Road rage rant



Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2005
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On my way to work this morning, the same route that I have taken for 4-years.
This ***-CLOWN, driving a lifted 4X4 chevy 2500, trys to move me from the left lane by swerving towards me.
I was caught a little off-gaurd by this, as he was driving a very late model truck ($45K) & didn't think he would want to wreck it.
I was a mile from where the lanes merge to the left, my reason for being there, traveling at 5-MPH over the speed limit.
He finally went around me on the right, & I noticed that on his back window in large letters going all the way across the window stating "THE LEFT LANE IS FOR PASSING, NO MATTER HOW FAST YOUR GOING!".
I understand this & feel the same way, but when you are in morning rush hour traffic & going to merge to the left in a mile, it just doesn't apply.
He stayed in the right lane, he must of not seen the merge left sign, because he totally bullied his way into the left lane forcing a Durango onto the inside shoulder.
I couldn't get his tag number, but will be on the look-out for him.
This guy didn't care who he shoved or threaten while driving his truck, what an ***-CLOWN!
being in the passing lane a mile before your suppost to doing 5 mph faster is no reason to be in the left lane, the right lane is the spot for you to be unless your a few hundred yards away from where your suppost to merge to the left lane. I know if I needed past someone for what ever reason and they were hogging the passing lane I would be pissed! in Canada its against the law to hog the right lane unless your passing or close to merging into a one lane road, but not a mile before!
if more people was like you and moved out of a lane that was ending earleyer ther would be less back ups.I drive a truck and see this all the time around DC.&baltamore.and as far as the *** in the pu.his day will come......Artie
With him having those letters on the back of his truck he is toting a chip on his shoulder. He will run up against the wrong person one of these days and he will be in a world of trouble. God himself will not be able to save him.
He will end up wadded up in a ditch one day, on fire, with his tubular control arms inside his skull cavity. Like yall said, his day will come. I do not understand people with monster trucks that are so arrogant in traffic. I like monster jacked up trucks, but using them as a base ball bat threat in traffic is malicious and should be considered grounds for an RPG shot.
There's a reason why "some" idjuts drive big trucks you know.. and obviously he is in that small crowd.

this is my #1 complaint on the road. Left lane passing only. I see what youre saying about being that close to the merge point but what if youre doing that and someone behind you is desperately trying to get someone to the emergency room. Is that last mile in the left lane worth it?

Not detracting from the absolute douche-baggery of this chebby driver. and mully is right. One day this guy is going to piss off the wrong hombre.
This guy didn't care about who was in his way. I was driving my 1-ton Dodge & the guy he forced off the road was in a Durango.
I also posted on FaceBook, warning others about him in my area.
One friend had seen this guy before. He said if the guy with the decal on the truck was in the left lane, he would speed up or slow down so that you couldn't get in the left lane.
Kind of defeats his purpose, doesn't it.
It's only getting worse out there too.

It seems that people are more and more disrespectful of others everywhere on the roads, in the store, at the park, wherever.

I let my Daughter drive home last night from work as she is learning how to drive and I warned her that she will most likely get some impatient idiot on her *** and to just ignore them and not be intimidated.......well.........right after I said that, we get some punk *** come right up on her *** in a beat up, fart pipe car with the hispano/rappabilly music thumping so loud my jeep was vibrating from the bass.

This dude was right up her *** with high beams flashing.
Granted we were going through a residential area with a 25 mph speed limit and she was going 25 and was trying to maintain her lane as she was nervous enough as it was, and this fukkstick was making it real hard for her and was swerving back and forth as if to pass and she went off the road a little a couple times.
We turned to go up my street and he followed us and damn near clipped her when he gunned it to get by her as we pulled into my driveway.

At this point I am thinking baseball bat and skull fukk so I told her to jump out and I'm taking a drive down the street to see where Mr. baseball bat enema recipient went and I found his car parked at the local gang member wanna be house where 5 hispanic sluts live and different punks come and go at all hours day and night.
So I drive by and tell myself 'Yeah that's where I thought he would go." so...I continue back to my house and on the way up the street I see my Wife walking up the street to take a neighborhood kid home that was swimming at my house, and we wave to eachother then all the sudden I hear this car revv up when it gets next to my Wife and it's this same little muther fokker and he swerved towards my Wife then almost clips me again as I drive into my driveway, and flipped me the bird.

I throw it in reverse and drive down the street after him, but did not speed.
He, obviously put the pedal down because he disappeared when I came to the threeway stop, he was gone.

I have a feeling I will see this little prick again, can't wait because I will pound his face into a pulp for swerving towards my Wife.

I think this little prick would be worth a couple days in jail, a fine, and I'm not worried because my wife is very comfy with firearms and can hold the fort down while I'm in the cooling tank.
These little fokkers gotta realize that not everyone is afraid of going to jail and will back down from them.

