Panic & Anxiety Attacks

I sometimes suffer from it also,dont feel alone.Even worse now since I stopped drinking.Ive been tested for hypoglycemia and I was ok because we thought thats what it was.No meds though,I hate meds =\
I've often wondered if food has something to do with it too. When I was a kid it was a rare occasion for someone to go through it but now just look around and I bet 1 out of 3 people you see deal with it. Food nowadays is so full of crap to make it grow faster, produce more, and processed for maximum profits I wouldn't be surprised it has an affect.

Dont they like inject hormones in cows,chickens,pigs these days?
I think it has a lot to do with life style and stress. We are men and genetically programed to hunt kill and procreate. Now I'm not saying to go out on a murdering spree and hump every leg in town to make it all better, just get out and do things that make you feel good and tap into that million year old psyche of aggression. Lots of older men that suffer from anxiety that go on testosterone treatment end up dropping all meds related to anxiety and depression...just something to think about, now I'm not a doctor but I read a lot and my advice would be to research every avenue to getting better..depression and anxiety suck, its tough to break the cycle but not impossible.

One more thing, diets high in carbohydrates can also cause panic attacks.
I have had them for over 25 years, some days I just tough it out, other days are less forgiving. eventually you will find a way to cope with it....WHAT REALLY pisses me off are those that have never experienced them and overtly express their opinion about how you should just "snap out of it" or " let it go" I wish just once they could experience a whopper and then THEY could TRY TO JUST SNAP OUT OF IT!!!
If they could be 'SNAPPED OUT OF" don't they think I would just do that vs being subjected to that insidious abuse?
I played war games in two theaters and it didn't bother me, now standing in my kitchen makes me crazy? being at meijer and NOT finding a specific food can cause a meltdown? WTF??? this HAS to be the result of something we are all doing...i'll bet they discover long after our deaths that something we all are doing is quite harmful and should not be engaged upon....kinda like smoking in the 30's 40's 50's and 60's was COOL and NOW it kills you and those that partake are considered "polluters" and outcasts!!!
Wow I didn't know this was such a widespread thing. Fortunately I don't suffer from it but I knew a guy who did. He got really freaked out when the meds were not present. God bless you all for supporting each other.
I was told that my anxiety stems from a chemical dependancy of Adrenaline which my PTSD did not help much. Which actually makes a ton of sence considering all my hobbies and extreme activities. I was told to take it down a notch and try not to feed my adrenaline fix when I feel the urge. It's like a junkie trying to go clean, withdrawls/anxiety. More of my hobbies recently are more low key, i.e. fishing and wrenching while trying to not let every little thing set me off. I've learned to curb my anger and it has helped me center myself quite a bit. When I first got back from Iraq I even had social anxiety/PSTD around groups of friends whom I've known for years. It drives your anxiety more when you can't understand why your feeling that way. One key thing that has helped me is to stay out of my own head too much, my own thoughts and paranoia drove my anxiety through the roof. But no matter how hard I tried to "MAKE" myself feel better I couldn't. I was sceptical like everyone else, but the meds really gave me the edge to help improve myself. Once I felt strong enough mentally I tapered off and had no crash thanks to the non-adictive SSRI's. Hell it took me FOUR years to swallow my pride and tuff guy soldier attitude in order to go to the VA and get help.
I was suffering from Anxiety attacks and thought it was due to HIGH STRESS levels at work ... tight neck and shoulders ..............short fuse ..........NEED TO check find out what is triggering these ....and i am not a doctor .... BUT again you need to check yourself out MENTALLY or PHYSICALLY ............there is something on youre mind in these two categories ..... mine ended up being physical ..... Doctors were amazed at what they found ..... I was working out at least every other day ....NO stamina issues ..... BLOOD tests PERFECT ...... Heart condition PERFECT...... I was experiencing balance issues .... rubbery legs .... short migraines ... and then all of a sudden numb fingers .... left side of tongue numb..... first clue heart attack ..... NOT the case .... Cat scan / MRI later .... spot on brain ....... with the grace of GOD / Family / Freinds ...... they removed NON cancerous mass on skin layer above brain .... I am 90 % back to normal .... never felt this good in the last 1 year .... 10 % left to go with therapy because laying around recovering ... nothing to do with surgery .....
Something is there .... Something is bothering you ..... YOU Need to isolate the concern.....before its to late ......those pills mask the problem .... I did not want to bother you guys with my issue ... but i just want to make sure you cover everything !
I have always been an anxious person but, never really had panic attacks until about 6 or 7 years ago. I was eating dinner at my Ex-GFs apartment when my ear popped. I temporary lost hearing in that ear and I became very dizzy. It only lasted a minuet before it went away and I was all better. Over the course of the next few days It happened again and again, more and more frequently. Finally it popped, heard a loud ringing (think shot a gun with out ear protection kind of ring), and I became so dizzy that I couldn't stand up. I stumbled in to the bathroom at work and yaked in the sink.

