Prayers needed for my wife

My wife is a breast cancer survivor......early detection and the right attitude go a LONG ways......Best of luck Tom.....
prayers sent for your wife, you, and family. she will get well, with gods help.
prayers sent from Ala for good tests results and nothing major being a problem. Keep the faith be strong for her. Prayers on the way,Joe
Prayers sent. The FABO prayer chain is a very powerful thing. tmm
Please if you can, say a prayer for my wife Dee. She went to the Dr. yesterday and had lab work done and the results were not very good. She is going to UNC Medical Center next week for further tests for what may be cancer related issues. I got the news yesterday and have been a wreck since then. They are unsure of where it could be or the severity of it but after the next appointment, we should know more. Thanks and God Bless.

Tom, prayers sent from Sweden. Hope for a fast recovery!
Tom, sorry to see this happening to your wife Dee.
Prayers sent.
I am quite impressed with the level of spirituality demonstrated by a lot of the participants on this site. If it were a religious site I would expect it, but this is a site for Mopar gearheads. Keep it up!

Tom I will also pray for your wife.

faith is the #1 power adder to prayers wishes and prayer sent!
thoughts & prayers sent!! hoping for good news ,Lawrence
prayers sent for both of you cancer is tough my wife has gone through three times so i know what you are going through