

Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2019
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milton pa.
Anyone else have restless leg ? My pharmacist is waiting to hear back from my doc. to refill my prescription for my restless leg. Its going to be along night. For those of you who have it know what i am talking about. Sleepless night. Boy i hope they get it filled asap. Let me tell ya it sucks !!
Magnesium supplement for Charlie Horses in the legs, something missing in your diet?
Yep. Been there. Sucks Brother. Peaceful Thoughts and Prayers for You... just try to clear your mind and not think about it. If the insomnia is really brutal, try and take your mind off it w/ some reading or old school TV you may like...
I stretch the legs out. This helps before bed. If the legs need more attention, I do deep knee bends and stand on my toe tips. After 3 sets of ten, the muscles get tired enough to relax. No caffeine after lunch.

Edit; The wife will also massage my leg muscles. This is a small help but sometimes it’s the culmination of small things that adds up big. As in sleeping.
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I have both restless legs and cramps. Gabapentin really helps with the restless legs. Cal-Mag Citrate helps with the cramps.
Echoing the prior posts. Diet, little.exercise along with Magnesium and Gaba. I'll do an Epsom salts soak once in a while as well.
Magnesium Citrate will help. It helps with a lot of things, including migraines too. Some potassium may help too (try eating a banana in the evening)

Gotta check out any meds you are taking too. Antihistamines will cause restless leg.

Gabapentin? I've tried it and it caused me to have hallucinations. I woke up one morning when my Great Dane was at the door to my bedroom, looking to go out. I stood there, I was awake, and wondered why the damn dog wasn't chasing the gorillas out from upstairs rather than bugging me to go out.

As I thought about it, the first thing I realized was that I lived in a ranch house and there was no upstairs.
I've had it on and off since childhood.

Kittens actually have almost cured me completely.

Amazing what will power can do when you are faced with mortal danger.

(or painful scratches and bites to the toes)
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I think most (certainly of a certain age.) Has experienced this. But I guess it can be chronic to some? That must be as frustrating as it gets?

Hope you find and by all means post any solution.
Dad had it, no idea what he took/did to "cure" it? I think I have it occasionally. Frustrating as hell.
My R/L got pretty sever and actually turn into restless body. Got kind of embarrassing when sitting around watching a movie or game with friends and family. Everyone is nice and calm sitting still and I'm fidgeting like a leaf in the wind. At night it would drive me out of my mind. I also have over active nerves which makes things worse. I've always had to have a rocking chain most of my life. I've tried almost everything and for me the Gabapentin has worked better than anything. I had to find the right dose to both work good and not aggravate my Vertigo. Didn't see any Gorillas so I must have been lucky I guess. I do know other people that didn't like it though.
I drink lotsa pop and equal amounts of Milk, all evening, then sleep about 4 hours. Pee break comes at between 4 and 5 AM, and then it's time to get up anyway. No leg problems.
The wife and I no longer sleep in the same bed all the time anymore;
She farts and hacks all night, and never totally quits moving, plus she's still on fire from menopause these last 15 years.
As for me; I'm almost 200 pounds of muscle and bone, and when I roll over, nobody is quite sure just where the parts are gonna land. We still love eachother, just can't stand to sleep in the same queen-bed. lol.

I know; Not the answer you wanted, but I just wanted type the word farts,.............
My one aunt had it on my moms side & my doctor told me that it runs in the family. Went to cvs & asked what i could use & the gave me a cream to use. Well that didnt work. Later that day my prescription came in that my doctor called in for me. That suff works. Its a pill.
I used to get restless legs and my wife had leg cramps really bad, here is what we do (worked for us) 500mg of a good brand magnesium, and a really good brand calcium daily, i went through about 10 brands before I found the one that worked (New Chapter Bone Strength) most expensive but it works and not constipating as most calcium is, sorry if too much info.
Worked for us may not work for others.
Sugar, caffeine, some medications, and lack of exercise will give me restless leg syndrome. But what's worse for me is I don't sleep good. And anything will disturb me. I also can't sleep with my wife and that sucks. I would wake up 30 times a night every few minutes sometimes it was like some kind of torture. I also have to have a fan and I bounce between Ambien and antihistamines in low doses to try to get a few decent hours of sleep.