I went to the hospital, they did blood work, MRI, a list of tests. Found NOTHING wrong with me. They said that if it happened again it was meniere's disease. If it doesn't then it was more than likely a viral attack on my inner ear. They put me on a moderate dose of prednisone.

The first week I was on that medication I found out what a real panic attack was. It was about 3AM. I found myself, sitting on my bed with my back against the wall. I had my arms and knees folded up against my chest. I couldn't breath (short shallow breaths), burning chest pain, sweating soaking my t-shirt, shaking (shivering), my heart was racing like I had run an marathon. I was telling myself if this gets any worse I am going to have to have some one call an ambulance. I had no idea what was going on but my mind was racing.

After about 30 days I tapered off the prednisone and never looked back. I am still mostly def in one ear but I have learned to live with it.

I went on zoloft and xanax for about a year after this incident. They helped me get over alot of the things that used to make me so nervous. I became confident at work and in my personal life. I eventually got to where I felt I didn't need them so I quit.

Everything was fine until about 2 years ago when I had another health scare. I started having panic attacks again. Nothing as severe as when I was on the prednisone but they were enough for me to go get help. I have been on Celexa ever since.

I have been doing well up until recently. My long time GF up and ran off. It has been an emotional roller coaster for me. But, If you endure the low points in life it just makes the high points that much better.
Gentlemen...a thing I recently learned, Panic & anxiety are only triggered by outside
stress ors..... stress is NOT the ROOT CAUSE.... this is typically due to a chemical imbalance in our brains....which is WHY you cannot simply snap out of it!! if it were driven ONLY by stress or troubling issues, you could break free from it pretty easy....but you cannot re-balance the chemicals in your brain NEARLY AS EASILY.... be grateful you have been diagnosed and KNOW what is causing them...that is a step toward controlling them, along with the proper meds for you. There are several ways to gain control of the attack and diminish its severity...all of which work to some degree or another.... do some research ask your psychologist or psychiatrist to explain the controls YOU DO HAVE
I've had them before. I had a full time job,owned a garage here in town I worked in after work ( had a worthless partner ) was playing in a band on the weekends and had a crazy girlfriend! Got rid of the garage and the girlfriend and haven't had one since. STRESS REALLY WILL KILL YOU!
rrvolare , wjaholic , 66cuda ( and anyone else I may have left out ) :

Thanks much for your replies and stories .

- rrvolare : Good thing you caught that lesion ( is that the correct term ? ) and had it remedied .
I've often thought about tumours and lesions as a possibility .

As far as this condition being a chemical condition : 100% right . Typically , it's tied to GABA ( Gamma-AminoButyric-Acid ) , but can also be related to Serotonin and-or Adrenolin .

I've got them under control to an extent , but sometimes the chemicals are too much . I've long said -- jokingly -- ' my mind and my brain have always had an unhappy marriage . '
The Mind is an energy , the Spirit , the soul ; the brain is an organic host for the mind , and sometimes they don't get along too well .
I used to have them all the time after my stroke. Thought any moment I was gonna stroke again and die. Finally I asked Jesus to take me if it happened again. I didnt want to worry any more. A little prayer brings me peace now. I pray for afflicted and abused children and I feel better and realize their panic is real and mine is psycosis induced. It relieves my fear and gives me peace.
I used to have them all the time after my stroke. Thought any moment I was gonna stroke again and die. Finally I asked Jesus to take me if it happened again. I didnt want to worry any more. A little prayer brings me peace now. I pray for afflicted and abused children and I feel better and realize their panic is real and mine is psycosis induced. It relieves my fear and gives me peace.
Thanks for your input , daredevil 8) .
Prayer , meditation , etc. , are great ways to help alleviate anxiety .
It's another form of energy transference ( as are Martial Arts , and other exercises ) .

