Prayers requested for my Dad please

Just got word that they made the 500 mile trip home in good time and that Dad seems back to himself. Still need to find out what caused the spell he had. He "couldn't find" the car even though it was right there and he was confused whether it was morning or night. It's tough for a guy who is used to working all the time and being in control. Thank you for your prayers, my family is grateful.

Thanks for the update and prayers will continue.
One of Dad's friends put it bluntly, "he's crazy as a jay-bird."

His wife is in and out of nursing facilities. Sadly in the recent years as their health has been fading they have just continued on a course of inaction, and the time when he could have had a big say in what happens is past. Now the day has come when others have to step in and make life-changing decisions for him. So prayers please for his comfort and dignity.

He and I talk on the phone every day, he's always cheerful. I've tried till I'm blue in the face to reason with him, but he just lives in his own world which is not reality.

Thank you for your prayers.
One of Dad's friends put it bluntly, "he's crazy as a jay-bird."

His wife is in and out of nursing facilities. Sadly in the recent years as their health has been fading they have just continued on a course of inaction, and the time when he could have had a big say in what happens is past. Now the day has come when others have to step in and make life-changing decisions for him. So prayers please for his comfort and dignity.

He and I talk on the phone every day, he's always cheerful. I've tried till I'm blue in the face to reason with him, but he just lives in his own world which is not reality.

Thank you for your prayers.

You got it :prayer: , and I hope he is happy even if (and I am sure he is ) he is not living in reality, must be hard to talk when it's like that :pale: But keep the faith and know you are doing all you can by talking to him as much as possible.
Going through something similar right now David, it really hurts to watch our superhero falter. God Bless sons and their fathers, especially you right now!
Going through something similar right now David, it really hurts to watch our superhero falter. God Bless sons and their fathers, especially you right now!

Thank you, I feel for you. My Dad was always Superman to me too, and for good reason. He gave me so many advantages with what he taught me and by his example. If he hadn't introduced me to Mopars like he did I wouldn't even be involved with this great site! He focused so much on his life's work that he never prepared for the day he wouldn't be able to keep up with everything. Prayers sent for you and your Superhero Dad.
Prayers sent your way. Enjoy each and every conversation, that you have with your dad. It's been a year and a half since my Dad passed on, and I still find myself reaching for the phone to talk with him.
Dad and his wife both entered a nursing home this evening. His wife was there previously for rehab so it's a place we've been to before. It is a big relief to know they are safe. He had become a danger to himself and others. You might not realize just how fast dementia can progress, or what form it can take. For example, Dad has no concept of time anymore, so he would want to leave the house in the middle of the night. Fortunately even in (or because of) his confused state of mind, he is agreeable about the move. We're praying they see that their life was unmanageable and now it will be easier.

On a lighter note, Dad keeps telling me he's going to visit his daughter-in-law's farm this summer, and learn to ride a horse. Funny because as far back as I can remember he always told us he didn't like horses.
Sorry to see but glad at the same time. God bless you David. If you need to talk you got my number.
Thanks for the update David. I never had to see Dad go thru that. Not sure how I would or could have handled it. Prayers and blessings to you.
Always a tough decision to make, but the best one IMO for all concerned.....

Prayers on the way David :prayer: