
ya my coon weighs oh about 20-30 lb fat lil sucker

If that's the one in the pics... I will guess 10-15 lbs... no way he's that heavy. Unless he wear's the weight that well, haha.

My old husky made a possum pass out once... was pretty entertaining. Ran him into the garage door and stood a couple feet away, threatening him to try and run. The thing just kinda went limp and fell over. We moved it with our shovel and it was gone the next morning.
always be sure they have a big hole in the side of them possoms ..

damn things are tough little things ...our border collie attacks them ... and drags them to the step. We stomp on their heads ... and they always seem to walk away in the night ...

them damn things are not native to this area ... and .. from what i have heard ... carry alot of diseases and we have cows and are always afraid of them sleeping in the silo and crapping in the haylage.
I thought he looked harmless. I will let my grandma know. Its up to here though what to do with it. Her house and all. I have a fealing it wont last long. Grandma grew up on a farm in Pennsylvania. Anamils either have a purpose or are not keep around. The cats eat mice and gophers so they stay. But even they are "out side pets only". Thats just how Grandma is.

Next time you go to visit Grandma take a high powerd pellet rifle with ya, see if one of your friends have one, and plug him right behind the eyeball.

Well now grandma has a new visiter up on the porch eating the cats food. She took these pics at around 3 AM a few days ago.


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possums make cool pets they are easily domesticated like coons if you get them young and even when they are older they are not scared easily but with coons you have too watch out for rabies especially if you got a coon running around in daylight and is not scared of you
A cornered possum, especially a mama with her babies, can be scarey. Had a few run-ins at work and was very cautious.

At a friends house, I saw a cat and a racoon sharing a bowl of cat food! That was cool.
I asked her were the cats were when he was there and she said they were on that other table behind him in there cat beds. LOL I told her to bring in the food at night. To hard for them to pass up a free meal.
My old husky made a possum pass out once... was pretty entertaining. Ran him into the garage door and stood a couple feet away, threatening him to try and run. The thing just kinda went limp and fell over. We moved it with our shovel and it was gone the next morning.

It was probably just "playing possum". They'll act as if they're dead hoping a predator will give up and just leave them alone.
I've had them do that when cornered by the dogs out in our yard. Picked one up on a shovel to get him out of the yard and he suddenly became very alive.
Good swimmers too. One of our dogs flipped one into our pool and the thing swam straight to the bottom then across the pool to the other side.
Konk it in the head with a broom,it will play(possom of all things) sweep it into a trash can and take it for a ride in the mopar of your choice to the woods and dump the can on its side and it'll scurry up the nearest tree,the farther ya take it from home the less chance of it coming back,if there are more than one take them to the same spot and they will reunite with family in the wood's.
P.S. They Love Burnout's :cheers:
I was up at my grandmas house last night visiting her. When I was leaving I saw a Possum on a table she keeps on the porch eating her cats food. I did not know we had them around here but it looks like we do after all. Is this thing going to eat her cats? She is scared of the thing. I tryed to shoe it off the porch and it was very stubborn about it and showed me his teath. Now Grandma is realy scared of it. I am more stubborn though and got it off the porch and into his hole. But with that free cat food out and mabby even a cat or two to snack on I know it will be back.

What should I do? I am about to get the shotgun out.

Hey Small block/Memike. Are Possums good eating?
This was kind of interesting as far as possum discussions go. :-D


I'd heard before that they can carry hepatitis and rabies so I wanted to check the facts before posting that. Glad I did too -- the wiki article doesn't support the rumor (they're eight times less likely than a wild dog to carry rabies it says) and I really hate to be a gossip.

With the outside / shop kitties combined with living out in the boonies, we get our fair share of possums and raccoons raiding the food dishes. The coons are much more aggressive defending "their" food and will stand up on their hind feet to face you off. One of the regulars is a big sucker and measures me -- 5'0 -- about mid-waist! The possums are more concerned about just getting the hell out of there.

The pictures of Bandit are great! I didn't know what to expect when I opened this thread but I'm glad I did.
We have possums out here a lot. They might not eat cats, but they will indeed attack them. You need to remember too that they can carry diseases and such. Some can even carry rabies. I shoot every one that gets on my porch to eat cat food. We spend a lot of money on our cats with shots, check ups, food and supplies. Last thing we need is one of them gettin hurt when we couldda done somethin about it.
I watch the World's Worst show all the time on TRU TV. A little segment of this was shown tonight. How timely.

had one outside my old shop that got run over by a bus one summer, named him speedy, he was our shop mascot, just sat there in the street getting flatter with every passing bus
Opossum is kind of an "aquired" taste. It is very greasy. Coon is better, but both are a little tough and gamey. My grandmother could cook anything and make it tastey. I haven't enjoyed any wild game (squirrel, opossum, coon, rabbit, dove, quail, deer, turtle) since she passed away. I've eaten some, but not really enjoyed it like when she cooked it. She was an artist with a cast iron skillet.
I can't believe no one has commented about Billy's possum pedicure video. You talk about a nutcase woman! You'd think she was working on a movie star.
Thats cool.
I didn't want mamma to come looking for him.
I also have a couple of armadillos living under my shed out back.

Be careful they carry Malaria on the belly "botton"... Brother Noel :rambo:
possum = Coyote bait ..... ok I am bad for the this I have dun ;-)