I was raised Catholic , but I do not follow it ( "non-practising" ) . There are too many valid religious philosophies ( both monotheistic and polytheistic ) around for me to pick just one to follow . It's like building a hot rod : borrow some of the best parts from here , others from there , combine them into one vehicle , and enjoy :angel9: .

Thanks again for mentioning prayer as an option .
It pleases me to hear when one who's been suffering has found a release O:).
Yes most of the drugs mentioned here (methanol, Xanax, Atvin,...) are affecting GABA receptors. You can bypass doctors, who usually dont know much about this stuff (experts are still trying to figure the brain out haha), you are the expert on yourself (hopefully). GABA can be bought over the counter, but it needs some way to get past the blood brain barrier. Picamilon and Phenibut can be bought over the counter and are basically GABA mixed with a B vitamin to allow it to pass the blood brain barrier. Phenibut is much stronger than Picamilon, start with Picamilon if you wish. They really calm you down.

who needs those drug an insurance companies making millions off you when a simple solution exists.

I've tried these in the past (for some social anxiety) and they work well. I dont take them anymore because now I just run every morning and it works better. Exercise beats the pants off of any SSRI or Benzo in my book.

good luck
Yes most of the drugs mentioned here (methanol, Xanax, Atvin,...) are affecting GABA receptors. You can bypass doctors, who usually dont know much about this stuff (experts are still trying to figure the brain out haha), you are the expert on yourself (hopefully). GABA can be bought over the counter, but it needs some way to get past the blood brain barrier. Picamilon and Phenibut can be bought over the counter and are basically GABA mixed with a B vitamin to allow it to pass the blood brain barrier. Phenibut is much stronger than Picamilon, start with Picamilon if you wish. They really calm you down.

who needs those drug an insurance companies making millions off you when a simple solution exists.

I've tried these in the past (for some social anxiety) and they work well. I dont take them anymore because now I just run every morning and it works better. Exercise beats the pants off of any SSRI or Benzo in my book.

good luck
Thanks for the info 8) .

I've known about GABA supplements for about 9 years now ; however , because I also take a mood stabiliser ( Seroquel ) and an SSRI , and I couldn't get a straight answer about potential interactions / contraindications from any physician / psychiatrist or pharmacist , I've decided to stay away from it :sad9: .

A friend of mine takes 5-HTP ( serotonin precursor ) because he takes DMT , MDMA and sometimes LSD , maybe 3-4 times a year
( he's a total hippie whom is a former thug ) , and wants to boost / stabilise the 5-HTP after the trip :happy10: .

Wish I could find an herbal PDR / "traditional" PDR cross reference , or at least a pharmacist who's knowledgeable about both forms-of-chemical treatments .

Thanks again for the info !
Have a GREAT weekend 8)
Thanks for your input , daredevil 8) .
Prayer , meditation , etc. , are great ways to help alleviate anxiety .
It's another form of energy transference ( as are Martial Arts , and other exercises ) .

I was raised Catholic , but I do not follow it ( "non-practising" ) . There are too many valid religious philosophies ( both monotheistic and polytheistic ) around for me to pick just one to follow . It's like building a hot rod : borrow some of the best parts from here , others from there , combine them into one vehicle , and enjoy :angel9: .

Thanks again for mentioning prayer as an option .
It pleases me to hear when one who's been suffering has found a release O:).

