for the most time possible. First few days ghrelin really works against you, but as stated, if you are eating keto, high fat, high protein, minimal carbs, you will stay sated all day. There is no surge of energy with a crash, no post lunch lethargy, etc. I normally eat all of my calories/macros in two large meals between 1800-2200. I would just eat it in one meal, but often I'm totally stuffed after just 50%.

You're exactly right about the fasting... Once one has graduated in their eating disciplines, Fasting is a natural progression.
From 2012 to 2015 I was actively training/bodybuilding, and my diet would make most folks head spin like a top if I told them how/what I was eating. A head on collision that broke my left leg in two in 2015 wrecked that plan. Although I still train in maintenance mode. Training legs is really tough..
not to mention cardio.. I've had to scale back my diet several ways to keep from blowing out my gut. At 54, that's harder than it used to be. Give up? no way! 54 is a number, and I intend on keeping it that way.
I know exactly what you mean. I've had training where we are two-a-days, and I'm dragging around so many containers of food it's insane. Fekkn jaw is hurting by the end of the day, and I literally could not eat another bite of chicken breast, rice, or sweet potato. I'm done with that ****. Everything now is focused 100% on functional fitness, resiliency, and quality of life. Can't stay in the frat house forever!
I dont believe he ate potatos. They were brought here by the irish.
Potato's are new world crops, as well as corn (maize), chocolate, coffee and a long list of others .
In short, they weren't found anywhere except the Americas until brought back to Europe. They did exceptionally well in Ireland and became a staple crop. (I'm not even getting into the Corn Laws and the Irish potato famine)
But the reality of it is, Paleo man would have eaten anything he found, including a big ol' bowl of ice cream if it were to be presented. If you might get a meal once every other day, you're going to be skinny and not to damn picky. But malnutrition was a way of life for Paleo man.
What ever happened to moderation? If someone practices moderation, and burns more calories than they consume, they would never become overweight to begin with. Sounds pretty simple to me and no special diet necessary.
Potato's are new world crops, as well as corn (maize), chocolate, coffee and a long list of others .
In short, they weren't found anywhere except the Americas until brought back to Europe. They did exceptionally well in Ireland and became a staple crop. (I'm not even getting into the Corn Laws and the Irish potato famine)
But the reality of it is, Paleo man would have eaten anything he found, including a big ol' bowl of ice cream if it were to be presented. If you might get a meal once every other day, you're going to be skinny and not to damn picky. But malnutrition was a way of life for Paleo man.
And the revered Paleo man almost never lived past the ripe old age of 40...and not far past if he did.

He was skinny maybe, but dead long before age could impact his metabolism or determine whether his diet was successful for people who live twice as long as he did like they do now.

There is no logic in thinking humans of the past were smarter than we are as to diet. They didn’t live long enough to prove anything.

Energy balance is absolute. More calories in than burned equals weight gain. And the reverse is also true.
