Sheesh, dudes tried to rob the wrong store.

This is the gun control that im talking about.Have em with you and hit your mark!
dumbass criminals everyone knows pawn shops, gun shops and jewelry stores have employs packing at all times.....
I have a longtime friend, now a resident of Austin, and Texas has some of the most protective (of honest citizens) guns laws in the country, which is ironic, because when "Ma Richards" was gov, she fought against CCW and other pro--citizen laws.

They have the "Castle Doctrine" for one, and something called "criminal mischief at night" which VERY widely opens up the conditions under which you can use deadly force to protect you and your property (and others). Additionally, you can use force to protect PROPERTY under some conditions, that you cannot do in some other states, Idaho for one.
It's sad that anyone had to die. It would be much sadder if our penal system actually rehabilitated.
It's sad that anyone had to die. It would be much sadder if our penal system actually rehabilitated.

The only sadness I feel is for the man and his wife, what a terrible, frightening ordeal to have to go through. I hope the man physicallys heals and both he and his wife heal emotionally.

As for the scum bags who robbed them, they got what the deserved. If you were a potential robber and you knew that it was very likely your attempted robbery would end in a hail a bullets, you'd probably be more reluctant to commit the robbery in the first place.

I always have a loaded gun next to me in my house at night. Twice I have had to grab it. Both times, my dog scared them off before any real problems occured. However, I won't think twice about shooting someone who is breaking into my house. You get one chance to freeze and identify yourself, if you don't, your fair game.
I donnooo, Red I have to disagree, here. Looks to me like those three were up to no good, and the store owner and wife were in grave danger. Question in my mind is "how far do you let something go" before you fight back?

A good "opposite" example is the school board room shooting a few nights ago, where the gunman committed suicide. But earlier, AS HE FIRED rounds at the school board members, a retired cop/ security guard SHOULD have and did not kill him where he stood.

Maybe if a few real bad people die like this and it's kept public, maybe JUST maybe it will "rehabilitate" some of the others who think "THAT'S a great idea."
what was that line from unforgiven
"I just don't want to get killed for lack of shooting back"
You don't mess with Texas. East side is a little seedy. The owner must have been a good shot. I love it good guy 3 bad guys 0
As far as I'm concerned, When another human being picks up a weapon and uses it for rape, armed robbery, or any other violent felony, they become wild animals and will be treated as such. Good guy wins:cheers:.
i feel bad for the robbers, they probably came from broken homes and didnt know any better. ok nevermind screw that. you enter my home or place of business you will get riddled with holes before you are even asked your name. i will protect my home and lively hood with deadly force. hell hath no fury like a father protecting his girls.
Good for him! He done the right thing by defending his wife, himself as well as his business. Effin' lowlife's would rather steal than work, they got what they asked for afaic!
It's sad that anyone had to die. It would be much sadder if our penal system actually rehabilitated.
They should have thought about that before threatening someone elses business and way of life. What did Tina Turner say in the movie Thunderdome? "Bust the deal, face the wheel!" And they faced the wheel and lost!
A good "opposite" example is the school board room shooting a few nights ago, where the gunman committed suicide. But earlier, AS HE FIRED rounds at the school board members, a retired cop/ security guard SHOULD have and did not kill him where he stood.

If you watch the tape, the guard had to be very careful in the few seconds he had before he opened fire...the perp was standing just in front of the school board members. And the guard was about 30 foot behind the perp.
Tough shot.
"On the third day of Christmas, my shotgun gave to meeee...three losers learnin'..."
The three dumb asses had what was coming to them,period.A hard working couple trying to make ends meet today,and not making tons of cash,just trying to get by,and now some three coke heads think that we can just take there money and jewels,wrong move my friend,and I hope your friends get the message to,as husbands get a bit pissed off when their wife get,s tide up at gun point and they get shot at.The man should get a medal for what he did,and others should start kicking some more *** to straighten out some of these *** holes,mrmopartech