she is not my mom.....



Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2005
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Gilroy, Ca
she is SUPER loud at night....she is SUPER loud in the morning...she YELLS, not talks...She hollers across the house....."John..........John......Johhhhhnn?....." she wakes me up early in the morning, being loud....she keeps me up at night...being loud...EVERYTHING she does, is LOUD....sweeping the floor hitting the walls with the broom......smashing the dishes together as she washes them...she slams the doors, the cupboards, the droors... ...‎.shes loud when she make meals for herself, shes loud when she talks to herself, or talks to the cats....she talks, and talks, and talks, and talks and talks......... she doesnt have a car....she doesnt have a job....she is, WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO KICK THIS B*#%$ OUT OF OUR HOUSE?!?!?!!!!!.............she isnt mom.......she will never be mom...... :(

........i miss her :(
Does your dad love her? If so, you should start there.
Hate to say it but if you're 23 living at home and your dad loves her you're the one in the way.
Daredevil, that was probably tough to say, and will likely be tough to hear. But I'm with you on this.

To put it another way, this might be the time to excersize some independance, and trying to make a go of it on your own, Mopardude. Whenever I have a problem, I look at it from the angle of what can I do to resolve it? When you put the blame or responsibility on someone else (even when rightfully earned), you are forefiting your ability to make something happen, and thereby making yourself a victim. I know it seems harsh, especially coming from a stranger. But I'm talking about myself here, do with it what you wish. Even though life is not going your way right now, you CAN resolve the issue.

Wishing you the best of luck.
its a weird situation with this "lady" and my dad. he met her on craigslist cuz they were both going through divorces....he just wanted a "friend" or a companion or whatever...but when her divorce went sour, her house/car were taken. she had no where to go, no where to put her things, so she was sorta forced to move in with us, or she would have been put in a homeless shelter, or damn near close to dad doesnt love her, they are not romantically involved what so ever, and he assures me of this....he tells me he is just helping out a friend till she gets back on her feet....well she doesnt pay rent or utilities here, while I still do. she lives here for free and complains....shes very territorial of the house and everything, shes been here for 5 months and im sick of her.......she just needs to go already..

..I do agree with you guys on me moving out, but im mainly still here at my dads house because I'm helping him with the mortgage, and utilities. he would be struggling hard core if i wasnt here helping out with the bills.

I'm workin on getting my own place, just been hard to do with no real job, and rent for a place in cali where i live is 1200 bucks a month without utilities...
I'll have to agree with you on the loud part getting on your nerves, loud people drive me nuts.. My last girlfriend was loud, get in a store and me 5 feet from her and she talked like I was 50 feet away... Thats also why I have a cat and not a dog-- bark-bark-bark-bark-bark!!! She sounds like a MOOCH to me just looking for a free ride, as for you living there---- Blood is thicker than water...
With the added info i gotta take your side also.If shes not your dads woman she should do her best to be invisible.
Your dad needs to tell her to mellow out or get out.I feel for you James,that would kinda be like invading a persons sorroundings.She needs to move on.
Is she attractive?

Sounds like maybe Dad got snookered by a vixen.

Maybe you should start talking to yourself ALOT and smear crap all over the walls- maybe she will get the hint.
dude im in the same situation for almost a yr now my in-laws moved in with me and my family mother,father, and brother inlaw the father i can tolorate kinda just goes with the flow the mother well,..... she has her moments but after some much needed bitching she kinda watches what she says towards me and for ole brother in law he's about as worthless as tits on a bull out of the ten yrs i've known this family he has maybe worked 2weeks dont have any kind of experiance in anything but be sure he can tell you the right way or how he would do it he's already leeched his mom and dad into the poor house [ my house] i've already bitched at him once since he's been here twice so far in the ten yrs since i've known him 1st tim we didnt speak for to yrs that was pleasant couldnt tell you how many times i've heard the same old b.s about work ,.....that was when he was working his father keeps reminding me that he is not my problem and that he is their problem i already assured him { father in law } that i hopes him and his wife live a long time because when one or the other passes he is gone too it just really errrrks me that me and my wife bust our a$$e$ and he just sits in that damn room talking to a fricking girl in which he has never met in person [online from philly] while daddy and our side pay his damn bills my wife has had enough of it but yet she tells me not to go after him as she would be the one to hear it my sister and other brother in law are completly baffled as way i dont say anything anymore only thing i can say is it is out of respect for my wife and father in law but as soon as the mrs or mr drops precious is in for a rude awakining aint nothing worse than a bossy leech whoops sorry for ventin but i know what your going through so nip it in the bud quick and hold your ground all i can say is ten yrs with precious is frickin insane it really tests me and my wifes marrage
goodluck and i know what your going through
now that was a mouth full....woooo....uhh...grow some big ones and kick those free loaders out. In other words the hell with them. They will mooch as long as you let them.
Have you tried having a heart to heart with your pops?? go out for a beer, or dinner or something (not @ the house) and lay it out for him. Be firm, but not overbearing, the light bulb may go off in his head.
Mopardude, now that I have the additional facts from your most recent post, I see the situation much differently now. Especially with you doing your part to maintain the household (which was never really in question, but kudos to you). It's a tough one.

Maybe you leaving is not the answer. Nevertheless, if it comes down to that (or you give that illusion), than maybe your father will have reason to reevaluate his good natured gesture towards this woman. I'm sure he was acting with the best of intentions. Although slighted and unhappy, you were concientious enough to paint a fair picture of the situation. But these things will get worse before they get better, as you are obviously seeing.
I agree you and your Dad need to have a heart-to-heart.

I was going to post a lot more advice but I think you will do fine...if you need some moral support feel free to pm me.
Go out and buy a bunch of coprophilia magazines and "accidently" leave them out where she'll find them. Then start staring at her at random moments, when she catches your gaze excuse yourself and go to the bathroom. Trust me, she'll find a new domicile :D
I have felt your pain, and I am currently feeling ef8340's pain.
A few years ago, my wife moved her cousin in. Her mother had passed away and her dad sold the house and he moved on. This left the cousin out in the cold. My wife felt sorry for her and I came home from work to find out she would be staying with us. I very soon found out why Dad didn't take his daughter with him. She was rude, had to be told to bathe, had the manners of a caveman and worse of all, she had a boyfriend in the Kentucky State Prison that she had met after his conviction and he called alot, collect. After I got a $400 phone bill (prisoners have a little trick with phones I later learned about)
I bitched about the cousin being in the house, I finally told my wife I was leaving in the morning. My wife tried to make amends that night, and guess who walked in on us. She said we were too loud and that was making her horny and she wanted in on it.
She was gone and staying at another uncles house within a few hours.
I asked about the cousin a few months ago, my wife said she hadn't heard from the "*****" since the night she took her to their uncles house, but was told she wasn't there any more either.
I would have to echo a lot of other advice, have a little heart to heart with Dad. Make a plan and be ready to go with it. If she has to go to a shelter, then that's her problem, not your Dad's or yours. I would guess you know why she's gotten a divorce and her family won't take her in. It sounds mean, but blood is thicker than water.