Just remember that when assholes get the asskicking everyone says they deserve, it don't mean the person doing the asskicking can't be you.
Right or wrong, not worth it IMO, if you allow yourself to get riled up and caught up a stupid game then he wins, or should we say no one wins.
Ahhh the left laners... If you are going the speed LIMIT.. wouldn't that mean you should be able to be in the FAST lane? Or PASSING Lane? I am by no means a left lane bandit, I use the left for passing then return to the right.... if I have to use the left lane to make an exit or for any other reason, if I am going the speed LIMIT... I stay there... go ahead get mad... leave earlier and you wouldn't have to speed :)
Just spent 15 min. writing story, then erased it on

Short version: A few weeks ago a guy tried to attack me with his wife and kids in his car while I was picking up my carpool partner. I pulled out a big *** knife and waited for him. He eventually left, screaming and threatening me the whole time.

Solution: I'm buying mace/pepper spray. Instead of preparing to stab someone, once I have the mace/pepper spray I will provide a dose of pepper spray for out of control road ragers then go on about my day as though nothing happened.
Just spent 15 min. writing story, then erased it on

Short version: A few weeks ago a guy tried to attack me with his wife and kids in his car while I was picking up my carpool partner. I pulled out a big *** knife and waited for him. He eventually left, screaming and threatening me the whole time.

Solution: I'm buying mace/pepper spray. Instead of preparing to stab someone, once I have the mace/pepper spray I will provide a dose of pepper spray for out of control road ragers then go on about my day as though nothing happened.

thats why i carry a 2" box end wrench under my seat...
What I see as the most important thing is for you to keep your composure. If someone makes a stupid move, and doesn't cause an accident, let it go. Any reaction from you, or attempt to get even, or "fix his ***" only doubles the possibility of an accident happening.

I'm not sure why people think they have a right to be in front, but, they, and you, do not. driving the interstates or any public road is not a competition. It's merely a means of getting from point "A" to point "B". Whether you get there 20 feet ahead of the next guy is so minor, just thinking about is stupid.

If you feel you "need to do something", get his tag number and report it to the police. Other than that, it's not your responsibility to correct him. It's not even your right.
being in the passing lane a mile before your suppost to doing 5 mph faster is no reason to be in the left lane, the right lane is the spot for you to be unless your a few hundred yards away

YOU were not there and neither was I. Even in the Spokane area there are times in VERY busy "rush hour" when if you are unsure of the (very poorly marked) exit, you might just want to be IN the left.

IF YOU ARE KEEPING UP with traffic I see no problem with being there "a mile before."
YOU were not there and neither was I. Even in the Spokane area there are times in VERY busy "rush hour" when if you are unsure of the (very poorly marked) exit, you might just want to be IN the left.

IF YOU ARE KEEPING UP with traffic I see no problem with being there "a mile before."

No kidding, I have the exact situation on my commute where the freeway splits, two left lands and two right lanes, if I was to drive in the right lane until I was supposed too, I'd never get through the wall that is exiting right.

Rush hour is it's own animal.
Big can of bear mace from a outdoors shop should do it.

Just spent 15 min. writing story, then erased it on

Short version: A few weeks ago a guy tried to attack me with his wife and kids in his car while I was picking up my carpool partner. I pulled out a big *** knife and waited for him. He eventually left, screaming and threatening me the whole time.

Solution: I'm buying mace/pepper spray. Instead of preparing to stab someone, once I have the mace/pepper spray I will provide a dose of pepper spray for out of control road ragers then go on about my day as though nothing happened.
Iwasnt speaking in regards to this chebby driving clown... just in general as to the "theres only 1 mile of lane left"

bad shrimp... in AZ concealed carry prevents these kinds of morons. (usually)
In Michigan the first person to step out of their car goes to jail. I had a coworker who was flipped off by a morning driver and long story short there was a fight and someone pulled a gun and then the cops showed up. Both men spent the night in jail. He said it was the most stupid thing he had ever done for someone flipping him the bird. Could have cost him his life. When I'm driving the wagon people ride my bumper. I keep extra distance always between the car in front of me when driving this 4 wheel drum car. People get mad and blow around me speeding off. A few moments later we are all at the same red light again waiting for it to turn green. Cracks me up every time. Jayson
In NE on a 4 lane divided highway it is legal to drive in the left lane if you are not driving so slow you obstruct traffic.
I use the left lane a lot but if someones fast enough to ride my rear I will get over till they pass and then follow them. I run 10 to 15 over the 65 speed limit daily. I go to work at 530 am and after 4 years 5 days a week of a 37 mile drive I dont care to enjoy the cruise. I take a 6 lane to the beltway 8 lane to cross town and I think the left lane is for getting with it or you should find another lane. BUT!!! I dont antagonize other drivers. In Houston someone will bust a cap on you.
bad shrimp... in AZ concealed carry prevents these kinds of morons. (usually)

We don't need concealed carry permits in AZ... Just keep your piece right next to you on the seat fully loaded and your good to go without a permit. In a few days a new law goes into effect and you'll be able to carry concealed without a permit at all. :D

Sadly carrying guns really has done nothing to make our roads here safer. We have a lot of road rage going on in the Valley. It's something I see on a regular basis, and hear about in the news when it turns into a car to car shooting, or a beating.

It's amazing how often women are involved in road rage incidents. I've seen women pull dumb *** moves which endanger others, the person they cut off honks at them and up flies the bird from the womens hand... Never mind that it was her who was at fault.:banghead: