Reformed Hoarderism


Princess Valiant

A.K.A. Rainy Day Auto
FABO Gold Member
Dec 14, 2011
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so I recently had a life changing thing come up with my career and I am moving and getting outta my current location.

So I have a very short time till I leave, but I looked at my dad's yard and few other locations I have been storing cars and thought " I cant leave this like this, looking like a salvage yard"

So in the last few days I have been sending a bunch of non mopar cars to the scrapper and I made like 8 or 9 loads to the scrap as well.

The strange thing is now that I am getting rid of a bunch of stuff, I actually feel free and simplified.

Don't get me wrong, I still have my certain cars I will not let go for any price like a certain 69 dart or a certain 72 demon, but I am realizing I don't need 10+ cars and a two outbuildings worth the parts. Now that I am clearing out, I am actually enjoying the look of the opened space and thinking "why didn't I do this long time ago"

Am I going through a crazy mid -life crisis thingy or has anyone else ever come to the same cross roads ??
I've moved several states away and then back. Sometimes the cost of moving or storing stuff far outweighs it's value. Lots of fuel and time moving five cars 700 miles. I moved back with my truck, trailer, one car, my bed, and my kitchen stuff. Sold everything else. If I'm traveling, I like to travel light especially if I'm unsure if it's going to be a lasting situation. Can always get more stuff when you get situated.
so I recently had a life changing thing come up with my career and I am moving and getting outta my current location.

So I have a very short time till I leave, but I looked at my dad's yard and few other locations I have been storing cars and thought " I cant leave this like this, looking like a salvage yard"

So in the last few days I have been sending a bunch of non mopar cars to the scrapper and I made like 8 or 9 loads to the scrap as well.

The strange thing is now that I am getting rid of a bunch of stuff, I actually feel free and simplified.

Don't get me wrong, I still have my certain cars I will not let go for any price like a certain 69 dart or a certain 72 demon, but I am realizing I don't need 10+ cars and a two outbuildings worth the parts. Now that I am clearing out, I am actually enjoying the look of the opened space and thinking "why didn't I do this long time ago"

Am I going through a crazy mid -life crisis thingy or has anyone else ever come to the same cross roads ??

The **** you own. Ends up owning you.
Im moving back to the states later this year and have 17 years worth of stuff built up. Im spending the next few months getting stuff to people that will appreciate it. On top of my stuff i have my fathers stuff to deal with when i get back. Im 41 and can see that i will never have time to do all the things i thought i would. Its an odd feeling for me as Im a guy that likes projects.
I suppose we all come to a time when we have to sell things off, some of us sooner, some of us later.
At my age finally realized there is no u-haul behind a hurse so have minimized big time in last 2yrs. Still buy and sell parts and cars but keep it manageable.
I can totally relate. I try to only own things that get used. It feels good, I'm actually a bit proud of it even :)
I am doing the same thing...getting rid of cars locally. Feels better to have less, but for some reason I want more when I see them out there for sale. Fortunately, I can't afford much right now.
Someday, soon, "all my crap" is going to cause trouble, Rani. I hope I just die before they have to haul me off to one of those rooms somewhere, or maybe by then I won't care or know
I'm taking it all with me. Screw you greedy vultures, circling my half dead corpse.
I know exactly where are coming from OP. I have been sorting through some stuff at my parents that has been in storage since the early 90's. I am throwing out more stuff than I am keeping. And I will continue to do so. I came to the realization that keeping stuff, selling stuff, and dealing with the pile is no longer of interest to me.....

Minimize what you have and focus on what you keep. Better organization and just less mess....

I'm taking it all with me. Screw you greedy vultures, circling my half dead corpse.

Friend of mine says he's taking HIS with him. "I put my money into Bank of America, they have branches all over hell"
Friend of mine says he's taking HIS with him. "I put my money into Bank of America, they have branches all over hell"

Having recently dealt with BOA on a credit card payment that they would only accept payment by check, I laughed my *** off. Thank you!
Nothing new here.
Sooner or later it had to be dealt with, you just needed a good reason the start.
It's all just stuff, cool stuff to us but just scrap to most people.
Let go and be free!
ask my wife. She'll say the garage is out of control....I tell her the dirty clothes hamper is too. Its a love hate relationship:. I love her, she hates my garage.
Good for you, I got rid of all my collected Honda 600 parts (tiny early 70's 2cyl cars) and walked away from the scene when I sold the 2 broken down ones I owned to a Honda Wrecking yard. It was a trunk full of NOS and used parts, manuals and special tools. The yard was so stoked, they doubled the price they quoted. Seems one mans junk is in fact anothers treasures.
When I sent my ex packin, I felt free and simplified.
so I recently had a life changing thing come up with my career and I am moving and getting outta my current location.

So I have a very short time till I leave, but I looked at my dad's yard and few other locations I have been storing cars and thought " I cant leave this like this, looking like a salvage yard"

So in the last few days I have been sending a bunch of non mopar cars to the scrapper and I made like 8 or 9 loads to the scrap as well.

The strange thing is now that I am getting rid of a bunch of stuff, I actually feel free and simplified.

Don't get me wrong, I still have my certain cars I will not let go for any price like a certain 69 dart or a certain 72 demon, but I am realizing I don't need 10+ cars and a two outbuildings worth the parts. Now that I am clearing out, I am actually enjoying the look of the opened space and thinking "why didn't I do this long time ago"

Am I going through a crazy mid -life crisis thingy or has anyone else ever come to the same cross roads ??
Sorry for your loss, Rani.........
But seriously, i have been trying over the last several years to get rid of stuff that i'll never use and trying to thin the herd a bit.
The problem is, 3 cars leave and one comes back to replace them.
One day soon, i'll have to do a final purge and it won't be pretty............

About the mid life crisis, you're much too young for that.
At my age, i am prime for it and am in fact going through it right now.
It starts when your health changes.
I decided not to make any rash decisions or changes until it blows over.........

So, you are doing the right thing, and if it makes you happier in the long run, what's wrong with that?
trying to figure it all out...... :realcrazy: ya all talk'n like less is best.....
as I just drug home another toy today :thumbsup:
25 years ago at the age of 29, my wife and I sold everything we owned and reduced our life to forty-four 12"x12"x16" boxes, 2 cats and 2 cars...and moved to Hawaii.

We went with 3 months of cash reserves and said we would either get jobs and make it...or come home.

We both had jobs in less than the 3 months and stayed for a year until I got a job offer back home on the East Coast that was too good to refuse. (they paid to move us back).

It was a very liberating experience and it permanently affected us...becoming ingrained in us to not keep things just because we could.

Our motto to this day is "If you haven't used it or seen it in 2 years, it goes." Further, for project stuff "If you haven't worked on it (or with it) in a year, it goes."

I have even further expanded this to "Once you reach 4 projects in process, no new project can be added until one is completed."

For me, one project at a time, done well, is worth far more than 15 project ideas collecting dust in a pile of stuff.
One project at a time.... Unless you have a Boat load of money to get it done... Other than that... Dont bother with it.