Youre welcome. I had to find an alternative as the Seroquel and Ambien made me feel so weird I couldnt stand it.
Don't overlook hyperthyroidism. There are many symptoms similar to depression/sleep disorders.
[ame=""]hyperthyroidism - Google Search[/ame]
.....only since my accident...combo of wanting to do something with my hands...knowing that I can do it but with my body now, it does not respond and I hurt. Used to lead and teach my kids by they help me. Got a good solid family behind me.. thank-God..or I would be lost..
I haven't had anything as bad as your describing. But I have had issues with what I would call social anxiety, or if I look back it may be what you would have called shyness when I was a kid.
Like one of the other posters said, it makes me mad when someone tells me "dont be shy". If I had it in my power to not be shy, then I wouldn't be shy !
In many ways I feel this has ruined my life, or at least has cost me many opportunities. Women I could have had, jobs I didnt get, parties where I stood in the corner by myself, thousands of hours spent standing around in bars/clubs with my buddy watching other people have fun but didnt have the balls to talk to any girls, my current lack of friends !

I had a close group of friends in high shcool, but over the years people move away, get married, etc and you lose touch, or you no longer have anything in common with them, and they just dissapear.
Now I'm 51 year old and have NO friends, zip, zero, nada !
I have my wife and thats it. She has friends that she goes out with. She goes out, I stay at home. She gives me crap, "why dont you make some new friends?"
I'm like where do I meet these new friends ? Shes always telling me to join the mens group at church. . . well maybe those aren't the guys I want to hang out with !

I've basically been unemployed for the last 15 months or so, since I injured my shoulder at work, and had surgery on my rotator cuff. It took so long to heal that the companly fired me cause they were tired of waiting for me to get better. Now I'm better, but unemployed.
The worst thing about the recovery, and being unemployed, is the isolation. Stuck at home, no friends, basically alone from 7am till 5pm when wifey gets home. It sucks !

At least when I was working I had some social contact with other people, even people I liked working with, but never really turned into friendships that lasted after losing the job or changing jobs.
I am getting back to work, traveling and working in data centers mostly, not full time yet, but its getting there. But hard to make friends at work when you work is in a different state every week. So I'm still basically alone when I'm traveling and most of the time when I'm working.

Add to this, a medical condition that has caused me chronic pain for the last 15 years and I'm generally not a very fun guy anymore, or at least that what wifey says.

Doc has tried a few time to put me on depression or anxiety drugs, but because of other medical issues I was unable to stay on them even for a short time.

Sorry, i'm sure I've used up my time.
Hope you all find some answers, or some way to live with your anxiety and panic. (I've had a few panic attacks (mild) and have lots of anxiety so I know where your comming from.

I have gone to the hospital several times in 35 years with what might have been panic attacks. I had the feeling I can't breath and perhaps my heart wasn't beating right. By the time EMT or a doctor shows, no symptoms, though was shaking afterwards. It could all be mental from an adrenaline rush, or a real medical cause, maybe just minor that triggered panic. I am usually a very calm person, so maybe a real component. Adrenaline alone is a real physiological effect - biologists call "fight or flight".

A related incident is low blood sugar, which brings on a feeling of wobbly legs, sweating, and "the shakes", which diabetics know well. Not diabetic, but hypoglycemic, where a slug of sugar makes my body overproduce insulin. It has come on while out jogging or bicycling, or after eating too many carbs. You learn to live with that, knowing that no matter how bad it seems it will pass in ~5 min when your body metabolizes fat. I slow down and walk (wobbly) and it passes just like someone turned on a switch, then back to full speed.
I worked in the local ER for two years and panic/anxiety attacks are very common. I saw at least one a day. If you have them a lot and they are serious interferring with your work or home life in a bad way I would suggest see a Doc. Most of the time they prescribed a very small amount of a tranquilizer like Valium or in extreme cases Xanax on a daily basis. Stroker in response to the ADHD thing, my son has it and I keep up on all the research that is current. The latest research shows that it may be caused by pesticides of all things.
I am off my meds choice..the need to get better what ever that is is stronger than to be medicated...however, still in DT's I am kinda wondering about that :) ...still, the urge to drop the 'ole head and push on is too strong. We all take different routes...that is why there are different roads..

I went into a liquor this week..first time in 5 about feeling conspicuous..

I wish all well and success in their travels.
